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Everything posted by crashtested

  1. When snowboarding i don't wear my protective clothing for shits and giggles. its there to stop breaks when hitting rocks / trees in large or small falls. Protective gear does help, as would using decent head gear ? not protec, It may not stop multiple breaks but it would limit the ammount of them, turning some into non threataning injures. Agreed, hitting earth at 75mph is going to hurt some if on hard landing areas, but wearing some gear will at least take some absorbtion.. and may save your ass
  2. I Was at a crimbo party for a DZ the other night, had a great time out there, god chats with a lot of people from the DZ (Tandem factory) about the state of play. They are now looking to do somthing about it, i can't say all as its hush hush, but they are combining what you have mentioned above, and buisness thinking, I hope a lot of DZ's go down this route, just so the popularity increases and DZ's are a cool place to hang out again.
  3. You are putting your life at risk...... Not due to your blood pressure, jumping out of a plane! I have Very Very low blood pressure, my doc said the worst thing that means is that i'll live longer, and have to work more on my pension. Worst case senario is. we're all wrong and you don't make it!!
  4. I'm pretty sure you're wrong. 1.65 in every hundred injure themselves on rounds 0.58 in every hundred injure themselves on squares BPA STATS not mine
  5. some cool old school there... well if you can ever pusuade your wife, let me know the tequnique so i can use it on my missus
  6. PLF onto concrete, than do a stand up landing on concrete and tell me which one hurt more? come into land in a tight area maybe onto rocky ground.. do the same plf one stand up.. i think its clear. also i'm Pretty sure one reason why people don't use rounds is becasue the injury rate was higher.. that is fact. just check out injury rates on raps, aff, and rounds.
  7. My god, why you using straight ski's, they are nasty... You need to lean forward into your boots more, don't worry you won't fall out of them, but it'll give you more control!! What is the setup on the camera and helmet?? footage was ok it looked like a bullet cam but i could be wrong??
  8. Awesome i'll take a look... You do us a favor... and let me know how you get on with it on the slopes and in the air... [email protected] or post back on the thread>?.> nice enjoy your early chirstmas present from thre man in brown and cream (DHL) ----------------------edit ------------------------- Just had a look at the helmets, where do you ski?? Mexico!!! surley your face is going to freeze off!! I was thiking more full face though?? I have seen a doctor pulling out teeth from the back of a helmet b4, Full face is the way to go me thinks!! i should of mentioned that the videos we do are in scary scary places? and i'm not talking about the trolls!
  9. I have a very unsuitible snowboarding camera helmet, which has to many snags to be used for Skydiving. Does anyone has experiance in both filiming snow and air i would apriciate your help or advice on a new camera helmet. that would be suitible for both sports!!! Also I can't locate the rules on wearing a camera helmet with no camera in. Snags etc is half the reasaon why c licence prevails, is wearing cameraless still allowed however? a cookie for the best awnser!!!
  10. Leave the otherhalf at home... bike choice must be either A Rocket mark III A bonneville Speed triple or maybe a tiger 53 plate or the like.. My other half would not come on this trip either.. hence the reason i'm searching the lower portals of dropzone for uptakers!!!
  11. Would love to do a tour of all the english DZ's, whilst pelting around on motorbikes. Hinton old buks langer, hibble, NLPC, sibson... you get the idea.. maybe a weekend of riding and jumps. Does anyone know whether anything like this goes on at the moment. I know a lot of bikers... and a lot of skydivers.. but not so many skydiving motorbikers. If anyone has info or is intrested in organising a tour des DZ's over a weekend. a post or two should get this rockin.... Idea then to do a tour of europe or somthing to the like over 2 weeks at the end of summer!
  12. Quoteto each thier own...any idiot with good credit can buy a car capable of 130mph or faster, a 16 year old can buy a hayabusa, Quote Nothing wrong with a 16 year old on a hayabusa (2nd fastest production motorbike!!! 234mph) Just don't give the fucker the keys
  13. I have been into kite surfing at one point.. quick reactions.. confident.. lucky..walking accident report, plus some othe canopy related sports, and feel good in all wind conditions. and keep myself current. if i don't jump for a few weeks than i upsize.. back to a 210. ( i don't have anything to prove) Check out the thread on the forums regarding PLF's some people with 300 + jumps still using PLF as there first choice of landing. thats a lot scarier than my wingloading!!!
  14. And - if you want to do something about it, the only thing stopping you standing for council, as that the time for this year's nominations are up. You can stand next year and please use your democratic right to vote for those people you feel represent you most on the BPA council. Ranting here won't change a thing, supporting your preferred council member(s) and subsequently standing for countil will give you a chance to change things! tash Tash i wish i had the experiance and the time to even look at being on the council, unfortuntly i run booze emphoriums in london which means hardly enough time to even jump. (1 - 2 days a week max) ( and i tend to rant on about things) And your right ranting won't help... but it was meant only for general disscussion purpose. only 3 people agreed about the shite attitude at some DZ's. a lot more, like yourself, seemed to be ok with the fact that that attitude prevails.(rather than be pissed off about it) And I still stand by the opinion that bad attitude's and wind tunnels(be it for there great customer service) will reduce active jumpers in the uk further more.... but i really hope i'm mistaken!
  15. ------------------------------------------------------- I Have Been Trolled or Institute of Himalayan Bio-resource Technology please explain
  16. You make it part of the job description, and you stop using TI's who won't do it. Most sports take this approach with guides and for that matter, most TI's do it without being ordered to. Come to the uk... if after coming to 4 DZ's you still think the TI's have that approach i will pay for your ticket home.
