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Everything posted by skydiverbc

  1. any one else here who has been told that their picture doesn't do them any justice.... its an opinion i get alot of.....
  2. lol goofball .. how are ya man? yeah single here too... wonders how many people hooked up from this post?
  3. cold and dreary, going to safety day at gobles... i missed it at tecumseh. but still sticking with tecumseh in the long run besides jeff, your the first skydiver i met there... your friendship means alot
  4. yeah fortunately i charge 10 bucks a head for front row seats
  5. yeah that was my first thought.... i was at the airport in florida, and some guy who looked like a millionaire, was bashing the arab nation..... only because he had to wait in line to be let through security/.... finally told the guy to shut up after listening to him for 20 minutes..... later i found out his seat was assigned next to mine
  6. that means the guy would have to watch ... right?
  7. i am surprised they didn't get lynched
  8. boy it makes you wonder about people like that. No common sense what so ever... hopefully they were trying to cover their nervousness with sarcasm....
  9. anything that makes my heart happy.... short simple and sweet... i think its the little things that make the corner of my mouth smirk
  10. that is pretty much how i view myself sheenster... i know i am not a goddess ... but i know that i am not a leg hiker....i am just an average plain jane kind of girl ...but i have one hell of a personality
  11. after coming across some of your posts... you come up with some pretty good ideas
  12. personality, looks are just a bonus...
  13. gotta love fate... it wasn't meant to be dude!
  14. my lord.... ilove knowing people like you... learn something new everyday
  15. who is the most interesting person you've met and what were they like? i run across a few every now and then who catch my attention and keep in my life.
  16. yeah i don't like the effects my nipples have to this cold cold evil white stuff
  17. explain the Happy Fun Ball.. that;s interesting... yeah when i got older my toy became a motorcycle.... i guess i was an isolated child....esp if i thought dissecting for innocent creatures was fun
  18. i never played board games as a kid... was always making paper airplanes.... or flying kites... or dissecting little things like spiders and snakes and worms....
  19. no actually i have nothing to do
  20. yeah i don't have that problem yet... our "season " is just starting though... dayum michigan weather
  21. holy cow i LOVE yahtzee too.... i wonder if the word yahtzee is derived from some language and what it means.... or if its jibberish for lack of something else better to call it
  22. iced mochas are my favorite from star bucks....
  23. thinks.... paper football now that is something out of the ordinary to do.. if i could only remember how to make them.....