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Posts posted by Carpediem

  1. From the original report it sounded pretty likely he broke himself somehow. Good to hear

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  2. Have a black cock? Tired of ripping a hole into the bitches gut? The twoply pecker pillager is the pill for you. Scale down to 2 sizes, tiny and asian

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  3. It's only october!! Blow that student loan! Just live on bread and have the chics buy you drinks at the bar. And sell your textbooks while you're at it. And your computer, they have libraries for that shit

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  4. You forgot your post jump bacon n eggs with your beer.

    Now tell me again why anyone would enjoy this sport?

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  5. Quote

    Condensation can only be prevented by keeping the lens cooler before you fly up. Leaving a cam rig on the seat of a warm car before flying to cold air at 13k is a recipe for fog, especially if it's really cold higher up. Be sure both lenses are dry before flighting them.

    What about attaching the wide angle lens to the camera over say a stovetop burner to trap hot dry air in between the lenses, then sealing with it gafters tape or something?

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  6. You might want to stop by Skydive New England. Saftey day is this saturday (apr 1). Perhaps you'll meet some jumpers there. I hear they much enjoy beer ;)

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  7. I bought a PS2.

    I smoked a lot of weed.

    I downloaded every 24 and sopranos episode of every season and watched em all in order.

    Being broken sucks

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  8. Quote

    OK...I'm a fricken RETARD and finally realized why I couldn't do it...I had it on the "easy handycam" setting, which doesn't allow any of the stuff you guys were talking about. Once I realized to take it off "eazy" I figured out everything! Thanks!

    Everyone point and laugh :D

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  9. Be the change you want to see in the world right?

    Can you hold responsible the people who did nothing? No.

    Could I sleep at night knowing I didn't nothing? Fuck No!

    Some people could... and that's something they'll have to live with. If it doesn't bother them, then... well, that's the reason I believe in karma. >:(

    I'd take a punch or lawsuit over an attempt to help a child. If the judge actually convicted me of it, I'd make sure the press was well aware. ;)

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  10. Reminds me of one my fav quotes...

    "Even if you live just one day with a clear understanding of what life is, the value of that one day is equal to many, many years of living without awareness"
    -Dogen Zenji

    I'd take it. It would REALLY suck when it was gone, but love the time ya had and spend yer life enjoying what you can.

    Mind you, i'm a pretty simple guy... women, beer, parachutes, snowboard, and... food n shealter.

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  11. ya man. i just always buy 1 year (and sometimes 2) year old tech on everything. It's still really good, and if you REALLY needed that extra quality for what you were doing, then you wouldn't question picking it up.

    Buy it and enjoy. Looking forward to seeing your work

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  12. Is it out there? I know of a cast AS jumper. I get a walking cast on shortly... :P

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  13. well it's sure better then a broken plane.. or a broken ankle for that matter :S

    walking cast tomorrow! I'm going for my cast base number

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  14. When i was an undergrad we had one in our house of 6 guys. No cage it roamed free. It shit everywhere and never learned not to piss on the couch. If you passed out on the couch, it more often then not pissed on you. His name was Smokey, he was high every day and his favorite food was weed stems. One of my roommates sold alot and smoke would eat every last stem. They do get the pasties and munchies and will eat all of the food you ever give it, except meat. You can't even trick it to eat meat by wrapping or covering it vegies. It knows....

    Oh, and a roommate came back from hanging with female rabbits at the petstore once... When they say fast as a rabbit... they mean it. They'll pound your forearm hard n fast!!

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

  15. Quote

    Well if you _know_ the cable is good, maybe one of the cameras has a bad FW port,

    Good point. Can you send video OUT to another camera? To your computer? Eliminate those possibilities.

    Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.