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Everything posted by dirtyB

  1. Who did write this?? Lewis Black?? Fuck him! Actually, I love Lewis Black... "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  2. Rescue mutts are best! I've got two; a pitt bull/lab mix and and a terrier mix. The best dogs ever!! There are so many great dogs that need good homes...why give your money to a puppy breeder?? Word. "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  3. It means perhaps you should be a little scared. That makes things a bit more exciting, doesn't it? "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  4. ...not if you eat them, dear. "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  5. Umm, yeah. You do know where the eyes are located, right? "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  6. Now that is a nice ass...not like someone who eats too many bon bons! "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  7. Boxer Briefs...and they ARE damn sexy. "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  8. You, of all people, should not be talking, bolas! "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  9. There's a sarcasm icon?? Dammit, how did I not see it?! "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  10. Yeah, I bet you were! Oh, and don't forget to bring something to heat the bon bons with. "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  11. Lucky bastards, we are!! "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  12. Ahh, there you are, Bolas! "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  13. Finally...geez, what took you so long?? "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  14. Wouldn't that count as 20.5? "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  15. Bounds?? I know no bounds. "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  16. Yeah, and he told ME he had bon bons, too. Hmph. "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  17. Whatever! OK, now I'm going to have to put you in the corner with turtle... "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  18. Don't do it, Sunshine...it's a trick! "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  19. Perhaps...or just perverted minds. "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  20. Kiddies?? There are kiddies here?? I thought you might say just that! "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  21. What?? I feel sure that I gave you a bite o'sammich. Did I not?? Oh, perhaps I didn't...maybe the little guy got in the way? "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  22. Yes! Except for demon's ass...he's been hitting the bon bons a little hard lately. "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  23. Hmph...that's what I thought. Sceeered?? "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  24. Better be one hella set of bon bons, I'll tell you that right now! "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2
  25. Well, certainly not if you keep eating all those bon bons! "Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2