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Everything posted by Sluggo_Monster

  1. - - - S P E C U L A T I O N - - - The money was actually found in a fragment of the bag, not just loose in the sand. - - - S P E C U L A T I O N - - - Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  2. Waterboardmman, Why did you post a photo of a "Forked-tail Doctor Killer?" Are you smowmman, just testing to see if you have access? Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  3. I have an expression I use sometimes, it goes like this: “The world is a tuxedo and I’m a pair of brown shoes!” I use it to express that I’m feeling like I stand out in a crowd. So, no wonder that something I read today caught my attention. Dave Krajicek special correspondent for the New York Daily News says of D.B. Cooper’s appearance; "Wearing apparel: Black suit; white shirt; narrow black tie; black dress suit; black rain-type overcoat or dark top coat; dark briefcase or attaché case; carried paper bag; brown shoes." Ckret: Is that true? Especially the part about "brown shoes". Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  4. I'm still out here. Still reading the meager posts. Working on some flight profiles that have stalled waiting on some info from Ckret (who has a real job). This thread has always had "fits and starts". (It is particularly full of "fits".) Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  5. Jo, I think you'll want to read this carefully: Sluggo Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  6. Post #1569 Post #1570 ***There has been a persistent myth that the original suspected landing zone (up near Lake Merwin) was covered with 5 – 8 feet of ash and other ejecta after the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption. I must confess that I bought into it without question. My first visit to the area was in 1993 and I should have realized that it wasn’t true then. Oh well! Now I’ve got my head out of the sand. Well, I guess the myth just is not true! Sluggo_Monster*** Rather than post the maps again, I included the Post# so you can pull them up. There was little or no ash-fall in the area where Cooper is believed to have jumped. That is true for the whole flight path. This is one of those “myths” that just won’t die. Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  7. Safe..PLF and Orange1, I don't know what went on in the PMs, but maybe this will help, gain perspective. In 1971 I worked in a professional/technical position (Health Physicist) at a prestigious university (Stanford). My annual salary was $6,800 USD. I remember because a new Jaguar XKE was $6,300 USD. I bought my first house (in an upscale neighborhood) in 1971 for $18,300 USD. It was 2400 sq ft. $12,000 worth of remodeling was a “hell-of-a-lot” of remodeling. Like I said, I don’t know what the exact issue is, but I give you D A T A. Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  8. Skyjack71, I need a clarification concerning you and Duane and your life together. 1. When did you get the knowledge that Duane had a criminal past and had “done time”? 2. How did you come by that knowledge? (Did he just blurt it out, or did it occur after his death?) 3. Did he tell you about his past, and minimize the level of criminal activity, and then after his death you found out more? Please answer these specific questions, first and then tell us anything you feel adds to our understanding of Duane’s past and what you did or didn’t know. (Anything that you wish to share, I mean.) I have always been confused about that aspect of your life with Duane. When we first talked, in 2003, I was under the impression that you knew essentially nothing about his past life (before you were married). Now, it seems that I had misconstrued something that you said. Thanks, Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  9. low_pull1, Did I offend you or are you just "having a go" at me? If I offended you, it was unintentional. If you're just "having a go at me", then it was intentional.
  10. HUH? "Merda taurorum animas conturbit" Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  11. Here it comes.... Wait for it..... Get ready..... Ckret says; "I can niether confirm nor deny whether there is more information about the tie." Oh well! So it goes. Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  12. Well… since this year membership in the US is 5,970,203, so a reasonable estimate of the # of Scouts from the 50’s through the 70’s would be…. Say….59,000,000…. Good now we’re getting somewhere…. Say half of them are deceased …That narrows it down to a consort of about 29,000,000 individuals! Ckret,,. get someone on that! While I check out Steven Spielberg, (Film Director/Producer), he was an Eagle Scout! Sluggo_Monster [Don't blame me... I caught cynicism from quade] Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  13. Quade, This is EXACTLY what I was trying to say to Ckret (or anyone who wouldl listen) in Post #952. What was rational thought to Cooper, probably wouldn’t be rational thought to me (or many others). Fill In The Blank: You’d have to be a ______ to jump out of that plane on a night like that. Now Let’s see if we can figure out what a ______ is! Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  14. Okay Ckret, Jump in here! I’m sure the FBI has a super-secret vault somewhere in the bowels of Quantico, where information about what type of person wears a clip-on tie is kept, requiring a ByeMan clearance just to qualify for the two-man rule , so they can make a pass at the vault’s Storage and Accountability Clerk. Fess up, what’s in that vault? Sluggo_Monster [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  15. One thing that Ckret and I disagree on (not the only thing, mind you), is I think the tie was left behing as a calling-card, trophy exchange, etc. Ckret does not. That's just conjecture on my part, however. Now, who wears clip-on ties (in 1971)? Security guards Waiters and other food service personnel People who have seldom worn a tie (Twice, I have had adults who have never worn a real tie {exculding women} ask me to (or tech them how to) tie a tie. They all had been wearing clip-ons previously.) (Some) Law Enforce Personnel Anybody have more...? Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  16. I still don’t know the name (or rules) for this game, but since no one else will play, I shall continue, but I expect some feedback! Not at all! This is an individual who is self-conscious about being considered “effeminate” (especially during childhood). (Probably just high prolactin levels in his mother during pregnancy). He participated is sports, even though his heart wasn’t in it. As he got older, there was no options (no Gold’s Gym in the 50s and 60s). If he was a work-a-holic, it probably increased his body weight (due to adrenal secretions). Life can be cruel. I can only go by my experience at a much lower socio-economic level than this guy. Usually a male received a tie-bar and cuff-links at the same time (birthday, Father’s Day, etc.) Often the cuff-links were for “French Cuffs” and, hence, totally useless to someone who own no shirts with French Cuffs. The tie clasp would be of the “Club” type. A shield (non-specific coat-of-arms), small semi-precious stone. Of course if the individual had some affiliation (Masons, Lions, SERTOMA, WOW, etc.) that would be on the Tie clasp. I don’t see a major shift in “Tie-Bar fashion” between 1954 and 1971. Now, where are you going with this? Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  17. Portland? or Seattle? Clarification please. da Slug Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  18. Okay snowmman, I’ll play your silly game
