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  1. I think he was getting at the rules of this forum and the topics that are discussed here. Your post takes the tone of the speakers corner not the bonfire. Posts made here aren't for political discussion, speakers corner for that. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I was replying to the POST. It was not in the Speakers Corner it WAS in the Bonfire.
  2. 155,000 people devastated and the numbers are still rising....hmm....I don't think there will be a surplus of money from trying to get relief and aid to all of those people. If people do follow your suggestion that we wait for a final asessment of damages and cost for rebuilding then people could be waiting months, years even. In the meantime thousands of survivors would be starving and dying from lack of relief. No thanks, I'll donate now and have faith in my fellow man.
  3. [ Flyontheground, this is not speakers corner. I would keep your opinions to yourself.] op5e, How do you keep someone else's opinions to themselves? That is the grammatical inpact of your statement. As far as I am concerned, I support your First Amendment right to free speech and expression even though I feel your attitude would be better accepted in N. Korea, China and other dictatorships. It appears you decided to take the position that I am callous to the efforts of the skydiving community and other organizations. If you will note, I prefaced the reply by stateing figures already promised by the U.S and Australia as well as other organizations that are collecting relief aid. I also said that the communities intentions were meritorious and my only concerns were that a military official has higher authorities that they have to answer to. Then what! If throwing money at a catostrophy is your idea of helping, then by all means do so. It is your money and you can do with it as you will. As for me, I learned a long time ago to look both ways before I cross a street!
  4. Australia has pledged $800,000,000. The US $350,000,000. Other countries have committed. Donations are being asked for by every charitable organization in the world community. Wouldn't it be better to wait and allow a final assessment of the costs of the tragedy. That way, an accountability factor will be in place to allow the targeted relief aid amount to be reached and then the amount can be met. As of now, the relief efforts are backed by the world governments as far as medicine, food and medical staffing. The thing these people need at this time is counseling for their grief and losses, not a potential windfall from organizations that will accept unlimited aid and money to be used for their own salaries and use. My concerns are that the scam artists and receipients of the funds will have a huge surplus that will not be returned and the money will disappear instead of being shifted to other humanitarian efforts in the world. I'm not saying your thoughts and intentions are not meritorious, I am saying, be careful, what you hope to achieve may not come to fruition with out a safe guard. A military person in control of the funds is not a good idea!
  5. How about an ATM Machine that complains about everything a man does and doesn't do!
  6. Hey, wait a minute! Assuming the gif represents men's brains, I notice that the men are doing women in the gif in equal numbers! What should we conclude womens brains look like?
  7. The Phantom's mask on Broadway was the white half mask exclusively. The motion picture has used creative license to use several masks of different profiles for visual and allegorical effects!
  8. As an Agnostic, I would like to wish the Christian Community a Very Merry Christmas! Also, a Happy Hanakah to the Jewish Community as well as any other purported faith that has a Peaceful attitude to the world community! The Founding Fathers were principally Deists; they believed that God created the world as it is and then moved on to create other worlds, leaving mankind to its' own devices. That is an over generalization, but should suffice for all intended purposes. As far as the country being founded by Christians, there is merit to that, however, there many different sects of Christians who came here to escape religious persecution from the Catholic and Church of England authorities as well as the politically motivated Parliament and the Crown who all subscribed to different extractions from the Bible. Thus, New England is primarily Protestant and Catholic, Pennsylvania Dutch and Quakers, and to shorten the list, all of the other colonies were comprised of other sects to numerous to mention here. Because of the factionalism, not unlike the discussions that go on here, the framers, primarily Franklin, found it necessary to find a remedy for the different Christian sects that were having nothing to do with each other so he had Jefferson and Madison discuss the separation of Church and state issue with an eye on allowing an individuals faith and beliefs to be practiced as they wish, as long as the practice and belief did not intrude on the rights of others to practice their faiths and beliefs. All the separation clause was intended to do was to allow free worship without intervention by other sects and the central government. Therefore..."CONGRESS SHALL PASS NO LAW..." To the issue of prayer at public events. What ever happened to the thirty-seconds of silence that would allow every denomination to silently pray without someone of a particular sect pray on their behalf? If one denomination is allowed to say a mass prayer, what about all the other denominations being able to say their thirty second prayer? With hundreds of denominations of Christianity and all the other forms of religion in this country, I'm afraid the game or event would ever come to pass, given the prayer and time it takes to allow each sect or religion to approach the podium. I hope everyone gets the gist here. Well now that I have had my say, I will turn the podium over to other opinions! Happy Holidays EVERYONE!!! Thank God I'm an Atheist! Kevin
  9. Thanks for the reply Scooterskydives. Wisconsin must b a friendly place. Ladyskydiver has been very kind and helpful. Have a Wonderful Holiday Season! Kevin
  10. GRRRROOOOWWWWWLLLLLL!!! Yep, Maggie Valley, NC. Mountains and Valleys and Valleys and Mountains! Reverse that!!! Snow on the peaks but not in the valleys except the manmade kind! Beautiful here tho. Between Knoxville, TN and Black Mountain, NC. Y'all should try jumping in these mountains. There are clearings here, however you may not see the cow pies until it's too late! Kevin
  11. Thanks JWB! My reply to Skymama may help explain. Kevin
  12. Thanks Skymama, I'm sure there will be a learning curve here so bear with me. Thirty-seven year old male looking for encouragement to take my first jump (out of an airplane!) Going to Western Carolina where a friend wants me to take the big leap. Have people fainted after leaving the plane on their own? I know the first several times you are tethered to the instructor, I'm just curious as to how people have responded on their first solo. Thanks, Kevin (My frie nd has yet to solo)
  13. Well, I'm new here and I'm looking for encouragement to take my first jump. Is it absolutely necessary to use the parachute the first time?!? I wouldn't want it getting in the way of the view! HeHe! Kevin
  14. Hello, Not sure if I'm doing this right! Have I broken through to the post display? Kevin