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Everything posted by cesslon

  1. wasnt a bad vid, reminded me of all the jumps i used to do off the shed roof into the pool as a kid lol. was the best actuall base vid out there ? I havnt seen many but really liked "fist full of f1-11" if i was to buy 1 what would people recommend ?
  2. http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,9948979%255E421,00.html A 20-YEAR-OLD American missionary who survived a 90m fall down a cliff face and a freezing night with a broken neck, has been described by his rescuers as "a living miracle". Matthew Weirich was flown to safety yesterday semi-conscious and disoriented after lying for 21 hours on the valley floor of the Morton National Park, in the New South Wales Southern Highlands. He fell down the cliff just before 2pm on Wednesday after trying to retrieve a friend's shoe. Using skills he had learned as a champion pole vaulter, he landed in a thick canopy of bush and negotiated his landing to the valley below. "He's used to falling 18 foot off a pole vault, but not 230 foot," his relieved father Rick Weirich told The Daily Telegraph from the family home in Texas. A senior missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, Matthew Weirich had decided to go bushwalking on a day off with three of his fellow missionaries. He was walking through rugged, steep terrain near the Grand Canyon Lookout when he fell. One of his companions' sneakers became loose as the party was "exploring the bushland" John Miller, a spokesman for Mr Weirich's church, said. The sneaker rolled down a slope in rugged, steep terrain. Mr Weirich went to retrieve it for his friend. On his way back up, shoe in hand, he lost his footing and plummeted down the cliff face in front of his horrified friends. The extent of the rugged terrain forced an initial rescue party to abandon the search on Wednesday night. Fearing the worst, rescuers resumed the search at 7am around the base of the cliff. Mr Weirich's three friends directed volunteers and police to the place where he fell and less than two hours later he was found alive. "He's a living miracle to have survived that fall and then a night out in the open," a rescue worker said. Paramedics from the Westpac rescue helicopter treated him at the scene for a neck fracture and head wound before flying him to Wollongong Hospital where he was in intensive care last night. Mr Weirich's parents Rick and Brenda are due to arrive in Sydney this morning. They learnt of his rescue on The Daily Telegraph website. A champion pole-vaulter in his home-town, Weirich's love of sport and fitness would have been a major factor in his survival, Mr Millar said. "His will to live would have seen him through the night." How he stayed alive: * After plummeting 90m, Matthew Weirich landed on a thick canopy of trees and managed to get himself down to the ground * The overnight temperature, which hovered around 3C, may have dropped his pulse sufficiently to conserve his energy * Weirich crawled 20m from where he landed but then didn't move all night ===================================== was just reading this and thought id post it here. I made up the head line though, Am curious to know wether it was a straight drop 90m's or if he simply bounced all the way down the cliff, if he fell straight 90m's and the canopy broke his fall he is a pretty lucky d00d. if that turns out to be the case maybe this could be added to a BASE saftey manual (if you fall over the cliff without ya chute, aim for a tree canopy" lol
  3. cesslon

    extreme ironing

    caught some of this on the aussie news seen some base jumper jump off a aussie cliff with a iron and ironing board didnt catch what was being said or anything, just seen the footage
  4. cesslon

    extreme ironing

    dam thats bad spelling i wrote that before hitting the sack when i said rode the iron i meant ride the iron board
  5. cesslon

