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Posts posted by FlyingJ

  1. I lived in 6 states by 2nd grade, spent 2nd through 12th in Georgia and have lived in 6 more states since high school. I never liked Georgia at first and couldn't wait to leave. Then I moved to Ohio for college and couldn't believe how much I missed Georgia! I will always have a certain connection to Atlanta as that is where my parents and a couple siblings still live, but I have typically adapted to feeling like home is where I live at the moment. While I miss little other than family about the Atlanta area, I do miss the southeast and doubt I will feel like I've really settled until I make it back that way. It will be tough to find a place that can compete with my little town of 9,000 on the Texas coast now though!
    Killing threads since 2004.

  2. Consider refurbished units too. I bought mine refurbed from the apple online store (w an educational discount) for a decent chunk less than retail. Came w warranty and bought the apple care on top of it. Something to think about!
    Killing threads since 2004.

  3. Quote

    LOL, problem is Bubba/and Bubbets see's a camera crew., and they gather around like flies ,.. Smart people, don't want to end up in a court case stemming from the event, and get the hell out of camera rang!

    I was going to comment on the same thing. Does the reporter seek out the stupid people, or are the stupid people just all that is left!
    Killing threads since 2004.

  4. Quote

    Here is a worry for a Gator fan.... If Georgia plays like they did against Arkansas, and Florida plays like they did against Arkansas then the FL-GA game in Jacksonville will be in Georgia's favor.

    NOW THAT IS WHAT I LIKE TO HEAR!!!! I really would hate to see Georgia do something to knock an SEC team out of the top two, but as a Georgia fan there is NOTHING better than seeing a bunch of crying Gator fans. It's not something we've had the opportunity to experience lately. : /
    Killing threads since 2004.

  5. Quote

    of the myriad of animals you could've hit you should be thankful it was only a peacock :P

    No kidding! We just go paged out recently for a car vs. cow at 75mph. The cow was jet black and I couldn't see it until I was within 10 feet on foot. I can only imagine the WTF feeling when all of a sudden the car just hit this invisible freaking wall. Needless to say, neither the car nor the cow fared very well, though the people involved were remarkably unscathed.

    Don, you sure you haven't had that peacock targeted for awhile? Would make a pretty unusual mount in the living room!
    Killing threads since 2004.

  6. Who SHOULD? If you want the two best teams the game should be between Alabama and Florida.

    Who will? It's a toss up for me between Alabama and Florida. Going to come down to who stumbles. Florida damn near blew it yesterday. Would like to see Alabama take it, if for no reason other than I'm a Georgia fan and it is terribly painful to cheer for Florida.

    Who will the SEC team play? I'm guessing Texas, but who knows, there is still a lot of season left and a single loss could really turn the polls upside down.

    I'm still getting a kick out of seeing Cincinnati on the rise. I went there 95-99 and during that time even homecoming only filled half the stadium (everyone was busy watching Kenyon Martin play basketball, nobody gave a damn about football). I think it would be a joke for them to play for the championship considering their schedule, but if Coach Kelly stays around and they have a few more 10+ win seasons and those seasons include some tougher competitors they may just get there.
    Killing threads since 2004.

  7. Quote

    one night at the farm Greg,s kids had a homecoming party. He made it clear the skydivers were not to mingle with them. they had their own area.

    This was the night I met Rosta Rican. We were talking ther normal skydiver BS talk.

    My son Stephen (The Boss) 14yo was sitting on a beer cooler drinking a beer and a little tipsy when 5 of Greg,s kids friends 16 to 18 started walking over from their bond fire and he says SSShhhhhhhh stop talking about sex the kids are coming. He said it loud enough for the kids to hear. We fell on the ground laughing so hard.
    He is the greatest gift of my life and happens to be Autistic.

    I remember that night! Absolutely hilarious. How are y'all doing?
    Killing threads since 2004.

  8. I've had 5 or 6 friends complaining about the same kind of problems but I've yet to see any of them on my computer or my phone. I've been embarrassingly active lately and other than being a little slow to refresh a couple days ago everything has been peachy keen.
    Killing threads since 2004.

  9. Nobody can be 100% prepared to deal with everything, but I feel pretty good about the ability to make it through the types of disaster I can expect to see locally, primarily hurricanes.

    A lot of people feel invincible with their months of food and closet full of guns, etc., but none of that will help you after a tornado picks up your house and spreads it across a two county area. That is, unless it's stored in your hardened underground bunker, in which case, you got room for me in there? ;)

    In my experience doing disaster relief (on chainsaw crews, w/ Red Cross and as EMS) the MOST prepared people are those with a place to go to avoid (an expected) disaster altogether. Nobody was ever in the way as much as the people who "were prepared and could fend for themselves" but just ended up being a pain in the ass to the responders once they realized just how uncomfortable it is to be without the comforts they are used to. Nobody is easier to care for than the person that isn't there in the first place.

    Killing threads since 2004.

