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Everything posted by SkydiverRick

  1. Yes why dont you go do that.. Use your brains for something constructive. Overtly they were used to stop the war... but the War Department saw what was possibly coming in the near future with the Soviet Union and we wanted to send them a message of just how strong we were so dont screw with us. So rather than continueing to work with us they hardened their positions in Eastern Europe and got paranoid that we were going to attack them. So rather than a period of peace we were thrown into continual Cold with very warm periods for the next 40 years. Korea..Vietnam...myriads of small brush wars in places few have ever heard of. Millions died in those wars, police actions, bush wars, wars of liberation, on every continent. Point Counterpoint. Its not lost on the world that we are the only ones to ever use atomic weapons, WE have had MASSIVE programs of WMD since WWII and have used them. So you're saying that a democrat dropped the bomb and started the cold war. It's a good thing a Republican came along and ended it. never pull low......unless you are
  2. He would have given Bush a run for his money. He appealed to the people in the middle. They are the ones that will determine the outcome. never pull low......unless you are
  3. I'm very critical of the president. Not because he's Republican, believe it or not I have voted for a Republican before (once). What republican did you vote for? never pull low......unless you are
  4. The last time we did that with the atomic bombs in Japan, to send a message to Stalin, it did not quite achieve the results we had intended. Another miscalculation by a democrat. never pull low......unless you are
  5. You offend too easy. My response was refering to numerous posts made in a thread about gay marriage. It was being advocated to just ignore laws if you don't agree with them. I think that pressuring elected official to change offensive laws is the proper way. And does it make the little wheels whiz around when you get a skydiver who's also a college graduate and a social liberal and a fiscal conservative? I don't judge people. Some ones politics are of no consequence to me. I don't make my friends show me their voters registration card. How about if they're also gay and in the army? What about it? Just because I'm a republican doesn't mean that I hate gays. never pull low......unless you are
  6. If I want the crap beat out of me, I can always call my older brother, he was always happy to do it free of charge. If that fails, I'll join the military and they can pay me to get the crap beat out of me. I like a guy with a plan. never pull low......unless you are
  7. Is that a bad thing? never pull low......unless you are
  8. The legislators trying to score points with their constituency by passing inaffective laws that make people feel good. Those they. If you don't agree with the laws, just ignore them. I learned that from the libs. never pull low......unless you are
  9. Then Saddam could have kept the torture chambers and rape rooms. What would we care, we don't need their oil. I guess that's the lefts version of compassion. never pull low......unless you are
  10. Another personal attack??? Less obtuse for once. As I said before, the standard MO is to attack and call names and then blame everyone else. You are consistent if nothing else. never pull low......unless you are
  11. Then just what was it you were trying to infer since at the beginning of the AIDS debate it was assumed that the French Canadian Airline steward had been in Africa. I wasn't inferring anything. Unlike you, I say what I mean. I don't have to hide it under thinnly veiled personal attacks. never pull low......unless you are
  12. He brings up NAMBLA.. you bring up AIDS... and both of you have been all over gay issues before?? AIDS is not a gay disease. Aren't you the one that was giving lessons in medicine. I didn't say anything about gays you did. It's right here in writing for all to see. What a pathetic attempt to discredit someone that you don't agree with. never pull low......unless you are
  13. I see the BUND is out in force tonight How high schoolish. If you have something to say, just say it. I still find your reference to NAMBLA to be despicable. never pull low......unless you are
  14. So SKYDYVR how are you going to tie this in with your favorite group that YOU have a fascination with???? What a despicable thing to say to someone. never pull low......unless you are
  15. I would probably be in favor of more harsh prison sentences if it wasn't for the fact that our system has a tendency to put innocent persons in prison at an alarming rate. Gives them more time to prove their innocence. never pull low......unless you are
