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Everything posted by thrillseek

  1. do you know how much a year this country spends on "intelligence analysts"??? Shitloads!! We worry waaaay too much about the needs of "this adminstration" or the "here and now" and far too little about the long term ramifications of supporting the Noriegas, Bin Ladens, Quadafis, and other assorted "no-goodnicks" of this world. THAT is what i am saying...If i were to propose a solution to Dubbya, i would say the same thing parents all over the world say when raising their children...THINK before you act! (Wise man say) "It is much easier to put out fires if you don't play with matches in the first place" ~~i need to stop eatinig so much chinese!~~
  2. Lisa, Nobody likes a quitter! If you really care about what you preach to people, and they don't appreciate it, screw em'! I've never met you, but i'm willing to bet you've got more backbone than that--for the sake of those of us who listen, keep up the good work. I am still fairly low time in this sport (only a C license holder) and i come here to learn about all the little nuances in this sport. I'd hate to think that unqualified people were giving advice on here...from what i see, people trust your opinions. A.T.
  3. how about "captian cutaway"? (i had 3 cutaways in 6 months) or then there is "flamer" (for my DaKine rags flaming jump suit) Basically, i just try to go by "A.T." (they already had an Andy at the DZ, so they renamed me) ...still waiting for USPA to issue my nickname...ha ha ha
  4. Not to burst anyone's bubble or anything, but i happen to know quite a lot about this... As per longstanding US Policy, we paid for Osama Bin F**khead to train his people in order to help us defeat the "evil soviet empire" in Afghanistan. We trained, funded and equipped the same people that caused the tremendous losses of September 11. As I said, a longstanding policy of ours...we have consistently bet on the wrong guy and have ended up creating dictators and terrorists. Kind of like buying a pit bull....they are actually quite harmless, until you train them to fight...then they end up turning on their masters. Now, I'm all for a good war every now and then, but DAMN! Do we really need to create the scenarios ourselves?? well, that's my rant... or $ .02 if you will.
  5. ya know,..come to think of it, very few people track away before deploying in the movies. anybody EVER see a wave off>??
  6. oh yeah, well last weekend, i made all the guys think i was jumping out of the plane with no rig on, and then held onto the step for 15 minutes while i waited for my novice jumper friend to show up and save me. Then i let go, made a "speed star", flipped on his back? and we deployed--just another boring weekend at the dz...
  7. when i get really frustrated with a new canopy and can't seem to get it in the bag, i don't waste my time with that silly psycho pack--i simply put something in there that LOOKS like a main and jump my reserve!! he he he (hey, it sure beats punching holes in your canopy!)
  8. Last night i just watched "Cutaway" and "dropzone" back to back....funny, in EVERY tandem that they showed, there was no drogue chute present. Seems to me that there is soooo much misinformation in these movies...anyone have any other good examples?? I know you all have them memorized...
  9. beer is proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy...except in the mornings, of course...then he HATES us...then we manage to make the first load and he seems to forgive us and takes the hangover away...then we have to pack.... God really does hate us, huh??
  10. thrillseek

    Good Stuff!

    someone explain the plane to plane scenes...i have yet to see or hear of it
  11. you forgot about a 6-pack of pabst blue ribbon, and a wife beater tank top with barbeque stains on THAT'S american
  12. thanks all. I'll check the sites out!
  13. i have looked there....actually i was more looking for other places with classifieds...any advice?
  14. Who's got decent gear for sale out there?? I need a complete system(downsizing), something like a 169-ish crossfire, or 170 sabre in good condition. I need a deal...anyone???
  15. nerd porn rules!! we all have waaay too much time on our hands during the week!
  16. Nope..A.T. as in "Andy". I just became affiliated with DaKine. If you are at Mardi Gras Boogie next weekend, I'll be the guy to see for DaKine Rags! See You there! A.T.
  17. Anyone looking for the latest and greatest from DaKine can find it at Gold Coast During the Mardi Gras Boogie! See A.T. when you're there...he's got the good stuff!
  18. Anyone looking for the latest and greatest from DaKine that will be at Gold coast for Mardi Gras see A.T. He'll be there with the good stuff!
  19. Hey, Anyone looking for the newest in freefly gear that will be at the Mardi Gras Boogie, can now buy it on site...look for A.T. Clinger with DaKine Rags.....he's got the stuff!
  20. You'll all recognize me as the guy in the suit (DaKine) that has black with Big yellow flames...and a few grass stains!
  21. bummer...maybe quincy...oh wait..did i say QUINCY??? i mean wherever they decide to have the WFFC!!
  22. Well, i never claim to be an expert... Plus i always admit if i am wrong, so if i was mistaken or rude in any way, please accept my apologies. I just jump em'...i'll let the experts decide why they design em' the way they do! :) A.T.
  23. SKY JUMPING!!! is this some new kind of extreme base jumping?? Maybe he means that he likes doing "mister bills"...or maybe, just maybe, he is an idiot! If it were me, i would spend $9,000 on skydiving, and give someone $1,000 to teach me terminology! Yup...the freaks can have him!