  10. Quote

    My elderly parents got the regular flu shot at a clinic, then they asked their GP about the H1N1 vaccine due to be out soon. He said the consensus in the medical community is that it is so new, and being rushed into production so quickly, nobody (i.e., doctors) knows anything reliable yet about its safety or efficacy, so the best he'd say was: do your own research and make your own decision.

    That was his expert opinion and guidance?? Well, I was pissed at the non-answer answer, so I had my parents call their cardiologist. He gave them essentially the same answer.

    Then I called my own doctor's medical group. Got basically the same answer. >:(

    Next week I will be publishing a conspiracy theory.

    Hehehehe...seems like you couldn't ask for a more honest answer. You are asking for a professional opinion on something they have absolutely no experience with. Now I know plenty of people on here give opinions and advice without having anything to back it up with, but it's kind of refreshing to me to hear someone say "I don't know."
    Killing threads since 2004.

  11. I LOVE my full time job. Full of excitement and every time I think I've seen everything my little town can come up with they prove me wrong.

    My part time job (where I work full time hours) is a little less enjoyable. Very easy work for respectable pay, but sometimes long hours of boring and easy can get pretty blah!
    Killing threads since 2004.

  12. Had the regular flu shot, swine flu shots are on order. Our supervisor (EMS) gave us the whole the shots are your decision, but I hope you make the right decision speech. My town's population grows in size by 4 or 5 times with snowbirds, approximately 3/4 of which will come down with the flu this winter. Of that number, about half of them will call for an ambulance (or Medicare Taxi as we must be listed somewhere) instead of getting someone to drive them. 40 minutes is the back of the truck with one person with the flu is enough for me to get a flu shot, much less 5 or 6 per day.
    Killing threads since 2004.


    This video is a perfect example of why I typically keep my mouth shut regarding politics, etc. I am fully aware of just how much I DON'T know and choose to refrain from sharing my feelings on a topic unless I feel like I've done enough research to be able to back up my point of view.

    I live this video every day in my small south Texas town. I hear people constantly mouthing off with their feelings that this or that is awful, and this person or that person is ruining the country, etc. Oddly enough, when you ask them to tell you why they are completely incapable of saying anything they haven't heard some talking head spouting on TV. I mean this in no way as an attack on conservatives only as I'm pretty sure someone could make a pretty darn similar video at a liberal protest. That, and I have no doubt that there were plenty of people at the rally that could answer intelligently, but of course they didn't make the video.

    We all have a vote. It's scary to realize just how many of those votes have so little to do with reality.
    Killing threads since 2004.

  14. Better to see them lose now than yet again losing in a national championship game that another team would have had a much better chance playing in!!!

    edit: to complete the sentence!
    Killing threads since 2004.

  15. Quote

    'Round Ireland With a Fridge

    A light read, nicely written and highly entertaining.

    I LOVED that book. Found it on a random clearance table for less than a dollar. It's been passed around to 10 or 15 friends by now. Everyone has loved it.
    Killing threads since 2004.

  16. Unfortunately tonight I witnessed one of the most grotesque and obnoxious displays of "rememberance" I have ever seen. We were at the local high school game to do EMS standby. They had asked us to send a medic to join a member from each of the fire depts and law agencies as a token of thanks to those on Sept. 11, etc. It was all relatively tasteful, up until they asked for a moment of silence. It lasted about 10 seconds and then Proud to be an American started playing, overdubbed with radio and TV announcers from Sept. 11 describing planes hitting the towers, towers falling, people jumping, etc. The overdub continued through a medley of 4 or 5 different patriotic tunes and did nothing but get worse.

    I saw no reason to go to such lengths and I was happy to see other folks reacting similarly. Their thanks to responders via the local group was nice and it could so easily have just ended with a moment of silence followed by the national anthem and raising of the flag. Instead I think they did more to disgrace the memory of those involved than anything.

    Sorry to add a negative tone to this thread. Ever since watching the 2nd plane hit the tower from the top of my office building in NYC I've had more of a "alright it, this is done, let's move on and not let it intrude on living our lives" attitude and this little event in my current tiny south Texas town really got to me.

    Alright, my rant is over.
    Killing threads since 2004.

  17. Quote

    How da fuck did you put the link inside the post? [:/]

    New forum...I am lost....:$

    Look at the buttons right below the text box. Click the URL box, paste the link you want to post and then click the /URL box. Easy as that!

    Edit to add: just did a bit of work to get my 94 Honda Shadow running again, psyched to ride again, and we end up with 3 days of street flooding rain. We need it as we are in an insane drought, but come on!!!
    Killing threads since 2004.

  18. I have no problem with this kind of thing as long as it's advertised for what it is. I have tons of musician friends in NYC and when I lived there went to my share of "rent" parties for friends who had a rough time booking gigs that month, etc. It's one of my favorite venues to hear live music. Small setting with other friends, just hanging out, etc.

    Saying no can be extremely hard. Telling someone no because you don't like what they are offering even harder. That said, if this person is really having such a hard time "making it" that they can't fill a suburban "house" party than maybe it's time for the musician version of the bowling speech.
    Killing threads since 2004.