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  1. You are the dummy, dummy. I thought this country was founded on freedom...isnt it great that you can go to this bridge in idaho and jump it legally during the day without stress? Oh, i guess not. Now that would be stupid. It is up to the person to make the decision of whether or not they wanna jump, and if they should jump in certain weather conditions. If they fuck up, well thats their problem. People get hurt and die all the time in car accidents not related to alcohol or irresponsibility. Therefore.RayLosli.You are.A.Dumbass.Because.you make a terrible argument.
  2. For the record, I didnt know he was doing a floater...I stand corrected. The were in fact also doing object avoidance drills...should that be done with newbies in strong winds? Id like to hear your opinion on that "lifewithoutanet." Dont get yourself all worked up now though, its only a forum on the dorkzone.
  3. I just explained it to ya buddy, did you read it? HOw about explaining to me the sense of doing that, since you seem to think its nothing but a cheap shot.
  4. It was interesting to see a group of first base course jumpers walk out with their "TeAcher" onto the darkside of the bridge to make a jump. The reason for this seemed to be so they could jump into the wind and not overshoot the landing? Well, the dude who broke his pelvis in the boulder field sure didnt overshoot the landing area... Neither did the next guy to go, who crash landed in between a huge boulder and a bush. Now I dont have nearly enough jumps to teach a first base course, but I would consider this to be not smart...someone please help me understand the instructors ideas for doing this.
  5. well you seem to be doing some talking yourself...i dont see much action though. great, uuseproppergrammarandspellcorrectly! you must be so cool...
  6. id still consider them BASE jumps...were people doing rollovers (mcconkeys) and tards when that book was written? They are just new and cool ways to do it.
  7. for the record, id just like to say that I was the one who did the rad snowlerblade base...
  8. kslay


    Your post makes absolutely no sense at all, but thanks for posting it, because it shows just how smart you are.
  9. kslay


    How would you like it if someone in the BASE community went to the cops and said, "this dude is jumping this object at this time"? Not cool at all, right? So there is alot of shit talking and banter in this forum, its only a dorky internet web site...NARCing people out is way over the line...BASE jumpers dont do that to other BASE jumpers. Oh yea, and you spelled it wrong, we are APOOOPA, and we are pretty damn rad.
  10. kslay


    yea it must have been a concerned birdwatcher...that would explain why the forest service got there before most of the jumpers in the morning, and before anyone even started gearing up to hike. Thats a smart theory. But it doesnt even matter, because it was probably the raddest event ever, the forest rangers were super nice, and the locals enjoyed watching. So, if someone did narc on us, it backfired on them completely, and that makes me completely overjoyed with happiness. I hope whoever did this loses sleep at night thinking about how much of a failure they are.
  11. the dorkzone is not the same without huckstable. 60 days of non-serious comments and jokes is almost unbearable. We need you, dude...Now you may all commence normal bickering.
  12. kslay


    Going to be down in Lodi a bunch the next few months, looking for people to jump with. PM me, thanks.
  13. dude you totally rule, i cant believe how sick you are. hope to see you out west one of these days to visit. oh yea i have 0 injuries from jumping, but i did break my femur in a mountain bike accident, fracture my left orbital skiing, break my hand twice on my bike, elbow, wrist...
  14. kslay

    Tahoe Locals

    Im new to the area as well, moved to the north shore a few weeks ago. Just looking for some guys to go out with. PM me.