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Everything posted by grlsgotalot2lrn

  1. On my boyfriend's first tandem his videographer and him held hands and did, technically speaking, a 2-way. They spun around a few times and then let go. Watching the video I can see him enjoying it. However, is it unusual to do that for tandem jumps?
  2. Ok, posted last night about how my first jump went, and if i had realized how sore I'd be today, i would have asked about it! I thought i was in pretty good shape, but feeling a little beat up today. Is this normal? My shoulders, back, and even arse muscles are achey. Could this be a reflection of how tense i was? And any advice to be better prepared for this weekend - level 2?
  3. thanks! - even though I've told myself, it's good to hear someone else say keep jumping. and at least i'm not a lutz
  4. Would like to describe my level 1 and get any and all possilble feedback: mental state - nervous but since three weeks has passed since ground school. have gone over and over dive flow, felt confident and ready to get tandem jm off my back. plane ride - questioning sanity began, tried to relax, began to wonder if my mouth could possibly get any drier! exit - reached to hold bar, promptly removed by jm. Good hotel check and exit. said prop up down arch, but failed to look at prop or even think about the prop. freefall - felt small shake,responded while thinking "ok that means arch, but wait i thought i was arching. Am i not arching?? Are we falling? Yes dummy you knew you were going to be falling, now do what you are supposed to! COA time - read and communicate. Ok 1 - that really means 13000', now look to left and tell him. I'm looking. . . but why isn't his head right here next to me? Oh well just keep going. Brain, how come mouth isn't listening to you? look to right and tell her. Wait her head isn't right here resting on my shoulder either!?! And brain, is mouth still not doing what you told it to do? Brain just forget about mouth and tell arm to do prcp's". Brain tells body arch reach pull! ok again! Brain and body decide two prcp's were enough. Just kept watching alt, and at 5700 i wave off and pull. Canopy - As canopy is opening my brain and body get in an argument about who was supposed to communicate altitude, and who was supposed to make sure 3, not two, prcp's were done. Thankfully, canopy was square, steerable, and stable. Felt wonderful under canopy, and tried to focus on landing. As my goggles fogged completely i wondered if should try to remove them or just deal. (I think common sense got scared away by all of brain and body's arguing). So, I just dealt. Thank goodness my radio worked, and i could see enough to tell direction through my haze. Flared on time, maybe a little early, stood up, and then the wind knocked me over. Logbook: Good hotel check - nice exit. Gave COA from both JM's. Saw her looking at altimeter but did not look @ JM or verbalize. Did 2 quick practice pulls. No 2nd COA. wave off and pull 5700'.Cleared for level II but must relay altitudes, look at JM's. YAHOO- FUN SKYDIVE mental state after - Whew! And where was I during that "FUN" skydive. That sucked. Not the jump, but me. What happened up there? Essentially, I exited fine but didn't look up at prop, or the plane. Ignored my heading. Didn't notice my horizon, much less look for it, or even think about it. Did altitude portion of Coa, but decided not to move my head enough to make eye contact, much less communicate altitude. Decided 2 prcp's was enough for me. Stared the altimeter down until 5700, waved off and pulled. Decided not to remove fogged goggles under canopy, figuring i could suffer some severe consequence like clear sight. Thankfully landed fine, made a admirable effort to stand before i fell. Feeling a little down. Know I can't quit, because that would only leave me with the option to never do it again. I am surprised that the ol' sensory overload seemed to sneak up again, but at least I'm glad it didn't take over! Ultimately enjoyed the fact that i did the jump, not happy with my performance, and wonder when I'll feel like i had a great jump.Level 2 here i come. . . Thanks for listening!
  5. read it, printed it, will read some more. . . thanks!!
  6. I've done two tandems, have taken my ground school, and because of weather had to postpone my first aff jump until sat. i thought i was ready, until reading tom buch's post regarding flat turns and the incident post it is referring to. I've rehearsed my dive, read section 4 of my sims a few times, yet don't feel confident about my potential canopy ability. I plan on discussing this more with my jm on saturday, but any other advice on what I can do to be as prepared as possible? Even though i may only have 1 aff jump under my belt, should I participate in the classroom portion of the scott miller canopy course being offered at my dz?
