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Everything posted by PikzeeVikzen

  1. I'll keep that in mind next time i'm feeling fiesty I'm the twist that turns your key....
  2. It's as close as you can get without breaking the rules. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  3. I didnt think you could post that kind of Picture on Myspace?? they are VERY close....at least one of them is. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  4. Well now!1 That puts a whole new spin on things then. Since you are Female (Still undocumented with necessary photographic evidence, BTW) I will officially grant you permission to "Want" to see my asshole. I've got pics on myspace. I'm entirely to lazy to repost them here. I think my myspace page is private though. I suppose I could change that. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  5. Ding ding ding!! we have a winner! nevermind the fact that her name appears to be Kami (according to her profile...) and If I remember correctly from yesterday... she's married and has kids... Kami is my name. I am married (according to most skydivers that won't last b/c he's a pansy ass that won't jump out of a plane.) and I have one kid. He's 2. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  6. It took me like 20 minutes, but I finally sounded out the username of the "new guy" and it says pixie vixen... guessing it's not a new guy, but a new gal Ding ding ding!! we have a winner! I'm the twist that turns your key....
  7. well.....the only way i know how to liven things up probably isn't "allowed" I'm the twist that turns your key....
  8. i now realize that wasn't the way to put that. by the way....i'm no guy. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  9. That will be interesting at least. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  10. Yes So... now what??? The winner gets said bleaching. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  11. That sounds like something I might have done in my past. No wait, that sounds like something my alter ego might get away with. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  12. That sounds tasty. Now I'm hungry again. I'm sorry you feel bad. *feel better mojo* coming your way. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  13. Our perverse brains need a challenge then. Like connecting mohatma ghandi with anal bleaching It could potentially be done if you use the 6 degrees of seperation rule. Go approve me on your myspace btw I'm the twist that turns your key....
  14. It seems like we only enjoy taking the things nowhere near sexual in nature and turning them into sex threads... it's no fun when it's this easy. Our perverse brains need a challenge then. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  15. Figuratively or literally... Choose your poison I'm the twist that turns your key....
  16. I can see this heading south quickly. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  17. You reserve the right to reject my reality for you own. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  18. I'm not in denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I choose to accept. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  19. *gasps* how did you know? I saw you in therapy That wasn't me...I don't need therapy. I see nothing wrong with enjoying a good choking and maybe some bondage now and then. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  20. I wouldn't mind the ones that wear combat boots disappearing. I'm the twist that turns your key....
  21. I want nothing to do with your sexual perversions. *gasps* how did you know? I'm the twist that turns your key....
  22. hmmm....maybe i'm one of those pests..... I'm the twist that turns your key....
  23. Does anyone know one of those people that just deserve a good beating? How do you get rid of those annoying persistent pest that are so fragile you can't be mean because it would just kill them? *sigh* I'm going insane! I'm the twist that turns your key....
  24. That might not deter people...... I'm the twist that turns your key....
  25. That looks like a torture device. I'm the twist that turns your key....