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Everything posted by Opie

  1. Of course we all know lawyers pad the bill. Like gov't is keeping track of hours. Hell they can't even keep track of the money they have. Gov't is owned by the lawyers. Jeez, I didn't get my share of the government. Can you tell me what I'd need to do to get that? On second thought, don't bother. You are either the biggest troll on this site or a complete nitwit. I've been asking the same question for years. How do I get in. The fact is you need to be a part of the inside special club that runs the show, all shows, including TV shows that controls the the communications. So you've not wondered why Justice decided not to prosecute Goldman Sacks. You've not wondered why no one goes to jail except pay a small fine as a cost of doing business. Corp lawyers and gov't lawyers work out all the details and everyone walks away happy. Goldman Sach's execu. bonus up 50% over last year as they won not getting prosecuted and there's no money going to paying fines that the execs get the money. Surprising people who worked for the gov't don't have a clue what is going on. Oh, a bunch of people called me out on making shit up, I guess I'll try and change the subject.
  2. It got pretty quiet in here, I guess it's hard to cite stuff you just make up.
  3. Don't they do background checks before selling these off-road vehicles???
  4. She may want to wear one of those bose noise cancelling headsets on the ride to altitude
  5. No. I would guess this lady is suffering from some sort of mental disorder, her best chance of success would be to seek treatment for that.
  6. More people are covered by health insurance so insurance claims go up. Shocking!
  7. I'll summarize- If you're into cuckholding do it before you are married and don't put your name on the birth cert.
  8. How is this different than if an infertile hetero couple did the same thing using a donor sperm or egg, then broke up and later went after the donor????
  9. Actually if you're just looking at those who have posted in this thread it's pretty clear who agrees with her and calling it a "few" would be generous.
  10. You are right from that standpoint.... if simple and pretty is what you're looking for then stick with apple. Exactly! Only certain types of people want that "Look at me! I have a complicated and overloaded device filled with things I'll never need and I KNOW HOW TO RUN IT! AIN'T I COOL?" Elegance isn't about volume and complexity. It was until Apple fell so far behind, now all the apple fans are suddenly about "simple & good looking"
  11. I keep saying this site needs an "eye roll" smiley. oh the face palm one would be nice also and to think I posted that just for you
  12. What is the reasoning behind your belief that everyone is born hetero and then some choose to be gay. With all the stigma, loss of rights and entitlements, and never to again be with who they are actually attracted to (the opposite sex). Why in the world do you think anyone would choose that? I honestly don't know why the choice is made or when the choice is made. But, I did explain where my beliefs on this subject comes from. So you're sure it's a choice even though you can't fathom why anyone would make that choice. You can't even put that together yet you are ready to amend the constitution to deny them the same rights that you enjoy? If you say it's based on your faith fine but we don't generally modify the constitution based on one's chosen religious beliefs. Something about that first amendment thing. If you say it's how you were raised and what you've seen, heard and read please be able to back up your belief/theory a little (a lot actually) better than you have before we go amending the constitution. Agreeing to disagree on things is fine but when you want to force your views on others by changing laws and the constitution that is a much bigger thing. Oh and welcome to the speakers corner, I don't spend much time here but isn't it fun
  13. What is the reasoning behind your belief that everyone is born hetero and then some choose to be gay. With all the stigma, loss of rights and entitlements, and never to again be with who they are actually attracted to (the opposite sex). Why in the world do you think anyone would choose that?
  14. While enjoying a nice drink in a dimly lit gentleman's establishment as a talented entertainer does their thing. http://vimeo.com/3554226 Possibly nsfw
  15. I don't like frozen yogurt either, it should be illegal for others to have it. Simply put.
  16. Could you elaborate on what you mean by this? I mean I don't see how the risks are higher for some than others.
  17. Duck or that gopro is going to smack you right in the head
  18. Ah I was just guessing it was an ad, I start at the forums page but I figured out what you are talking about now!
  19. So you didn't get that ad block working yet?
  20. Opie

    ~ Flu Shot

    What are you worried about again?