  7. I've really enjoyed reading the recent posts on drugs on a dz. Val maybe you should have asked about "drugs on an exit", instead of "drugs on a dz"! In my life i've tried many things- regretted and loved a lot. i do enjoy alcohol occasionally, but after the fact, i usually feel like i've poisoned my body. but after i smoke. . .i'm fine - no headache, no nasauea, no dizziness. anyways, I don't smoke at work, I don't smoke around children, I don't smoke when I'm driving, I don't smoke when i'm jumping, but smoke, I do. hopefully one day people people will stop trying to kill the plants of the earth!! Oh, and val, yes dildos are nice, but it sounds like you should really go for a live one every once in a while, they're even better! Enjoy the skies, than the highs!
  8. chuck - not so harsh on my posting goofs, please.
  9. thanks for the info! what about relaxation tips/techniques? or does that come with time, knowledge, and jumps? every time i go to the dz and jump, i want to do it again, even in the same day, but when i get home alone with my thoughts i feel more nervous just sitting and thinking about what im going to do than i feel once i'm actually there. i've even told myself to forget the idea and just fondly remember the little bit of time i've had up there, but thoughts of skydiving seem to have taken over my mind. i now know what it feels like to be a man and think about something every 6.2 minutes !
  10. I have my third tandem pogression jump in 2 weeks, and my ground school and aff lvl 2 in 3 weeks.!!Could someone please describe ground school for me?
  11. During and after my first solo skydive i thought. . . During and after my most recent skydive i thought. . .
  12. not really what i was looking for, hoping to get some relatively worthless but fun responses. Next -
  13. A newbie skydiver is . . . . -still supposed to be smart enough to post stuff like this in the Bonfire after first reading the forum description. -chuck
  14. now i'm torn - i've done two tandems as part of a tandem progression program, and have already purchased my third for $90. After the third (and ground school) i would progress to aff lvl 2. the thing is a guy(not an instructor) at my dz said i should put the $90 towards ground school and aff, but then i would begin at level 1. For my second tandem, the tm's notes in my logbook are good exit, good turns, good aa, good tracking, and good landing. this guy also works at the dz as business promoter or something. Do i need to begin at level one, i was kind of hoping these tamdems could "count" towards aff.
  15. took my second tandem today - got to turn, track, pull, and help steer canopy. pulled at 6000, let go of cord at approx 5999 - ooooops! and i thought altitude awareness was most important!
  16. where is the L1, and how much did 15 min put you in the hole?
  17. jumped today- went wonderful!! Was a little more nervous at the door, but was fine otherwise. I got to turn, track, and pull (won't fret too hard about letting go of the ripcord) And landed standing! Not quite as depressed, because i already bought my final iaf tandem. Just gotta save enough for ground school and aff
  18. i meant more like non-fiction books about fear, but scary stories rock too. and i love seeing how this thread as evolved. The Edge by Hunter S. Thompson seemed like a good recommendation.
  19. thanks for all the advice! so excited - doing my second tandem tomorrow! Hope to learn tons, and can't wait to find the "high" i've been chasing for 2 long weeks.!!!
  20. im taking my second tandem this weekend, and hope to be much more involved, and not just have sensory overload . What are the chances i'll be able to pull the ripcord, wear an altimeter, help steer the canopy,etc.?
  21. can anyone recommend any good books about fear?
  22. Weak minded - not so much. monoglot - possibly. And yes, my spelling in slovenian is awful, but i thought i was reading english. And i may be lacking slovenian language skills, but at least i do not lack a sense of humor or tact. I can only hope that i may one day attain a minute portion of the brilliance you must possess.
  23. I see, I see You know your a redneck if you stare at an orange juice can because it says concentrate