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Everything posted by simplyputsi

  1. I am trying to stab in in there. When I try to just barely touch it to the surface of my eye, nothing seems to happen. I'm gonna try it again in a little while. Walt You try right fucking now you will!!!!! ok just kidding. Like others say put one drop of solution on the inside and it should slide right into your eye. I actually sort of stab mine it but I've been wearing them for like 10 years almost. I do remember the problems I had at first. It does get easier. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  2. walt man calm down. I found the trick for me is to make sure my finger i'm holding the contact on is dry, well somewhat dry. I know you say how can that be you just stuck you finger into the solution to get the contact out. I don't know but it's somewhat dry. When soft contacts are new they tend to be super soft and not want to stay rigid either inside out or not. This sounds like the problem you are having. I have not read all this thread but are you holding your eyelash open and sort of dragging down the bottom of your eye by pushing down on the skin below the eye? This will make the eye much larger and easier to insert the contact into. Go slow when putting it into the eye. If you go to stab it in there you usually will get it back on your finger like you say. The dry finger thing really helps when they are new. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  3. Slow head. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  4. kicked in the nutz!!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  5. You know that sounds pretty tasty. I don't care much for almonds but I'm betting you can't taste them much after all that. And ummm no I don't have a blender. Someone took it from me at the Elephant xmas gift exchange!!!! Bastards!!! I think my new roommate has one though. Ha ha. Thanks everyone for the advice. I do eat smaller meals more a day but most times I don't get over the eating 5 times a day thing. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  6. Where is this Ohio you speak of?? I don't think I've ever heard of it. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  7. I'm curious as to what you are eating that has no sugar. I assume you mean added sugar. Like what are you eating for breakfast?? Skymama's #2 stalker -
  8. Cytomax, is this a pill or drink? Skymama's #2 stalker -
  9. I should probably get a physical anyway even though I am in pretty good health. I actually think I'm in the best health I've been in since Highschool. I wouldn't say I've been eating bad, but the last 5 days or so I had more food than usual. I wouldn't think that is a bad thing you never know though. Oh and caffeine is bad!!!!! You might catch me at Dublin with a Sobe Energy drink but that is a rare occasion trust me. It actually doesn't list caffeine as an ingredient but the plant that caffeine comes from is an ingredient. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  10. I don't have to get that one check up you speak of until next year. I guess a physical is in order though since it has been awhile. Why do you think I should have one though? Skymama's #2 stalker -
  11. It does help. I might give the creatine a try. Worst that could happen is I don't really like it or something. If I notice results I don't like I can just stop. I don't do weights and cardio on the same day. Right now I'm doing cardio 3 times a week and weights twice. I know I should do the cardio in the morning but it just doesn't work for me. I think that is some of my problem as well. For instance last night I ran for 45-50 minutes after work. I went home and had some pasta for dinner. This morning I just felt like I had nothing left in me. I ran that long last week and didn't seem to have the same drain I felt. Also since I'm steadily increasing my workouts I felt it time to start looking for help. The cliff bars are a good idea. I used to use them and just forgot about them I guess lately. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  12. this one??? Skymama's #2 stalker -
  13. I should probably clarify. I need advice on both, I mean for weights and cardio stuff like running. It seems the running is wearing me out more than anything though. I also should say that I'm not looking to gain weight and would like to stay away from caffeine. Did you have any side effects from the creatine? I thought I heard something about water problems with that one but I really can't remember. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  14. Help me help me help me. I am not really into taking supplements for working out but I was wondering if anyone can give me what they use to keep their energy up after working out and actually during as well. Is there any special foods you eat? Vitamins?? Must have energy!!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  15. I got a 5 too but I didn't want to tell anyone because I figured they wouldn't believe me. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  16. I have to have all my windows at work in the right order at the bottom of my screen. If one program gets shut down for some odd reason I shut them all down and then bring them back up so they are in order. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  17. No because then you will tell me after the auction that the green bean seeds you had were not the ones you listed and that the ones you really have are some other type of beans and that I can have those, even though they are not nearly as good as the green bean beans. Forget that. No way no how MISSY Skymama's #2 stalker -
  18. mmmmmmmm green bean seeds. I love to pick them out and eat them. I must have green bean seeds. Must have green bean seeds. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  19. to my slogan or the LM thing?? Skymama's #2 stalker -
  20. 2,3,4 are ocd 1 is just odd unless if you don't get to change your socks you start to go crazy. Get a gas stove and you'll know if the burners are on or off. Doesn't your alarm have snooze, or a backup battery in case the power goes out?? Skymama's #2 stalker -
  21. I think that went right over your head. Even though I didn't think that was possible. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  22. cheetos are buy one get one free at publix. At least they were this weekend. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  23. hmmmmmmmm Always???!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  24. Maybe this bothers you as well and you just don't know it. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  25. I'd say those are just peeves you have rather than ocd problems. The volume thing is odd though. I have a moto I came up with after working retail for awhile and running into alot of ocd people. OCD IT'S YOUR PROBLEM NOT MINE!!!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -