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Everything posted by Freshman

  1. Love keeps the proletariat preoccupied.
  2. Love is being able to kill your lover when you don't want her dead.
  3. will you cut down on or stop skydiving in order to reduce energy consumption and pollution output? I ask this because I realize I spend most of my income on fuel...gasoline for the DZ drive and Jet A for the plane ride.
  4. Publicity instills the idea of BASE jumping (whether good or bad) within a large number of people. Some of those people will pursue the idea and become BASE jumpers. More people means more standardization while also allowing for a greater base of experimentation.
  5. I have a feeling he thrives off bad days. Notice his smile in those police means something.
  6. One thought...publicity for BASE jumping will make it safer. If that is what you guys want...
  7. If not, you could always rub 'em down with Bengay. Or use a microwave.
  8. Of course, as is the way of the hot chick in every other facet of life. Simple is a little closer to the definitely works for them.
  9. Freshman


    Purpose will blind you.