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Everything posted by SlackBeef

  1. No xrays or pix as of yet. Though when I did go in I got EXTREMELY lucky and didn't break a single bone. Folks thought I was dead on impact. Friends landing next to me, an RN running as quick as she could when I came to. Not to mention the blood that was on TOP of my canopy. How that happened, I do not know? Oh and the only video that captured this, he recorded over on accident! That was a major let down! Haha.. Since the accident I have learned to recognize whats wrong and whats right. This accident was on the last jump of my old canopy before I upgraded to a X-Braced. I now jump a velo103 and hadn't went in since. Sort of a wake up call to never get complacent. Complacency is a killer! Blue Skies and Safe Swoops! GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  2. Of course stuff like this happens to people and it is unfortunate. Nothing is without risk though now-a-days. You can start jumping and have nothing go wrong, but eventually something will go wrong. If you get injured or not only time will tell. I have about 8 cutaways and I slammed into the ground doing a hook turn. It is just something that happens but can't let it stop you from doing something that you love doing so much. If you don't think you can come to terms that you might get injured then skydiving may not be the thing for you. I hope you do enroll in the AFF program at your local DZ. It will be something that you will do forever! Blue skies and Safe Landings. To the jumper that got injured, fast recovery and heal quick so you can enter the world of wingsuiting. That is a blast, I own a Phantom3 and a V4. Heal quick man. GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  3. SlackBeef

    Spectre 150

    Canopy is brand new, no jumps on it. FedEx delivered to the wrong address and have been unable to retrieve it so far.
  4. I've been there. The people there are great. Like what was said previously turbine aircraft, great facilities, great places to camp if thats what you like. It's what I did. Camped next to the swoop pond. You will enjoy that place. Welcome to the community! GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  5. Sounds like I have a lisp! GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  6. Ok, I obviously can't spell! lol. I ment SAVE our lives and 2 chances. GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  7. We are not suicidal or even have a death wish. Every jump we make we intend to dave our lives! We have to chances, lol. There is no suicidal tendencies there at all. GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  8. unless there's an inversion :) You got to love those inversions! GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  9. nobody else in my unit skydives. There are however a few people who say they are gong to come and skydive the same weekend i go or the next wekend. They keep asking me about it so they might show. But we will see though won't we. GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  10. Now my return date has been pushed back 2 days, that really sucks! GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  11. No, no CrW yet. Will I ever? Don't know. Closest I have ever got was bumpin end cells. That was fun all on it's own. Wingsuitin, Freefly, Swoopin.. those are my disciplines. Soon to be BASE jumpin again soon as well. To do CrW will have to be talkin into for that. GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  12. I will be making jumps on the 21st of Nov... but i will be back hopefully the 15th of nov. GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  13. I am getting ready to come home from Iraq, and can't wait to start skydiving again at Skydive Temple. It's home and I have my skydiving family and friends there. There are some great people there, if ya haven't been there yet. I invite you to come on down. GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  14. I would enjoy going to go, money issues but i might be there to watch this one GO BIG OR GO HOME!
  15. WOOHOO i tied 4th in the intermediate, I'll be back next year >;) GO BIG OR GO HOME!