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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Michele

    Hot Pussy!!!

    Look at that - spread out on the sofa, just sitting there...cooling off. Lazy, lazy, lazy. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  2. Michele

    SAR/SAR Dogs

    I know that some of you are SAR, and might have SAR dogs. This is an area I am very interested in. I don't have the room at the moment for a dog, but if I did, what dog would you recommend? Any sites that are good for reading? How about the whole FEMA deal - how does one go about getting certified for that? Best training methods for trailing? Air scenting? Cadaver? Water? (I love newfies, and think that a newfie would be a damned good dog for water SAR). It's not like I can do anything right now, but I would love to learn more about it. Additionally, I'd love to get involved with volunteer SAR here in Los Angeles. Any idea how to go about that? Thanks in advance! Ciels- Michele ETA: BTW, the recent thread about helper dogs got me going again on this subject; it doesn't seem as if there are enough dogs to be able to get them to everyone, and some recent failed searches for missing people (by failed I mean not found, or found too late) because there were no dogs available (and that might've made a difference). ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  3. How exceedingly wonderful. It's never good when someone dies; but if people can live because of the organ donation, that's wonderful. I'll keep those patients in my prayers - and thank the family for being both willing and able to follow through with Ted's wishes. Not an easy decision, but one which will affect many families. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  4. Yikes....not something I'd want to do. Ever. I missed the memo...is that why they turned the heater on? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  5. Yep, it's nasty all right. California - the entire state - is under a stage one electricity alert. We are to expect outages, and not to use major appliances until 8 pm...and we're on an "extended heat warning" as well. We are supposed to be cooling off, but I can't feel it yet...sigh. It's 91 right now, and the heat tends to peak around 6-7 pm...so we've got a long way to go to get through. OY! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  6. YAY!!!! Congratulations, you two! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  7. I don't have any memories or funny stories of her, but I wanted to add my condolences to those who will be suffering badly now...her family, friends, and colleagues. May peace come to you soon. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  8. Fly fast, fly free...but by God, FLY! My condolences to all who knew him. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  9. Michele

