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Posts posted by CReW

  1. Ya know, a 4 hour drive would significantly reduce your chances of graduating.

    A 30 minute drive would result in a well rested student, a happy student, a sharper student ready to tackle the demanding AFF progression. Make no mistake, we're all students in this sport. After 30 years and 3000 jumps I still have my instructors and seiner jumpers and I don't hesitate to consult them when I need to or want to.
    I'm certainly not anti static line. Static line instruction has improved leaps and bounds over the years either directly or indirectly due to the AFF Instructor certification courses, the equipment is no exception. But the current AFF Instructor is the finest our sport has to offer schooled in team teaching and the latest techniques just as they better be.
    Enjoy the student progression where ever you go, it's demanding, enjoyable and rewarding.
    Good Luck,

  2. I would like to hear something about the Humboldt Hummers.
    From the stories we heard in the early 70's they were a somewhat renegade group that jumped in Humboldt Tennessee and were known for low pulls.
    Anybody know anything about them?

  3. Quote

    did she or did she not have at least 50 jumps?

    Doesn't matter, there are more prerequisites then jump numbers and it's a case by case basis. The organizers did fine in her case. Glad they were that smart.

    You have a lot of time.

  4. Yes, that picture was the cover of Parachutist 11/1976 so it probably was a stepping stone towards the Starship Enterprise dive.

    Guess today we would call both of those hybrid dives, not anywhere near the first hybrid dives though.

    Looking at that picture a little closer I think I see Grips Reisinger (Chris) and Davie Jones in there.

  5. I think Aerodyne is pretty accommodating, they would probably do that for you for a small fee but you would not get Snap Toggles and that's the best thing about RacerRisers.
    A buddy of mine was averaging 2 or 3 chops a year due to premature brake fires with the old Velcro type. Then he got the new RWS type and made it a year and a half with no chops, that was really good for HIM. But this year at the Convention he wrecked his good streak with a chop due to a premature brake fire. I just believe he would be well on his way to 2 years with no chops if he'd have had Snap Toggles.
    I have RacerRisers and Snap Toggles on all my rigs, Racer, Vector, Talon Pro and Javelin.

  6. FYI, they can also build those loop so that they are easier to grasp and hold by offsetting them slightly(see Picture).

    That offset loop is not the method we prefer for easy access. We use a technique developed by Wendy I believe. It involves well, nevermind what it involves.
    A set of CRW Risers needs at least 6 controls, front risers, rear risers and brakes. We must be able to access any control from any control instantly at any time without looking.

    The second picture is a snap toggle design years old. I had 2 premature brake fires and 1 chop with that design. If you like that old design you need to order a new set of RacerRisers with snap toggles, your going to love the latest design. Never had the first problem with it.


    I really like the jumpshack snap toggles. Never worry about losing a toggle on opening and they don't wear out.

    Well, I have worn out one toggle but only where my hand meets the webbing

    It's off to the airport,
    See Ya,

  • When we design a set of CRW risers and it just so happens we are currently working on version 3.0 we start with a new set of Racer Risers as a blank. We like how precise Racer Risers are manufactured, we like the unique stitch patterns JumpShack uses as they sow the riser together and we like Snap Toggles on a parachute as heavy duty as a Lightning.
    But it's not a CRW riser until we get done, it's just a blank. I think this blank would serve very well for what you have in mind. Here is the order we recently sent to JumpShack.

    We need you to make 20 pair of 21.5" Type-17 Racer Snap Risers (Stainless Steel mini-ring), No RSL.

    In addition to the standard dive loops we need an extra pair of dive loops on the leading sides of the Rear Risers.
    So that would be 2 pair of dive loops facing each other, One pair on the rear of the front risers like normal, and another pair on the front of the rear risers. All 4 of these dive loops are equal, even and of the standard size. They are at the tops of the risers.

    We're thinking no problem for you guys.
    I'll try and draw a picture.
    Thank you and CRW Skies, >>

    Two days after JumpShack received the order we had our risers exactly as specified.
    Your results may vary but I doubt it.
    Our goal is to create a great set of CRW Risers with no blocks, no Coban and no Velcro.

    Picture Attached
    So, if you really want them
    now you know where to get them and you didn't get shot down at all.

  • Thank you T and Jay for helping to get the newbies on four stacks and turning out some really nice dives.

    If there were any "newbies" there you sure couldn't tell from the way they flew. Razz is a great CRW Coach, we had a lot of fun!
    We'll do it all again next year.

  • Baggage handling...This is one area where customer service has suffered a noticeable decline. Most travelers have become accustomed to crossing their fingers at the baggage claim, and with reason. The number of mishandled bags, which means bags that are lost, damaged, delayed or pilfered -- yes, pilfered -- has nearly doubled in the past three years.

    Of the major carriers, Delta has more mishandled baggage reports per 1,000 passengers than any other airline, according to DOT, while United has a good track record, and Hawaiian, again, scores the best -- although still not perfect.

    That's one of the last services that is not automated, explained Aram Gesar editor of AirGuide Magazine and AirGuide Online. "That's where consumers will feel the strain."

    Gesar, who said fliers should expect to face even more problems with their bags to come, offers this tip to Jumpers: Overnight your gear to your destination.