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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. Why thank you, i tend to agree with you Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  2. I can soooo relate to the dry county thing, only place to get a, beer round here is the f-in bowlin alley. NE Atl is cool like i said lived there for 10 years. i still have my boat at Lake lanier so gimme a shout when ya get there. I live about an 1.5 hrs north now in the Mountains. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  3. Yep it's true, this fine piece of man machine is off the market officially and legally. We tied the knot on May 7th. We honeymooned in Vieques Puerto Rico and Aruba. Still gettin used to the ring, but couldn't be happier she is an amazing woman.
  4. Sounds like these peeps are sterrin you right. I lived in NE Atlanta for about 10 years just recently escaped. The NE a NW areas are similar NE is just more built up and traffic sux in both places. Good thing is there are plenty of job ops in ATL and one can easily find a job i the burbs and avoid the traffic. Only drawback to the burbs is if your movin to the ATL to experience the night life, arts, sporting events etc. it's a long haul home when your drunk kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  5. You amy not have noticed that most (almost all)of that area consist of households of "domestic partners" to put it pc. Yep midtown is not exactly a straight area, nothin wrong with that just makes social times tough if your the only straight folk for 10 blocks. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  6. Ducky

    rc planes

    Cool, congrats on the learning, unfortunately I have been flying for 6 months and not muc past you in progress! Limited time crappy weather and a bum engine kept me from flyin much. Oh and BTW Tower Hobbies SUCKS ASS, they still owe me a back order from August! kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  7. I have some friends who go each year, most are artist. They have uttered words of it growing, but losing it's mystique. kinda like Woodstaock was cool in '69, and sucked ass in '99. The popularity of it may kill it. I aslo get the vibe that it's a lil more in depth than just a big desert party with supersize artwork as some people perceive it. None the less here is a link to my buddies bad-ass sculpture/statement from 2003. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  8. That's the funniest crap i have ever seen! kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  9. Ducky

    Atlanta Area??

    Only thing i would say is don't be fooled that Grifin or Macon are in the Atlanta area. While not too far from the ATL airport your pretty much a good haul from ATL. This is in many ways a GOOD thing. I moved away from ATL after 10n yrs about 1 yr ago. If I could give any advice it would be to research traffic patterns when looking for a house. Traffic can be hell in ATL or anywhere near so try to go against the flow of rush hour. Someone already made suggestions on schools and I would definatey research that further as schools in outlying areas can be hit or miss. As for quality of life in GA?? Well depends on what your used to, entertainment opportunities abound in ATL and flying away is cheap from Hartsfield. I'll put it this way ATL was great in my early 20's when I was single... not when I was a teen and not now that I settled down. I left looking to improve quality of life. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  10. As a ice hockey player of many years I HIGHLY reccomend renting hockey skates if given the choice. They have Far more ankle support. And get them as tight as possible, near cutting off the circulation tight is proper. Just to give you an idea many skaters/ hockey players wear skates a size smaller than shoe size and wear very thi socks for the tighttest truest fit possible. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  11. Ummm yeah most of that is all correct. Sometimes when you pay a collection it comes off that day others it sits til th 11th hour of the 7th year. Nothing has to STAY on your credit for any length of time MOST things have to come OFF in a certain length of time. I say most things because court judgements in many areas will sit there til the day you die. Oh and BTW all disputes and most all necessary credit report maintenance can easily be done online. The simple answer to your question is yes an unpaid $5 late fee could bring down your FICO/ beacon score and ultimately prevent you from say getting your dream home. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  12. This subject has come up a time or 2 at the DZ and I have reasearched it some. I found that all the necessary items are in existence, inexpensive and there are NO big hurdles as discussed here. The battery issue is VERY easily solved and not an original idea by far. DZO co-operation is the only real catch, as a base system would be necessary. When or if I am motivated enough to implement this into a prototype I'll let you all know. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  13. I think Brian indee gave you the best advice. As for how much, c'mon it's a guys truck
  14. Yeah i was looking into Moorea, very close to Tahiti and seems less expensive than Bora Bora kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  15. So I am trying to plan my honeymoon (getting hitched May 7th) and the options are a bit overwhelming. So I been eyeballing Tahiti or The South Pacific in general, just curious if it is all it's cracked up to be????? Also any pointers on where to stay, what to see would be cool too. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  16. I think a similar topic has been discussed here. As for aiming not to kill or trying to "wing him" umm nope. I'd aim for the center and pull the trigger, more than once I might add. No sense in using DEADLY force to try and injure someone. If all you want to do is injure then don't use DEADLY force ie a gun. Kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  17. Birthday wishes for happiness and all you deserve in life to you Katie!!!! Ducky Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  18. Trying to convince my woman to come by tonight for a beer or 2,3,4. But me thinks were gonna hang at the house and leave early tomorrow for our round da world trip. See ya tomorrow afternoon. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  19. I am hoping to make the sunset load Saturday But who knows, sucks I can't be there Friday as planned. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  20. You peeps are some postin fools fo sho! I hope everyone brings warm clothes. They say it might snow at my house tomorrow!!! (I'm 50 miles from Andrews) I'm bringin my woman to keep me warm in the tent sat. night. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  21. Spence is EXACTLY right on these directions. I take this route to The Farm. I have explored all other options tryin to shave time off and NONE are better than this one. I unfortunately will not be coming from right up the road where I live. I actually will drive right past on Saturday morning headed to North Alabama. Gotta go see my Brother and his National Guard unit off. They are shipping out for Ft. Benning in route to Afghanistan for 15 months If anyone nees a one way ride from North Alabama (Birmingham) or the Chattanooga area Saturday afternoon lemme know. Cell (828)342-9287 kwak kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  22. Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  23. Floridiot Stuccoed Ugliness?????? Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  24. Sadly enough I own TONS of that music and recently even trew away several TONS of it. I had the misfortune of working as a DJ in Atlanta strip clubs when most of that stuff was big. I should have been part owner in SoSo Def Records (who produced half that crap). Nothin like a lil Kilo to get the blood pumpin every once in awhile though kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  25. YO! Ducky here! I'll be driving over from Franklin, NC for the whole weekend. If anyone is passing through here on the way to or from and needs a place to rest/crash for a night lemme know. I'm about 1 hour from Andrews. I am also free to help out if you need anything trucked in, say firewood??? Just lemme know. Kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????