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Posts posted by StreetScooby

  1. Quote

    As to your statement....given that most of the murders being committed by those 13% (blacks) are against other blacks, it seems unlikely that the wealth owned by that 10% is a factor. In reality, it's mostly felons killing felons, presumably for control over illicit markets (ie, drugs).

    You are demonstrating a clear propensity of injecting facts into this discussion. That is not going to sit well with the liberals on this thread. Stop it. You are just going to drive the liberals nuts, and the rest of us to despair. Nothing good is going to come of your efforts.
    We are all engines of karma

  2. Quote

    1) 52% of the murders are committed by 13% of the population,

    That 13% includes both men and women. Black men are far more prone to violence than black women. And, not every black man is violent. I'd expect much less than half of them are. So, that means it's more like less than 2% of the population is committing 52% of the murders.
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  3. Quote

    People who have worked with her claim that she is very personable and considerate, as well as smart and hard-working.

    Except for her Secret Service guys.


    I want someone who pays attention to details, who gives a darn, and who realizes the world is a complex place and simplistic solutions are almost certain to blow up (sometimes literally).

    You realize he is a successful New York City developer, right?


    He knows nothing about policy and cares less about people other than himself and his family.

    His employees seem to think very highly of him.
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  4. Quote

    Well, ORIGINALLY there were some who were only worth 3/5 of others and had no freedom or liberty whatsoever, females had no property rights until 1839, and couldn't participate at all in the selection of the leadership until 1920. So that "all" is a bit of an exaggeration. Well, a LOT of an exaggeration.

    The fact those issues have been directly addressed, and the Constitution amended, shows that we actually have a living document that our political leaders are sworn to uphold.
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  5. This has become an emotionally charged thread, for which there seems to be no words whites are allowed to use in attempts to discuss that small fraction within the 13% of America's population that are black, who are in turn responsible for 50% of the crime in America.

    And that is far from a reasonably unambiguous and concise description of the issue.

    That is the goal of this thread.
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  6. He's having the conversation that I think needs to be had. And he's a talk show host, with a web site to boot. Thanks for the post.

    I've been looking around his stuff. He seems to have made it his life business to talk about this. Wow. He's much better at this than I could ever hope to be. I think I'm going to follow this guy for a little while.
    We are all engines of karma

  7. Quote

    Because it's one of the few things that white males, (or whites in general), with their generally greater power, don't get to decide. Live with it. It's one of the few things that white guys aren't in charge of in the US.

    Your teeth must be purple from drinking all that kool-aid.
    We are all engines of karma

  8. Quote

    Who are you going to have that conversation with?

    Cottage-officers, congressmen, and editors of papers to start.


    And why focus only on black criminals, when you could focus on criminals at large?

    The focus here is that small fraction of blacks, where blacks in total make up 13% of the population of America, who commit 50% of the crime in America.

    The Obama administration has legitimized the "grievances" of this small population such that their sympathizers are hunting cops.

    That's the conversation America needs to have, and it needs to have it badly.

    How many times do I need to say this? Is that description I'm using too long? Why hasn't that set in here? Thus my point that we need some concise and unambiguous term/phrase to describe that small fraction of blacks who commit 50% of the crime in America. And we really have not made any progress on that front in this thread, other than billvon calling me a hate monger. That's sad, it could not be more wrong, and it's pathetic.


    If it's because you want someone else to fix their problems, then figure out which of yours need fixing, too, so it's not just another demand from a white guy who assumes that because he's white, his voice deserves to be listened to.

    You are now a certified liberal.

    Your contribution there is utter hogwash.
    We are all engines of karma

  9. A good article from IBD:

    Walter E. Williams: The Decline Of Civility In America

    Walter E. Williams: The Decline Of Civility In America



    One of the unavoidable consequences of youth is the tendency to think behavior we see today has always been. I'd like to dispute that vision, at least as it pertains to black people.

    I graduated from Philadelphia's Benjamin Franklin High School in 1954. Franklin's predominantly black students were from the poorest North Philadelphia neighborhoods. During those days, there were no policemen patrolling the hallways.

    Today close to 400 police patrol Philadelphia schools. There were occasional after-school fights -- rumbles, as we called them -- but within the school, there was order. In contrast with today, students didn't use foul language to teachers, much less assault them.

    Places such as the Richard Allen housing project, where I lived, became some of the most dangerous and dysfunctional places in Philadelphia. Mayhem -- in the form of murders, shootings and assaults -- became routine.

    By the 1980s, residents found that they had to have window bars and multiple locks. The 1940s and '50s Richard Allen project, as well as other projects, bore no relation to what they became. Many people never locked their doors; windows weren't barred. We did not go to bed with the sound of gunshots. Most of the residents were two-parent families with one or both parents working.
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    How might one explain the greater civility of Philadelphia and other big-city, predominantly black neighborhoods and schools during earlier periods compared with today?

    Would anyone argue that during the '40s and '50s, there was less racial discrimination and poverty? Was academic performance higher because there were greater opportunities? Was civility in school greater in earlier periods because black students had more black role models in the form of black principals, teachers and guidance counselors?

    That's nonsense, at least in northern schools. In my case, I had no more than three black teachers throughout primary and secondary school.

