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Everything posted by InsaneFreak

  1. I would say go here, because the place has the best vibe and they will look after you well.
  2. When you can walk from home to the NZ factory, you should probably take that as a sign :)
  3. 0:5:0 First lot of jumping in several weeks due to weather here. Beer will be owed next weekend as long as there is good weather.
  4. I have to say i think its probably been a few years since you've last been at mercer by the sounds of things. Lots of things have changed, not all of them good. Jim is Jim. SBB is about 2.5 hours drive from mercer. ASC is less being at Whenupai. Taupo is also in the 2.5 hr circle. Rotorua, Matamata too. SBB is by no means the closest, nor largest competitor to mercer. The only other DZ you would be referring to is BoI. This issue is personal, as Dave & Kelly were jumping in mercer to have fun when they won this prize. I don't see this as SBB vs NZSkydive. I see this as Dave and Kelly + Christian(who happen to be from SBB) vs NZ Skydive. Also the best person other than Jim to contact about this issue would be Wendy, as she did the organising for the Skills weekend.
  5. InsaneFreak


    im trying to decide weather i go to the DZ tonight, or in the morning. hrmm decisions.
  6. Id vote LCD. You can get them with built in media centres now. If your lcd fades, just turn the brightness up to max and you should get another few years out of it.
  7. Their running this here in NZ atm, but Im sure alot of this stuff is great for visitors. There are a few DZ's around Auckland, scenery from any of them is breath taking.