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  1. this video has a great central concept http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP8nnCqK4gE&list=FL7y5mjFnrdO1SjXyPOsdPBg&index=2&feature=plpp_video
  2. I use PMB for all my file management because it simplifies and takes care of file management for me. Since PMB's last few up dates it has become a useful tool. I insert a card and w PMB window comes up and I click on import only files that have not been previously downloaded. When PMB imports files it creates folders with date and daily download number, which i can change if I know the students name at the time. I also rename the files with a date stamp down to one hundredth of a second. Finally it opens a folder with all files just imported which I select and drag into a Vegas template and begin editing More times than not i get students that jumped three 2 hours ago and want to see their video before they buy it. with PMB i ca look back at files in order by date from multiple cams and search for files in just about any way i can think of if i am missing a file. I just downloaded media manager about 4 days ago. It is going to be a useful for picking songs for the jumpers that are pickier about the music. I can show them what they can choose from in in short manner and double click to enter it in to the time line. I could aslo use it to quickly insert cheesy sound FX. PMB has a flaw that may make it useless to me. If we end up using Gopro’s for some video next season PMB will recognize Gopro files and import them, but when I go to view them they no longer exist on my computer. It will not play mp4 files either. But it seems fair for a Sony product not work with with a competitors files of file format. The media manager will be very useful but it’s not what PMB is currently. I am sure media manager will improve with time and I will find better ways of using it for editing. Do you know if media manager updates itself or does that have to be done manually?
  3. what i was looking fo was for Vegas to take care of folder management for me. it does not do that i know now. what i was looking for was for Vegas to keep all files to in one area for a project. so if i render, send to DVD architect, create disc images or save copy of original media. all the files would be in a master folder under project name. preferably with folders for renders DVD arch and Disc images. This is actually easy to do and only takes a few seconds to do. In the project manager i will organize folders for myself if its a project has allot of files to keep things organized. but for tandems and first jump students I don't because the lack of files in the project.
  4. okay so i opened vegas Pro immediately went to file> import. i didn't sen any options for file management. I imptorted some files and render some audio files but VP11 still wanted to allocate file in last place files were saved. Am I missing something? its not that i don't know where to put my project files, but it would save a little bit of time if Vegas did it for me. DSE Thank you for time
  5. I am not shure what "import dialog" is ?
  6. in Vegas Movie Studio when i Open a new progect i had the option of managing files but in Vegas pro 11 i dont seem to have this option and no dialog box comes up at all for new projects. its this not an option in Vegas Pro 11 or is their a box that i have inadvertently unchecked? Pic attached
  7. finally bought Vegas Pro. DSE your right once again the velo envelope is not anything like i would have hoped it would be. in terms of ease of use. Back to ctrl and drag.
  8. gopro 2 pictiure review http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzektEfL-nw&feature=feedu
  9. "A little better" may have been an understatement. the velocity envelope i can see being very usefull in tandem video and would be a time saver for time warping in tandem videos. having the ability to see a moment in the the video and slow it down and bring it back to normal speed and change it to dial it in with something as simple as a line is very useful. The $300 just pushes me away from the table
  10. ive seen some slow-motion where the speed follows a line similar to envolpe controls for volume and pan as apposed to taking a clip and slowing it down to 40% which results in jerky transitions. This can be hidden by buy putting the change from slow-mo to regular speed on a beat in the music track. Are there other programs that provide slow-mo function to a timeline ? $300ish for twixtor seem to be a bit much to smooth out and do slow-mo a little bit better than vegas can
  11. http://vimeo.com/31650739 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urCOky62qPU&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL0F1A2C6D28ADE803 here are 2 comparison videos
  12. http://boingboing.net/2011/10/19/free-bieber-campaign-to-kill-proposed-law-that-would-send-you-to-prison-for-5-years-for-singing-copyrighted-music-on-youtube.html?this=evil just a link i found on an law that could send people to jail for copy right infringement
  13. It was a a while a go. I dont have a link but since them l&b has cone out with products that dont have any snag points on them. its nothing to worry about if your not using that equipment.
  14. need to look into a wrist mount because i dont like the hand mount it came with very much *** if you go with the wrist mount look into getting the wrist band type. i have seen video a jumper managed to get his lines caught in the wrist mount. He still managed to land and flare with one arm pined to the top of his risers and the other holding both toggles for steering and flare
  15. i use keep vid. It works great to take downloaded file put in to vegas and see slowmotion in slowmotion of frame by frame.