  17. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it it is not the BPA's job to promote or market skydiving in the UK. It oversees the sport but leaves getting punters into the air up to each individual DZ. Some would argue that if the BPA did have responsibility then skydiving would actually cease to be here. As it is it neither has the funds or the expertise to grow the sport in the way you seem to suggest. --------------------------------------------------------- Then i take it the BPA is there for safety reasons only?? Well that does put a twist on things... How misinformed was I! That shocks the crap out of me. I'm amazed the sport in the uk exsists at all in some ways. This really explains away a lot of my annoyance with the bpa and i can kind of see why they have attached themselves to airkix.. I still don't agree with it at all but it makes a little more sense. I don't understand then, why dz's are not doing more themselves to promote the sport.. Every other sporting industry does in some way or another.. Surf, board, or windsurf etc etc.. big open events in tourist area's.. and to the like. It does not surprise me why jump numbers are declining now. i guess the next question is how to address this.. in my previous rants making the DZ's more friendly would be a big start. but more a lot more needs to be done. It would help everyone at the end of the day. more lifts. more atmosphere. more lessons learnt. more jobs within the sport.. maybe some constructive ideas would help? How does the this work in the usa?
  18. Well psycho analized... you may be right. I have no idea how to make tandem instructors more social, i understand that after the tandem leaves they will likely not see them agin.. but its still a pretty special experiance jumping out of a plane. and putting your life into someone eles hands. The whole experiance is to rushy for me.. there is no personal touch. For the other students you have to really force your way in... hang around for weeks on end b4 someone talks to you.. Some people are lucky and have connections with people there(for me motorbikes) but you can go to some dropzones and see new aff students left in the cold for hours on end. Or treated with contempt. You can't change someone with a bad attitude. People with higher jump numbers or skills should take there heads out of there arses and make an effort with these guys, Easy ideas Make the people on courses stay l8er and include a couple of drinks in the price. make the tamdem instuctors stick around at the end of the day, pay them whatever. organise partys and invite pople comming on tandems the next day to join in that night. Have screens up in rec rooms where the spectators can see films of people jumping that day. Smile!!! Really it seems that apart from 3 threads most people don't agree, the whole point of this was to draw peoples attention to there behavior from time to time... hopefully a few of them will look at how they act at dz's and change it a bit.... its up to everyone to make this a progressive sport..
  19. So, what exactly is the connection between poor attitudes and self-absorption and wind tunnels? Perhaps I am missing the point of your message because somehow you do seem to be saying that the wind tunnels are at fault. --------------------------------------------------------- My original rant.. (Based on experiances in the uk, which is very different to america where you have a thriving sport)(which has now targeted every one and everything in some ways) was trying to draw on peoples shitty attitude at DZ's in the UK to newbies. Be it tamdems or new students raps , aff etc. Maybe this is why numbers have dropped in the uk, and people will go to a tunnel rather than a DZ. I was trying to make the point that the bpa's awnser to get people involved in the sport decided to link up with airkixa wind tunnel. The BPA should focus on getting people to DZ's not to tunnels, as that is where the sport takes place, and where the knowledge pools are at.. CCI's, Swoopers, Fun jumpers. etc. The BPA in general need to get into gear and get people seeing this sport, trying it out for real and keeping them in it. In turn this means More coaching, More boogies, More events, More Demo's. I don't know a lot about this sport, but i do know that if you don't promote your buisness or self then you fade away. Look at the main website in the uk for the sport and it might make more sense. I don't have an issue with wind tunnels in general. but i do have an issue with the BPA encouraging First timers to go there rather than a DZ. And i do have an issue with first timers being treated badley when they go to DZ's. the places are intimidating enough when your going to jump out of a plane without being treated like a peice of crap. (not all uk DZ's)
  20. agreed It is bollocks... i guess this may be where my original rant started from... but all the sky gods latched onto the tunnel bit from the original thread... the sport in the uk is being killed off slowly by shite attitude's and people who are more intrested in there self than the sport, how many dropzones need to close in the uk b4 people give a toss? maybe they don't deserve to be open if there treating people badly! I guess its fine, they can all close... as long the wind tunnels stay open.. blah blah blah
  21. It's alot harder to do illegal tunnel flying then illegal BASE. You either have to break into the tunnel when it's closed or turn a jet engine on its nose and try to stay above it. Sounds like fun... i'm up for breaking into airkix, for a night jump of course unless we do a crimbo day jump!!!! It'll keep the cost of tunnel time down too.. everyones a winner!
  22. Yeah i see your point.. but having a mix up of dz's with windtunnels seems an awsome idea.. somthing that as of yet we don't have in the uk ( baring a couple of temp jobs )(black knights or hibs????) It may seem that i'm against wind tunnels full stop.. this is not the case, i am against the social aspect that gets taken away when people leave a dropzone and spend there time at the tunnels. ( i know its there life there choice. i just dont' get why the bpa encourages this. I entered the sport for as much the social aspect sense of comunity loking out for one another as i did the improving my skills quickly, rocking at every jump, and getting fs1 and b licence as quickly as possible. I want to be the best skydiver i can be, but not at the expense of the social and community side of the sport!! Ifyou start letting the big wigs into this sport, like with anything it will become corporate monkeyazised. It'll come down to cost, profit, and what can we get away with. and a first experiance for a newbie in a wind tunnel will put them off the sport forever without him even being near a DZ..
  23. Doom and gloom was not the idea of this rant, skydiving will continue, i agree, but the fact remains both the uspa and the bpa, seem to have lost there bottle over this... If base can not be a part of the sport.. then how can wind tunnel. no rig, no aad's, low jumps etc.. this a double standard. make up there minds.. Someone is correct by saying it is a great coaching tool, for those who can't exit with out putting there feet through there lines. wonderful. well done you've cracked the sport. It seems by the comments made that everyone is the next world champion, but i think your all killing the social side of this sport and the uptake WILL coninue to drop. Maybe its time to brush off the base rig.