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Everything posted by ojf1982

  1. You do have a point, but from what I have been told, that boogie has been successful every year they have ran it, and theyve have it around the same time every year. Omar B-24801
  2. Just wondering in any DZ.comers will be at the Collegiate Boogie in Williston, FL hosted by the University of Florida Falling Gators Skydiving Club on Jan 18-20 ? Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  3. That movie sucks ass!! Guy Manos director of the film regular jumps at my DZ Skydive Miami. One time when i saw him there I was tempted to tell him that his movie sucked! Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  4. Everytime i come to land, I have noticed that my stall point is very very deep, but it maybe that i have short arms. I asked the rigger at the DZ and he told me that my brake lines are the shortest PD recommends for my sabre2 and he wont do it any shorter than the manufacturers reccomendation. Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem? I seem to be running out my landings and have ate it once already and i dont want to do eat it again. Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  5. I forgot to say that my mom, unknowingly, got me a digital camcorder the one i wanted a sony pc110, but she just thought i was gonna take pictures and make home movies...NOT!! I have other intentions with that camera..mounting it on my helmet and jumping with it!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  6. Well, its Christmas morning, and what did everyone else find under their tree? I got the usual stuff: clothes, socks, cologne, and a DVD player. Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  7. I have doubts about going now. I am only taking 11 credits and 12 is needed to compete. Also no one from my skydiving club at school is going too, so i dont want wander around like an idiot because I dont know anybody. Really sucks for me because I really wanted to go. Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  8. ojf1982


    I am still learning to freefly and would like some adivce on how to solo exit into a headdown position? Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  9. Does anyone know if there are any other skydiving movies on DVD other than Good Stuff or Crosswind (will be in DVD in March)? Has anyone seen Crosswind? It looks really good and am wondering if anyone has seen it, what is your critique on it? Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  10. If you see in the november issue of Parashutist, in their article of the Skyventure tunnel, there is a picture of 2 headdowners in the tunnel. It might be hard but not impossible Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  11. ojf1982

    My baby!!

    After thee weeks of having my first rig and loving every moment of it, here is a picture of her. Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  12. Can someone give me any pros and cons of the PC110? Can anyone tell me of a good website retailer that sells the PC110 at good prices? Thank you! Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  13. How would I go about demoing gear? Do I contact the manufacturer? How much would it cost? Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  14. kinda stupid question to ask but what is zooming? Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  15. Have the cops had any luck in finding the bastard? Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  16. I dunno what the club intends to do, but if the school wont pay for lodgin a motel, then im gonna rough it out in a tent on the DZ. Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  17. actually either im gonna take US27 or thr turnpike.. not sure yet Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  18. Congratulations, mines is in the same issue too!! A-39113...Why do they take so long to put it in the magazine? I just got my B so i think that will be printed in Jan/Feb?? Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  19. Thanks Marshman but i am driving from Miami to G-ville. Hope to see you guys there. I am not that good either, bu if i can compete it will just be for the fun of it Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  20. Ill be going, but I might not be able to compete because i am only taking 11 credit hours and USPA requires competitors to be taking 12. Hopefully i ll be able to it looks uncertain at the moment. What universities will you be representing. I go to Florida International University in Miami. Is anybody else going to the Collegiate Boogie Jan 18-20 in Skydive Williston (Gainesville,FL)?? Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  21. count me in! Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  22. ojf1982


    congratulations wildblue! what size did you get? What colors? Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  23. ojf1982


    I am going to go to Skydive Sebestian in less than 2 weeks. For the people that have gone there, can you tell me how you rate the DZ. Do you know what planes they have now? Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  24. Its still on back order. I should be getting it this week. Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801
  25. KICK HIM OFF!!! KICK HIM OFF!!! KICK HIM OFF!!! KICK HIM OFF!!! KICK HIM OFF!!! Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life! Omar B-24801