  19. The most likely suicide victim is: White, male, middle aged or older, has chronic or terminal illness, is left handed, scores high on the xxx(I can’t remember its name) test for depression* and has had a relative or loved-one who committed suicide. Source: A psychiatrist I saw for a while after my father’s suicide. * It measures depression by assigning a score based on things like how many times you have moved in the last 18 months the death of a spouse or child, loss of employment, etc. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Says: Psychiatric Disorders At least 90 percent of people who kill themselves have a diagnosable and treatable psychiatric illnesses -- such as major depression, bipolar depression, or some other depressive illness, including: Schizophrenia Alcohol or drug abuse, particularly when combined with depression Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or some other anxiety disorder Bulimia or anorexia nervousa Personality disorders especially borderline or antisocial Past History of Attempted Suicide Between 20 and 50 percent of people who kill themselves had previously attempted suicide. Those who have made serious suicide attempts are at a much higher risk for actually taking their lives. Genetic Predisposition Family history of suicide, suicide attempts, depression or other psychiatric illness. Neurotransmitters A clear relationship has been demonstrated between low concentrations of the serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleactic acid (5-HIAA) in cerebrospinal fluid and an increased incidence of attempted and completed suicide in psychiatric patients. Impulsivity Impulsive individuals are more apt to act on suicidal impulses. Demographics Sex: Males are three to five times more likely to commit suicide than females. Age: Elderly Caucasian males have the highest suicide rates. Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  20. n467us, LE is Law Enforcement. I have no LE experience, but I'd bet all the LEAs (Law Enforcement Agencies) rushed to cover every inch of the Reno Airport before the plane landed. So, it probably looked like a surprise party when they jumped out from behind every bush, building, porta-potty, baggage-truck, stair carrier, and fuel truck and shouted “SURPRISE”.
  21. Ckret, As always, a BIG Thanks. So, how long after the flight did the crew “decide” the pressure bump was when he left (You guys were searching 4 states on the 27th & 28th), and decide where they were (8:13 or “Not to PDX but in the suburbs”)? I’ve done some research today and found out some things that surprised me. First: The aircraft Registration #N467US; Serial Number (C/N) 18803 was not a Boeing 727-200 as most literature indicates, nor was it a Boeing 727-100 as some literature states, but was instead a Boeing 727-51 which no literature (that I’m aware of) has stated. The plane had 134 seats. Also: I found a photo of a healthy 272 Aft Door/Stairway. Now I see how it works and better understand the terms “open” and “extended”. The stairs come up out of the shell (like the arms on a hospital bed). The door is lowered by gravity or hydraulically (if in flight), and locked mechanically or hydraulically. Nothing extends beyond the door-shell. So the stairs were not shredded on landing at Reno as has oft been purported. See Photos: Note the Cooper Vane on the healthy plane. Sluggo_Monster. Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  22. They suck. My scrapbook has better info! Sluggo Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  23. The 727 jockey that I get info from occasionally had the same comment. Why didn’t they land at Portland, Medford, or some other suitable field. This was even before he saw the log transcript. My guess is they didn’t want to go aft. - If they had gone aft they would have known he was gone. - If they had known he was gone, they would not have risked landing at Reno with the aft door down and stairs extended. - Were they later told (not on our transcript) to go to Reno for the LE "Suprise Party"? Even so, wouldn't they "clean up the plane" to save fuel, get well above stall speed, and get there faster? Does that make sense to anyone else? Somewhere in the transcript, I saw that they had done a cursory inspection of the passenger cabin. If they did, they knew he was gone. If they knew he was gone, why did they land at Reno with the aft door down and stairs extended? Ckret, If any or all of the above is true, what is it that we don’t know (understand)? Whether I believe it or not, whether it fits my scenario or not, it has to be logical. The above isn’t logical. Tell us… What’s up with that? Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  24. Ckret, Thanks. So, even what I have of the comm. log is incomplete? Where do I get the rest? FOIA? Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum
  25. Guru312 et. al, Just to chime in with the “Arch-Whuffo" (a term I coined just this morning) perspective I would like to go on record saying: I am extremely grateful to this site. It has been very helpful in the pursuit of a hobby I have had for 30+ years. That hobby has nothing to do with skydiving except for the fact it was a tool Cooper used (maybe that should be called “slydiving”). For many years I had a co-worker (Lee Silcox, Richland SkySports, WA) who was a skydiver and I never once discuss the hijacking or the possibility of me jumping with him However, since I’ve spent so much time on this forum, I have begun to explore the possibility of at least a tandem jump. Yesterday was my 60th birthday, and last week I gave the thought some serious scrutiny. Why the difference? I feel like I’m a part of the community. With the exception of one event, where I got my feelings hurt, I have been tolerated, and even welcomed into the community. If this site had a forum dedicated to serious 305 Hijacking research, with individual threads for Facts, Myths, LE Updates, Q&A, Ckret’s Bank-Robber escapades,