    I need a name

    Jay, she's adorable. Thanks for taking her into a forever home. Names? I have no idea. My guys have named themselves, so I'm no help. Sorry. But she is indeed a cutie. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  10. Lisa, make room in that freezer, all right? Well...supposedly the worst is over for a few days. It's currently 92 - it hasn't been this cool this early in about a week...and Wednesday's forecast is to be mid 90s. That I can handle. It's this 112+ weather that just puts me out. Andrea, to you. Glad to hear you had a good time, but still. And to whomever is putting extra blankets on their bed, well, phooey to you. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  11. Like I said, I wasn't doubting him...just comparing the fact that the photo hadn't been researched or likewise commented on. I find all people who hand children guns abhorent, as well as all people who allow their children to sign bombs. It does nothing more than promulgate the mindset and viciousness that must be stopped before all the rest of it can be stopped. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  12. Why not? We took BillV's at face value (not saying we shouldn't, just pointing out the discrepancy...). Has anyone researched Bill's to see if it's current? (Again, not saying I'm doubting it...just, Mike, if you're going to "take the piss outta" people, why not check all available facts, and post the results, oh DZ.com detective?) Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  13. Again, agreed wholeheartedly. Sigh. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  14. Check with the burn center - there are lots of things that we think might be fine, but would pose a risk to the little guy. So ask them for a list of not o.k. things. I'd think something along the lines of some sort of toy or movie - does he have a portable DVD player? Maybe some good movies for that. Or a hotwheels sort of toy, or a dragon toy (I know they have them in "eggs" and they're lots of fun, but not for a 3 year old...). Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery for the little guy, and thanks for taking an interest in him - he can use all the love he can get right now. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  15. It was so funny last night. I moved it into the bedroom to sleep, and stretched out. Not 5 minutes had passed before 4 furry bundles of heat had stretched out between me and the a/c...Esse put her face right in the blower part and just laid there, I swear, grinning from ear to ear. The other two lurked near it on the floor. Too damned funny. And we all managed to have a good sleep last night for the first time in weeks. YAYAY!! We are, indeed, enjoying Dad's generosity and the A/C...no doubt. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  16. Hang in there, Lisa...it's supposed to cool off to 100 tomorrow, and by Wednesday it is supposed to be in the upper 80s. Not sure I believe it, but it does give one hope. 'Course, it's also supposed to get back up into the 100s by next weekend...but we'll take the breaks where we can find them, right? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  17. I'm curious. Yesterday was record breaking for most of California. In Burbank, where I live, we missed the all-time high by one degree - we checked in at 112/feels like 118. (The all time high record is 113, but in August...not July). Chatsworth, however, made it to 120. Dunno their feels like, but I guarantee you it was well into the 120s. So here is today's forecast... "Partly cloudy. A 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs 105 to 115. Heat index readings 110 to 120 late this morning through this afternoon." We are under an extended hot weather watch, from 10 am to 8 pm. Right now, at 9:45, we are already at 88, cloudy and humid as all heck. I predict that we will have thunderstorms come through, and the high will be a new all time record (at least 114). So...what's it gonna be like where you are? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  18. LOL, I am aware of the reference. There's not a time when Dad and I go out that he's not asked where the watch is...and a few intrepid souls have actually looked on Dad's wrist and said "that's not the watch...". Even when Dad was in Israel at the Wailing Wall (years ago) he was asked about the watch on the Plaza. So yes, I got your reference very well... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  19. Damn. You - and his family - will be in my prayers. So sorry to hear about this. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  20. Erm....ah...well...No confirmation or denial. LOL! It wasn't always that way, though, Speedy. Dad has been in the industry for 63 years - and only the last 15 or so has he made enough to be comfortable and able to give things to people like this. He really enjoys it, too. As he puts it, "you've got me in good investments, I've got plenty of credit and cash in the bank to pay the card off...what'm I gonna do with it?" I told him I'd bury it with him, and he, horrified, said "don't you dare. You spend all my money for me later, all right? Just stick a bank statement in there with me." He's a good Dad. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  21. Yep, it sure is a ballsy unit. And thanks for the definition. The other one Dad was "thinking about" was 12,000. Considering it's still 97 degrees, and it's 9:30 pm, I think having a ballsy unit is a good thing. Wind's picking up, so maybe we'll get some of the storms coming through... Micro, it is good to know Dads take care of their children (even when we're old, like me...)...and you're a good dad, and I know you take great care of yours. So there. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  22. YAY for Kris' Dad! You GO, Pops!!! And good to know you were able to swallow your pride long enough to say "yes". Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  23. Well, there was the time where the Coast Guard and all the Life guards got called in to find me when I went down the beach to have lunch with some strangers...I was two. Or, the time I didn't pay a speeding ticket and the cop showed up at the door. I was away at camp, and got an "emergency" call there. Dad asked me what the hell was I driving, and I told him "my bike." Dad went into the court the next day, and paid the ticket...and took it out of my hide when I came home. Those are just two of many times I was indeed a trial to my parents...and they don't let me forget it. I've been forgiven, but it's not ever been forgotten. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  24. Literally. Very cool...and very nice. I am looking forward to a decent night's sleep for the first time in about 10 days... Edited to add: It's 9:15 pm, and 98 degrees. Outside. Inside, it's about 90 (80 if you're right in front of the fan). It meant a great deal to him, I know. He's very generous. But when I was coming up, we didn't have extra money; we barely made it some times (I know that now looking back; at the time, I had no idea). Now that he does have some extra cash, and is doing well in all regards, he loves to give to his kids and grandkids. It does give him lots of happiness to take care of problems like the a/c, 'cause he knows it makes life a little easier on my brother's family and I. And he likes to be able to do that...likes it a whole lot. My Pops rocks. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  25. A few years ago, we had a bad heat wave...and he, being old (at 78, iirc), wasn't handling the heat too well. So I made him get central A/C-heat throughout his house. He swears he has no idea how he ever made it before...and loves it. So, now that we are having one of the hottest, worst summers we've had in many years, my a/c doesn't work. 'Course, it's about 30 years old, and is a window unit, but still, it doesn't work. I had the landlord bring out a maintenence guy, who fixed what he could, but it only cools about 2 square feet in front of it. Dad decided we were going shopping - he needed some shorts, and he suggested that I figure out what I wanted to get for me, the house, or the cats...no $$ limit. I told him air conditioning. I was just kidding...there's no way to a/c my house, and I'm renting anyway. I've muddled through, but it's rough. Can't move, so I just deal with it. So, Dad and I went shopping; he got everything he needed, and I got a few odds and ends, nothing fancy. And then he decided he needed to look at stuff over at Sears. So we trooped over to Sears, and what he wanted to look at was a/c - a new window unit for the front room, and one for the bedroom. For my place, not his. I told him no - it's far too expensive, and I'd survive without it. He told me yes, you will take them. No, sez me...and then he spotted a sales man. Collared him, told him he wanted two good, quality window units. The sales man smiled, and said "sure. But have you seen the portable A/C units? Right over here..." and Dad was hooked. Knowing Dad, I knew I wasn't going to be able to leave the store without a unit, so I pulled him aside, and told him "no, Dad...one unit I can accept, but not two...and not the most expensive one." Dad looked at me. Told me "fine. You'll take one?" and I said yes. Dad asked the sales man to show him the most expensive portable A/C unit on the floor, so the sales man of course did. Dad said "o.k., we're not getting that one. But we're getting this one" pointing to the second most expensive portable a/c unit. 10,000 soemthing or others, price of $499 with a 5 year warranty. Of course, when I got home, the power had gone out because everyone is using their units...but the power is back on and I am feeling actually as if I will survive this noxious heatwave with some semblance of sanity...and the kitties won't pant. So I'm sitting here, with an outside temperature of 110 and a feels like temp of 115, but inside, it's a balmy 90...and that's after about 30 minutes of the unit running. Am I happy? Oh hell yeah. Are the kitties happy? It took them about 3 minutes to realize that it was cooler in front of the portable A/C then anywhere else, so I've got 4 laying here, bellies to the unit, happier than they've been in a few days. Does my Dad rock? Oh hell yeah. I am without doubt to be blessed with such a generous man as my father - not simply financially, but with his friendship, counsel, and love. He's an amazing man, and this is just a wee bit of the love he shows me regularly. I just had to brag on my Pop.... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~