    Starting in the 1960s, the values that made for civility came under attack. Corporal punishment was banned. This was the time when the education establishment and liberals launched their agenda that undermined lessons children learned from their parents and the church.

    Sex education classes undermined family/church strictures against premarital sex. Lessons of abstinence were ridiculed, considered passe, and replaced with lessons about condoms, birth control pills and abortion.

    Further undermining of parental authority came with legal and extralegal measures to assist teenage abortions, often with neither parental knowledge nor parental consent.

    Customs, traditions, moral values and rules of etiquette are behavioral norms, transmitted mostly by example, word of mouth and religious teachings. As such, they represent a body of wisdom distilled through the ages by experience and trial and error.

    The nation's liberals -- along with the education establishment, pseudo-intellectuals and the courts -- have waged war on traditions, customs and moral values. Many people have been counseled to believe that there are no moral absolutes. Instead, what's moral or immoral is a matter of personal convenience, personal opinion, what feels good or what is or is not criminal.

    We no longer condemn or shame self-destructive and rude behavior, such as out-of-wedlock pregnancies, dependency, cheating and lying. We have replaced what worked with what sounds good. The abandonment of traditional values has negatively affected the nation as a whole, but blacks have borne the greater burden. This is seen by the decline in the percentage of black two-parent families.

    Today a little over 30% of black children live in an intact family, where as early as the late 1800s, over 70% did. Black illegitimacy in 1938 was 11%, and that for whites was 3%. Today it's respectively 73% and 30%.

    It is the height of dishonesty, as far as blacks are concerned, to blame our problems on slavery, how white people behave and racial discrimination. If those lies are not exposed, we will continue to look for external solutions when true solutions are internal. Those of us who are old enough to know better need to expose these lies.

    Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
    We are all engines of karma

  10. Quote

    By using the word, you immediately lose any sympathy from the people you're attempting to address. From a sales point of view, that's a horrible way to go about business.

    This thread has clearly demonstrated to me that white people can't have a conversation regarding that small fraction of the 13% of blacks who are responsible for 50% of the crime in America.

    Even worse, the Obama administration has legitimized this small fraction of 13% of the blacks who are responsible for 50% of the crime in America, such that their sympathizers are now hunting cops.

    This is going the wrong direction.

    We really need to be able to have a conversation about the behavior of the small fraction of 13% of the blacks who are responsible for 50% of the crime in America.

    Their problems are not due to white people, or cops, or people who use offensive language.

    Liberals, and I hold billvon as a prime example here, refuse to allow that conversation to take place. This entire thread has been an opportunity to actually help define that conversation. All that seems to have happened here is billvon has labeled me as a hate monger. That's the best we can do here? I'm the bad guy? For wanting to have a conversation?
    We are all engines of karma

  11. Quote

    You just proved you can accurately describe the situation without using the word. I think you just proved you don't need to use it; you only want to use it.

    No, for the last time, I don't want to use it. What I want is a simple, concise word that describes the situation. Using long phrases with people tends to lose them quickly.
    We are all engines of karma

  12. Quote

    YOU (not everyone, you) have demonstrated that you can't tell when words like "nigger" are used as racial slurs vs. when they are used to discuss specific societal issues

    So, YOU are labeling me as a hate monger. You could not be more wrong.


    ...we deem to be blatantly...

    So, your lens is in play here, and YOU are labeling me as a hate monger. You have a warped lens.


    There is only a ban against YOU using "nigger" because you can't tell those two things apart.

    Your warped lens has driven you down this hole where the best you can do is label me as a hate monger. The entire point of this thread has been how can white people refer to that small fraction (males, acceding to your clearly stated sensitivities) of 13% of the population who are responsible for 50% of the crime in America.

    I have no problem not using that "that-word-white-people-cannot-use".


    If you don't like the rules of this board, if you think they are "word games" or whatever, then have the courage of your convictions and stop posting here. Or, if you can live with the rules, then continue posting here and stop whining. Your choice.

    Nothing productive coming out of this.
    We are all engines of karma

  13. Quote

    How does it affect your life in any way, shape, or form that you shouldn't call somebody a specific racial slur?

    What joy in life is it depriving you of?

    I want to have a conversation with local Cottage-officers, congressmen, and others in a productive way regarding what do we do about that small fraction of the 13% of blacks who are responsible for 50% of the crime in America. I can't call them "that-word-white-people-cannot-use" and hope to get anywhere with that conversation.

    Especially considering the Obama administration has legitimized their complaints, and now their sympathizers are hunting cops.

    America needs to have this conversation, badly.
    We are all engines of karma

  14. Quote

    Nope, I never claimed that.


    ...I'll make it easy for you and just tell you that you can't use any racial slurs, period.

    Ah, I'm tired of your word games, billvon. Trying to have this conversation is hate speech, as you've clearly defined it.
    We are all engines of karma

  15. Quote

    I'm just waiting for the double standard to die. Either let everyone say it or no one say it, preferably the latter.

    High hopes, indeed. As billvon has clearly defined it, use of "that-word-white-people-cannot-use" is hate speech by his definition. As we've yet to come up with another way to describe that small fraction of the 13% of blacks who are responsible for 50% of the crime in America, it kind of limits the conversation.
    We are all engines of karma