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Everything posted by stallboy

  1. Hitler was a racist and murdered those people because he believed that Germans were the master race - It was not about religion it was about race. One day, I'm gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless...
  2. What I am saying is that religion itself is not the problem. If all religions disappeared tomorrow, evil people would use something else to control their drones. Hitler made people do unspeakable things and it wasn't in the name of religion. One day, I'm gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless...
  3. One could draw many parallels between the Muslim establishment and the controlling Inner party in George Orwell's 1984 - 2 minute Hate etc. It is a method of control as simple as that. The West went through it in 600 years ago with the Crusades. Islam itself is no more to blame for the atrocities that these people commit than Catholicism is to blame for the acts of the IRA in the 70/80s in the UK. Personally I don't need the promises of an afterlife or the threat of hell to do the right thing in my life... One day, I'm gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless...
  4. It depends if it's my hand or not One day, I'm gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless...
  5. It would be great to be a monkey: A beer in one hand, chicken leg held in one foot, the tv remote in the other - leaving a hand free to scratch your butt/flange or whatever. ... and you're not expected to wear pants! One day, I'm gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless...
  6. A man says to his wife "What would you like for your birthday? A diamond ring perhaps, or a new BMW, a holiday in Barbados, you can even have a yacht if you want... anything" She replies "I want a divorce" He says "I wasn't thinking of spending that sort of money!" One day, I'm gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless...
  7. The solution to obesity is simple; just change the US building regulations so that all McDonalds have to be at the top of a flight of steps.
  8. Cool pictures! I didn't realise it was already built. So when can we go!!!! One day, I'm gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless...