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Everything posted by ntrprnr

  1. Thank you all!!! Proposal submitted. Fingers crossed. :) _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  2. Need one for a proposal - rather quickly... Thanks, y'all... Email: [email protected] _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  3. Nah, just happy to help. Can't imagine how much it must suck there for people who live there. _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  4. http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/live_tv.html _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  5. Hey guys... I'm staying at a hotel in Costa Mesa for work until Friday - If anyone finds themselves without a place to go because of the fires, I'd gladly open up my hotel room to you. Just email/call me and let me know how I can help. Also, if there's anyone in the OC who wants to get a drink or meet up, let me know, as well. -Peter _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  6. This is the head of the geek factory here. Peter, please tell me your crackberry was sync'd. I didn't lose the Berry - just my mobile phone - the phone is Verizon, the berry (which of course is sync'd and not lost) is t-mobile. Yes, I carry two devices. _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  7. For those who have met me - forget it - I'm starting to convulse. My Geek wings have been clipped. I've got NOTHING. I LOST MY DAMN CELL PHONE. AAAAAAAH!!!! This sucks ASS. If I ever spoke to you on the phone, you were in my mobile. So that said, if I've spoken to you, do me a favor, and email [email protected] me with your number, ok? I AM SO PISSED OFF! I called it, and it was off, which means that someone found it and shut it off. But the joke's on them, I have a reboot-lock programmed into it - If they turn it back on, it asks for a password. SO HA! But still. Shit. This sucks. So if you've called me, or I've called you... Email me your number, ok? Sigh. My geek wings have been clipped until I can get to the Verizon store tomorrow... Feh. And I ALWAYS return people's phones I find in cabs. This is SO NOT FAIR. _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  8. ntrprnr

    Post yourself

    Aw. Thank you. :) _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  9. ntrprnr

    Post yourself

    _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  10. AOL shut down AOL France yesterday. This was a goodbye video, featuring everyone who worked there. The song is basically saying "I had a wonderful time with you, let's do it again," and is a tribute to the people who worked there. It struck me hard, since I was one of the first ever layoffs at AOL - 300 content people, me included, gone in two hours, back in 1996. Just an amazing time, and as such, I credit these people with handling it with grace, style, and humor. Well done. _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  11. This is the most wonderful thing I've seen in quite some time. http://www.prdifferently.com/2007/10/my-respect-prid.html _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  12. Silly skymama, it's all about PR and Peter is a Pro. Girls love a guy that is taken. You need a job? _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  13. Thanks, guys! I was really surprised how well it came out - Thrilled the hell out of me. :) And what's nice is that it wasn't in a business magazine, so I could actually cut a little more loose than normal and have fun with it! _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  14. If so, email me peter shankman com and I'll give you the info. Makingf your world a little happier moment by moment, -Peter _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  15. THAT IS AWESOME!!! Totally want one! _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  16. Meeting Billy was VERY cool. I just landed from a reeeeeally windy jump, probably the windiest I'd ever made. I was walking into the hangar, dropped my rig, and there's Billy Vance. I was like, "hi, I just shit myself, but nice to meet you anyway!"
  17. BINGO. That's the problem I have. So now I can't jump? What's next? Can't eat red meat? No occasional trans-fat? Bingo again! Both boards on which I sit have key-man insurance on me. Nothing wrong with that. It's the nature of the beast. Howmany CEOs were killed lasyt year because their plane crashed, or they had a heart attack and dropped dead, or whatever? It's not just us. It pisses me off that we're "labeled" to investors. _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  18. http://www.foxbusiness.com/article/ceos-extreme-hobbies-investors-pause_302088_1.html Go forth, all, and write well-worded letters to the editor. _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  19. I hate you. _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  20. Let me know: I'm producing a breakfast in honor of Disability Mentoring Day on Wednesday at Tavern on the Green in conjunction with the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities - If you want to be invited, let me know. My client is Disaboom.com. Cheers, -Peter _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  21. I've moved on. Hoping for pepper spray next, remember? :) _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  22. Short version: I ran the Staten Island half yesterday to see how I felt. Ran a 1:56:04 - finished and within an hour, my IT band, my Achilles tendon, and my ankles all were swolen, hurting, etc. I'm out. If I'm in that much hell after a half, there's no way I could ever complete full in anything short of how I'd like to. So I'm going to defer, and try and heal. That's the mature thing to do. Maturity sucks. I'm very sad. six months down the tubes for nothing. Feh. _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  23. New world for me, but potentially a new client - Anyone own or use an Ex-Board? (www.exboardusa.com)? Can you tell me anything about it? Thanks, -Peter _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  24. Peter wants to meet All Y'all!! I suggest this - sometine in early December, I'll host a "meet Peter" party in my apartment. Free alcohol and Segway rides for all. Whatcha think? _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
  25. Watch your language. You're speaking to a friend of ours. Fill out your profile and make any kind of valid point, or get the hell out. And whichever you choose, I strongly advise you to not speak that way to Celt again. _______________ "Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?" "Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."