    extreme ironing

    has any1 actually done extreem ironing in skydiving ? id be guessing so would be good to see some1 run and jump off a cliff or something and ride the iron life a surf board guess a bridge would be safer by the way whats the hirest bridge in the world that poeple jump its height i mean, not its name location etc
  6. works now was a server error before
  7. Kramer those links are dead can you verify them please thank you
  8. as for the d00d asking how long a sore tail bone takes to heal well ive had some sore tail bones before and not anything suvere and it was still sore for about 18 months its a strange bone id hate to ever break it
  9. Although i dont base jump and no longer skydive (where i was a very new student) i tend to disagree with this as by my belief the first ever parachute design in theory was designed for jumping from tall buildings as planes were non existent this being leonardo's parachute design so say planes some reason wernt around today but the world still had todays technologie i think by now some1 would have tried to fullfill leonardo's idea and jump off a tall structure of sorts M@
  10. Just undo the guy wires and blow up the supports and watch it fall you will lose the first 10 feet max , big deal then simply get a good welder to weld on a new base and off ya go this way ya only pay for transport and assembly lol and hope when it falls that it dont bend lol
  11. lol probably cheaper to find a 1500 foot mountain and blow 1 side of it away and keep blowing with smaller more precise explosion till its vertical
  12. my post where i said something like "Is it actually nameing a location if the thing doesnt exist yet lol" was accidently deleted
  13. can the moderator say if they deleted a post of mine or not ? cos i cant remember if i made a post ealier today or if i didnt end up posting ?
  14. hahaha well its gunna have a elevator to the top and an observation deck but being 3K's of glass on the ground on a very hot day the hit coming off the glass might effect ya chute
  15. http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,8580880%255E13762,00.html
  16. But what if ya useally go belly first then get used to the same song then 1 day you free fly head first at a much higher speed would be like "WTF that gound is getting closer but i aint even heard the 2nd chorus yet" hahah by the way some1 said "cross country jumping" what is that ?
  17. did this have a RSL ? just a newbie asking here
  18. Welcome to the board, enjoy your new life style and feel free to get me a full time IT job M@
  19. no more then 1 jump a week is physcially impossible well technically i could do it but it would rip my legs clean off i have trouble moveing for a week after jumping up untill this recent jump my last 2 took 3 weeks for the brusing to heal where as this jump i was sore in the hips as useal but no bruising its more the hip damage that prevents me then the bruising and i did what every1 here told me about tighter leg straps and it worked as i was capable of jumping within 8 days of my last jump but the tight straps were also a hinderance like i said above
  20. "When was the last time you heard of a meteor hitting someone? " 2 years ago a woman got hit in the leg by 1 and it left a bruise , there was also a near call in my country where 1 shot through a window and missed a woman on her lounge chair also just last year a kid almost got hit by 1 in his drive way , missed him by 5 foot and left a small hole in the ground. its rare a lot rarer then skydiving injuries anyway so be safe every1 , im only new to this sport but i know its dangerous and am always trying to learn safety first from the most experienced people
  21. Ive been thinking this all over the last few weeks 1 thing ive realised also is im writting this as it might help other students was useally i get bad bruising that last 3 weeks and well this time i didnt really get any visible brusing although i felt bruised now i contribute this to 2 things 1 a diff rig 2 reading on here every1 telling me to tighten the straps as tight as possible which i did but i think this also made the jump bad for me as on the ground i remember reefing the leg straps tight and it tightening the whole rig with me shoulders getting pulled forward each time lol all i could think was just worry about not brusing ya legs lol so anyway my shoulders were bent forward and i couldnt arch as easily as im guessing this is why i was going more on a head down angle and not belly first like i wasnt upside down but i could tell i was on a angle as i was waiting for a few seconds for me to have leveled out but i never leveld out as fast as before then my instructor shook me and i arched hard at the chest and as i couldnt the shoulders and i leveld out more i think this shoulder foward bit at the start really through me off when i let go and wonderd why it was taking longer to be level so to any other newbies be sure to test ya arch on the ground first ill be sure to next time
  22. ya's both suck I never started till a few months back and im 21 but i was booked in beofre i turned 21 so does that class as 20 ?
  23. if you have a ski boat id suggest you sell it now and when ya qualified and have 20 jumps buy a parachute or it will be more expensive then owning a sky boat
  24. thanx guys is encouraging to know we are all crap atleast when i eventually finish the course ill have a little more canopy experience then if i had passed every1 first go
