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Posts posted by kaerodyne

  1. Quote

    Seems everytime I express my opinion (exactly of this preference also!) I catch hell for passing judgement on the women with store boughts.
    Good luck with your opinion!!

    Ah and some fail to see it's just that, an opinion .... and they all differ from person to person.

  2. Quote

    God Damn i love titties, but i cant decide what i love more, real or fake. Real, soft so natural to the touch!!!!!!! or some big'ol damn they're fake but ....DAMN....
    can you help me decide?????

    Had the pleasure of both in the same week .... long long story :S

    I have to say that hands on (sorry for the pun) Natural is best :)

  3. Quote

    self pimping....
    self promoting.....
    tons of time spent on DZ dot com....

    aren't you supposed to be concentrating on selling parachutes???????:S:PB|;):)j. t.
    a3914 d12122

    Damn I knew I had a day job for a reason :P

  4. Quote

    It's okay to pimp yourself out on dz.com as long as you follow a few simple guidelines.

    1) Don't pimp yourself out in the women's forum.

    2) Don't pimp yourself out in the topical forums.

    3) When/if you ever get some from a fellow dz.commer, be sure to promptly pay your pimp fees to Sangiro.

    So now that we've got that sorted out, why are you having such a problem getting yourself laid, Karl? You didn't seem to have that problem when you lived in California.

    Is it that now you're trying to get laid by skydiver chicks? :P

    I'm not pimping myself out .... just curious about the hidden dating side of dz.com :P

    And yes it's not like NorCal ......

  5. Quote


    So if there is no saddle needed, whats your poison?

    A top flight, hold me tight, get me there by daylight, do me right over night male?

    Now that be my kinda girl ... do you have a SO that might be my friend, if so can i stalk you? :P