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Everything posted by g3ninfinite

  1. I don't listen to music. I use the voice alarms and that's it.
  2. Even if you don't listen to music, the N3A is an exceptional altimeter. Headphones will save your hearing in the long run as an added bonus.
  3. just to piggy back. How does the 5d compare in videoing skydviing to the 7d?
  4. Yeah, UPT. Call them on Monday. But seriously, have the serial number of the rig and a set of measurements for yourself off of a V3 order form handy when you call, it will help them determine the scope of the work needed. Copy, thanks dave
  5. Thanks everyone. Will call UPT on Monday. Does anyone know approximate cost of redoing a harness on a completed container?
  6. Got a line on a rig that a buyer backed out on. Sizing is pretty darn good on me save the hip ring location. It's about 1-1.5 inches lower than ideal. How do you think this will translate in the sky? Free flying in particular.
  7. Thanks for the info bill. I'll look into that as well. Perhaps Lou was correct and I'm seriously underestimating cost of ownership.
  8. Sorry Lou. I realize they are two different systems. But after looking seems like the phantom is the newer kit. So the oxcon is the really expensive part correct? The helmet mask and bottle I can't imagine being more than a container. Guess calls will have to be made as to which system is in use by the DZ I'll use to make the jump.
  9. Just to be clear what I need is the Gentex PM halo helmet, phantom oxygen mask and associated bottle correct?
  10. I suppose Id like to do 2-5 per year. It's not so much the frequency. I just like having my own gear for whatever the activity is. Plus things are good and I have the coin right now.
  11. http://www.airborne-sys.com/pages/view/phaos gonna see about grabbing one of these.
  12. Looks like im headed to OK CITY. On a side note any one know where I can purchase my own gear? SSK?
  13. is it possible to have a shutter release through the mini usb?
  14. Anywhere to do this near the west coast?
  15. OK so I know that EIS is the preferred tech for camcorders. What about Point and shoots for video? How does this factor in on say something like canon's new G1X?
  16. I've seen that at square1. More of a mount than actual box but I hear ya. Just wondering why no one has cashed in on a cf snag free forehead mounted box.
  17. Please don't give me the 200 jump speech. I DO NOT JUMP A CAMERA. With that said why has no one made a flush fitting super low snag box for these things yet?
  18. better mounting options, aluminum housing, waterproof.
  19. Does anyone have the Perris AFF student handbook on a pdf?
  20. Anyone have a source for one of these? Also does anyone know approx. price?
  21. They do have suits but I'm gearing up to buy about 5 hours of tunnel and coaching so I want to make the most of it.
  22. Liquid sky is my favorite have an order in with them for a FF suit(LONG WAIT). But I'm in need a top tier tunnel suit asap. Anyone have any recommendations? Need someone who can turn it around in a week or two even if i have to pay for the expedited service.
  23. If this is really the case, I wont travel here either. But whats the next most badass place to jump that has a really really state of the art dropzone?