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Everything posted by willard

  1. Do you feel so strongly about having the pesky mandatory car insurance? How dare the government get involved with my car! Isn't this plan similar to the plan in Massachusets? The government owns the roads we drive on. Driving on them is considered a privilege, not a right. If they want to require insurance to cover damages you may cause while driving on their roads they are not imposing on any right in any way.
  2. Don't tell Kallend that ATC is efficiently run. And don't get me started on CDC.
  3. Why is it so hard for people to understand that once the police/security ask you to move, you will move. Whether it is under your own power or theirs is up to you. BTW, I don't like Kerry either, but this kid was way out of line.
  4. Bingo! Everything that happened was a result of the kids actions, actions that he chose.
  5. Conservative. Bush and conservative just dont blend. I'm sure you wouldnt like to be referred to as a Carter Liberal would you? Or maybe you would. Thats right John, I'm in the bushes outside the ER just snipen off kids. Where the hell did that come from? Don't pay no mind to the comment about the children. That's just John's way of changing the subject to another Bush-bashing thread. And NO, John, the dead Iraqi children did not need to be killed. They were already dead. Otherwise they would be live Iraqi children. Tens of thousands of dead in Iraq, including children, in a war started by conservatives. I have yet to hear a single conservative voice complaining about the cost to taxpayers of the war, but you are in unison complaining about taxes paying for healthcare. There's no disputing that you'd rather pay for a war than to help people with health care. And there is no disputing you feel you can make decisions for other people....just like all the rest of the bleeding heart liberals who pervade our educational facilities. I would rather not have to fund a war, so you are wrong there. Or health care for that matter. But this thread is not about whether anyone wants to fund health care...it is about being told we have to have insurance. You do enough bitching about the way Bush supposedly has eroded away your rights, why aren't you raising a fuss about this? Maybe it's because you want the country to evolve into a state where we rely on the government to tell us what we need.
  6. I watched it twice, that was enough, thank you. Asking a question includes giving the person a chance to respond. The kid would not give up the floor. He was trying to take over the forum and security folk had no choice but to remove him from the microphone, then from the room when he became belligerent. After that it's anyones guess since the video shows nothing and the sound tells us little.
  7. Kerry said he would answer the kids questions. The problem is, the kid would not ask his questions, only kept up with his political grandstanding. He was given ample opportunity to ask his questions but chose to use his time to run off on a tangent. Then, like a little child, he whined when they told him to ask his questions or step down. These Q&A forums have procedures to ensure they run smoothly and people have the best chance of getting to ask their questions. When he started taking many times the normal amount of time given a person he was trampling on others rights to be heard. If you didn't notice there were a lot of other people there. It's a safe bet many had questions they wanted to ask and were denied the chance even if the kid had not been tazed.
  8. Conservative. Bush and conservative just dont blend. I'm sure you wouldnt like to be referred to as a Carter Liberal would you? Or maybe you would. Thats right John, I'm in the bushes outside the ER just snipen off kids. Where the hell did that come from? Don't pay no mind to the comment about the children. That's just John's way of changing the subject to another Bush-bashing thread. And NO, John, the dead Iraqi children did not need to be killed. They were already dead. Otherwise they would be live Iraqi children.
  9. You think you hear them say that? That's a pretty big assumption considering the number of people in the room, I'm sure not all of whom wanted to listen to the kid rant and rave. Are you sure that's what you heard? Are you sure it was a cop?
  10. Kind of obvious that he was disrupting the forum by trying to make a political speach instead of just asking his questions. Also obvious that the security people first tried to just move him away from the podium, then he resisted and that's when things turned ugly. Hard to tell exactly what happened from the shaky video, but from his yelling and refusing to leave the security poeple must have felt he posed a significant risk not only to Kerry but to others as well. Free speech does not include the right to disrupt a peaceful forum by taking over the microphone. In short....I don't feel a bit of sympathy for the little shithead.
  11. www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20819827/ Require health insurance? So much for individual rights. At least Bush waited until he was in office before he started messing with our rights.
  12. I'll take your word on that. Come to think of it, I'm in the same boat.
  13. Since all "respectable" people wear a tie, that must mean those who don't...aren't?
  14. What you wear falls under the broad classification of Freedom of Speech. Though I despise those baggy pants I will argue that it is their right to wear them as an expression of who they are.
  15. Falls under freedom of speech I guess. If they want to wear their slacks hanging halfway down their ass that's up to them. I can't see how anyone can walk dressed like that, but that's their problem especially when they try to get a job. Hard to imagine anyone hiring someone who dresses like that. Most employers would shove that job application to the back of the pile.
  16. Great example of the Far Right Wing World according to Faux News and Lush Rimjob yet again...more misdirection. I guess to you guys EVERYONE is lefties and out to get you.. so take power any way you can to "protect" America from all the evildoers. I guess its just you who just understands what GOD wants of America. Great example of the Far Right LeftWing World according to Faux News and Lush Clinton Rimjob yet again...more misdirection. I guess to you guys EVERYONE is lefties righties and out to get you.. so take power any way you can to "protect" America from all the evildoers. And, as far as god is concerned, I'm agnostic so I don't really give a shit what either conservatives or bleeding heart liberals think God wants for this country.
  17. Excuse me, my Leftist friend, but we on the right side of the aisle want that no more than you do.
  18. How long do you think the honeymoon with Shillary will last? Calling that a honeymoon would be like accepting an invitation from Hannibal Lecter and calling it a "dinner date".
  19. I'd like to see those stats, please, if it isn't too much trouble. Just so you know, the scum who commit these crimes care not whether their weapons are legal. That's why they are criminals.
  20. Yeah, I know. But I just had to razz you a bit about the title. Couldn't let a good opportunity go to waste.
  21. Greenspan on Bush.....and Reagan....and Ford....and Clinton....and others. Nice slant in your thread title.
  22. Uh..yeah...ok. If you didn't notice... Miami is hardly a representative community within the U.S. I seriously hope your post was intended with a good dose of sarcasm.
  23. Nobody is saying you should. You can pledge allegiance to any fucking country/flag/government you want or none at all. A lot of good men died so you could have that right. So quit your fuckin bitchin. Hey. Fuck you. My old man did 300 missions in NAM and I did my own tme. FUCK YOU Do you think you're something special? Like I said, you don't HAVE to say any pledge you don't want to, you have the freedom to make that choice. Some people make the choice to recite the Pledge....are you suggesting we take that right away from them? Same as you have the choice to make an ass of yourself here. (Which, by the way, you're doing a pretty good job of.)
  24. Nobody is saying you should. You can pledge allegiance to any fucking country/flag/government you want or none at all. A lot of good men died so you could have that right. So quit your fuckin bitchin.
  25. I got my private pilot certificate in '93. Even back then there was talk of user fees, so it's nothing new. But that doesn't mean it will just keep going away. Sign the petitions, donate to the groups fighting it, etc. Every bit helps. (AOPA does a good job and you get a really nice magazine with pictures of really cool and expensive airplanes.) Personally I am not opposed to reasonable user fees, but I have never seen anything reasonable proposed.