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Posts posted by Carpediem

  1. Quote

    Well I took your advice and am drinking a beer and I feel much better!:P Also having a beer to celebrate the end of my procrastination on a paper.

    Nice. I am STILL procrastinating on a paper (was due wednesday), and am drinking while watching hockey night in canada :P

    And ya weather still, when it's low pressure, makes my ankle feel all fucked. And my mom has rheumatoid arthritis and finds the same thing. So not only do you not get sunshine to cheer you up, but you have to deal with swelling and pain n shit. Welcome to the broken people club! The solution, you're doing it... BEER! ;)

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  2. I've been there too and know how the depression can get ya. Just keep reminding yourself it could always be worse. I know it doesn't really help, but after a while you start to put things into perspective. When it's all over and you're back to doing the things you love, you'll find you love them even more when you think about how shitty it is without em.

    So have a drink, make a booty call, then vent all you need on here. We're all here for ya. And call up your friends to get their asses over and entertain you if they're not already. Then be sure when they're in that boat, you do the same ;)

    Heal quick and good vibes to ya kiddo.

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  3. 3 months ago. but here is what your town outta do. Schedule blood donation on a friday, and set up at high schools, uni's, and colleges. Give a pint o blood and 3 shots puts you out when you're boozin

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  4. If she didn't mention a thing about it, then just did it without inviting... well i'd be pissed. But before ya giver the ole boot, I don't cheat on the cheater for payback, the last round in the bedroom would def have the ole not-so-lubed "whoopsy daisy" and it wouldn't be just the head.

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  5. Quote

    The reasoning was, I believe, that you did not completely leave the object with the rig packed. The jumper was still connected to the object (by the break cord) until after the rig was open.

    When I touch down after a SL jump, I still have a big grin on my face. I don't care if anyone calls it a BASE jump or not. I didn't do it for the label. ;)

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  6. Sweet.

    What does a woman do when she gets home from the emergency room?

    The dishes if she knows what's good for her

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  7. Quote

    What was that you were saying about whining? Do I need to call a whaaaaaaaambulance?

    Nice! :D

    I hear a lot of bitchin too. Slap on your maxi, smoke a joint, then get out there and jump. Geeze.

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  8. Quote

    I'm afraid it wont be long now before some of the cars parked at the dz will be missing car stereo's and navigation units....

    not from the dz. you hit best buy

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  9. Quote


    he's just a little bored that's all. you're supposed to humor him :P

    Thats better:)

    That's corrected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  10. he's just a little slow that's all. you're supposed to humor him :P

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  11. Quote

    My skydiving gear definitely will not work!! Currently, I have 1200-1500 feet openings.


    crazy skydivers. you're all a bunch of nutters

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.