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Everything posted by BlackVelvet

  1. Do you have to "lurk here daily" in order to post? It's hard to know what exactly to write.. my thoughts aren't all that interesting to all y-o-u people. Most of you guys have a certain on-line chemistry. I don't think that's easy to jump into.
  2. uhmmmmm in regards to the above mentioned skyvan jump/exit::::: YOu left out the part where you screamed like a girl?? Must I keep reminding you of this??? The jump was fun .... the tumbling upside down and all over was something I had only done alone before you!!
  3. have a roommate and a wife ??? What's up with that??
  4. So much more to sex than his size. For instance, what about stamina, endurance, patience, gentle-roughness, etc. I mean if all you bring to the bed is your s-i-z-e -- you're missing more than just sex.
  5. Nope, it's good for a bit longer. I just think one never gets the hang of packing if ONE never ever does it. AND he p-r-o-m-i-s-e-d that he would take the time and pack. Big ol' FAA guy and all, you'd think he be able to back his words with actions; wouldn't you??
  6. Oh come on....nothing "good" about him now.. this is about what to when someone (skylord) doesn't play fair. I'm thinking something like packing both his and my rig for mmmmm how many jumps??
  7. MMMMM, is that possible?? Sounds like maybe, if you were heard, at 12,700 feet AGL, that you were in a very high octave of verbalization.....
  8. So the man known as SKYLORD wants to jump from the Skyvan... As a true redhead, I accomodated is 'every little need.' WE jumped that van..and flew all over the sky. In return, he was to pack his own rig for the day. Did he?? NO! Not one time! I ask you --- was this fair?? And what should be the repercussions for such violations??
  9. ;9; 0 No beer owed by me..but a few pay offs paid..I think that's how the happened! Perfect! Perfect! Perfect weekend!!