  25. Well this is what happend I hadnt jumped since november cos of weather and the xmas break I finally was told the weather was good for me to jump i sat around all day then they said im up on the next load and said "you have done the ground training havnt ya?" and i said "no i have no idea whats involved in this level" as with level 1 and 2 i grabbed the instruction papers and took them home with me and went over it in my head a million times and on the floor but they were out of level 3 papers so anyway we went through the drill and then i got on the plane exit at 10,000 and my exit was perfect but as soon as i let go i didnt feel right (probably cos of the time off) 1 instructor shook so i arched harder then i did a PRP and thought i did it to quick , so i did it again then when i looked at main instructor to ask about my hands he pointed and grabbed my handle so then i did another practice look reach pull , this made me all the more confused but he was happy with it then so then he got me arms where they were meant to be then i looked at me reserve instructor and was thinking of me legs and moved me arms out of position i was meant to have me arms held futhur back and be looking under my arms at him instead of was looking over me arms and I had no idea what signle's he was giving as he had his hand on my arm and was giving them and although i seen him put his gloves on before we exited i expected to see finger signle's and not glove signels I couldnt make out what his fingers were doing , so then i looked at my main side instructor and i had no real idea what he was signleing , it was like they were having a game of tug of war and i was the rope then i thought shit i should look down at my alti so i did and i was at about 6'4 so i looked back around quickly still couldnt work out if the gloves were giving me signles or just latching onto me arms so then i thought "main goal is always to pull the rip chord" so i looked down at me alti at 5600 watching it to get ready to wave at 5 and pull and at 5300 all of a sudden me handle was in the instructor's hand and im thinking "hey thats my handle give it back" then they disapeared and i was under canopy at 4800 I was 100% sure i was gunna pull , i never panicked as the last few seconds i made sure to forget about the rest and focus on the pull but that ended up being done for me so i flew around for a while as the instructor's said no1 will be on the arrow so just circle around above so i did till they guided me in and i did my first stand up perfect landing But all the way down i was wondering why he pulled my chord. then i was told since i didnt put me hand on the handle in the first 2 PRP i did he decided to do it for me even though i got the 3rd 1 right as i should have got the first 1 right which was fair enough But i go over pulling me chord in me head that many times and doing the canopy check in the taught sequence that when he pulled my handle it was about 10 seconds before i even looked to see if my canopy was flying normal as i was looking down at them flying wondering what had happend i grabbed me toggles and started flying before i even looked at canopy which it obviously flew alright but i should have checked the canopy straight away it was just him pulling through me out of order then when we were chatting on the ground after wards about my PRP, i rememberd not being able to see the handle thats why it wasnt done correctly I was useing a diff brand rig to last time and the handle was a little bit lower so i was naturally putting me hand where the handle should have been and not actually looking for it more , I put the failure of this jump down to 3 things 1. the long time off (well long time for a student) 2.the different rig and not practicing look reach pull on the ground physically and only going over it in my head and having done it physically without the rig on. 3. expecting to see finger's below my arm and not instructor's gloves on my arm the main way i will over come this will be to get back out there as soon as im capable of jumping again (when my useal bad bruising and sore hips disapear) and practice this jump a lot at home now knowing what is involved. It might sound wierd but I had diff instructor's to last time and before on my second jump looking out on the wing and seeing the same instructor as the first time it seemed more natural sequence then this time but my second jump was 2 weeks after my first. but it would be good to have had the same instructors but thats just luck of the draw. the reason for the rig change was i get bad brusing that really rams me legs up into me hips, but the brusing is still there so next time im gunna go back to the other rig where the handle is a little high and can actually be seen. I think this jump was a little to rushed and i felt a little to casual about it , but i did learn some things which will help me out , like canopy control experience it might sound a bit over the top but it feels like i have masterd my landings now as we spoke about it on the ground before hand and i was told to lift my legs up as i can bring my feet together more easily and it worked wonders as the last few times id be like almost standing up then fall over. anyway main part of the jump (getting to the ground safley) worked out fine , so i know what i have done wrong and how to improove on them , now its just a matter of getting back out there although i dont want doubt that i may fail again going through my mind as i step out the d00r anyway enough of my rambling hopefully poeple can understand the way it went . M@