  16. Uh so I guess someone in Vietnam is having Karnal Knowldge with chickens and that is how the bird flu has spread to humans. That's your imagination, not mine If nothing else the last 20 years SHOULD have taught conservatives that its not just a GAY disease...just look at Africa. Millions of people with it or that have died from it, and I would venture to say MOST are heterosexual. Once again you are trying to put words in my mouth. I never brought up anything about gays. Hell I never even mentioned the sex of the animal. To have had the disease nipped in the bud... just a very little amount of money to the CDC that was begging for funding from the Reagan administration might have curtailed it. But it was more important for the gay people among us to be punished for their unholy and lewd lifestyle ( their words not mine) and very damn little was done by the administration. So now it afflicts heterosexuals far more widely when it could have been stopped. blah blah's the Republicans fault...blah blah blah How about getting your facts straight before you attack me next time. It would be refreshing. never pull low......unless you are
  17. I'll leave it at that. I don't believe in pissing matches over the internet. Too impersonal. Not nearly as fun as in person... See, even we can agree on something. never pull low......unless you are
  18. Might have nipped AIDS in the bud with this one. Wow! That's one of the most ignorant things I've ever read! Any more words of wisdaom? Where did AIDS originate, Einstein? Theoretically transmitted between primate and man... do you have proof it was sexual? Do you believe everything you hear? Notice the word "might"? No I don't believe everything that I hear, your posts for example. never pull low......unless you are
  19. Might have nipped AIDS in the bud with this one. Wow! That's one of the most ignorant things I've ever read! Any more words of wisdaom? Where did AIDS originate, Einstein? never pull low......unless you are
  20. Why choose that country? for oil thats why! there are plenty of other mass murdering mutherfuckers around, why him? FOR OIL! You are kind of right. Oil was part of the equation. Most of the people on here are probably too young to remember the oil embargo of 1973. It would be easy for Saddam to disrupt the world economy by manipulating the oil supplyand causing false shortages. Iraq was specifically chosen because they were DEFENCELESS and had no real allies, it would be a cakewalk, a vote winning, oil grabbing war. Iraq was reported to have the 4th largest military in the world and the best of all of the mideast countries. This statement is ludicrous. never pull low......unless you are
  21. Or are you saying that the government has no business legislating morality, that is up to everyone's own conscience? That the government should mind its own business (the Libertarian viewpoint that I espouse). It's not clear to me what you are trying to say. I answered it once but I'll explain the answer. I think that the government should mind it's own business in personal matters. In other words, what two consenting adults (or three) do in the privacy of their own bedroom is no ones business but their own. I personally have no problem with most victimless crimes. If someone wants to ruin their life on cocaine, thats their problem. Crimes that involve other people are another matter. I don't have a problem with gay unions (or gays in general). It does not affect other people. I am in agreement that the are trying to hijack a word that already has a very definite meaning. Beyond that give them the same rights that I have, The gays should be careful what they ask for though they just might get it. Gay divorce is just around the corner. never pull low......unless you are
  22. Tell that to the judge. I'm pretty sure that you can be arrested, even if the spouse doesn't want to press charges. Consenting is not the same as not pressing charges. Legally speaking it is. Like Not guilty vs. Inocent. never pull low......unless you are
  23. Well, posting the ten commandments, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"... I'm sure that isn't referring to Vishnu. You've lost me here Benny. When did I post anything about the 10 commandments? never pull low......unless you are
  24. The libs don't want morality to get in the way. They want the government to be the highest authority, not God. Rick, what's between you and your god is just that. Same for me and my god. When the government tells me who my god should be and what said god would have me do, that brings alot of people who I'm sure you don't want getting between you and your god into the picture. I am definitly not a religious person (even though I am an ordained minister). Having said that, our government doesn't tell you or I what god to worship. Nor should they say who you can't worship. We haven't had any atheist presidents yet and I haven't noticed any of then trying to shove religion down our throats. never pull low......unless you are
  25. The libs don't want morality to get in the way. They want the government to be the highest authority, not God. Which particular God are you talking about? The Catholic God who has a serious moral objection to condoms, or the Protestant/Jewish God who has no moral objection to condoms. Or maybe one of the Hindu pantheon. Take your pick. never pull low......unless you are