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Everything posted by Demian

  1. Do you mean maybe too heavy to properly inflate the pilot chute? I would think that a sand filled hackey would be no match for a 120-mph wind.. but I could be wrong... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  2. I promise this is the last jumpsuit question I will post (don't hold me to that). I've aquired a cool, and inexpensive jumpsuit via's classifieds. However, I would still like to experiement with making my own. I'm wondering if anyone has ever seen a pattern for the suits, or if you know where I could get my hands on one?? Or, how hard would it be to duplicate the one that I already have? Mind you, I don't know much about making my own clothes..... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  3. My only guess would be instead of using leather for the hackey, use whatever they use to make those clear pants with... maybe a strong clear rubber or something. I don't know how long something like that would last, but I'm sure it would be pretty cool looking, especially if you used sand from the Caribbean... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  4. I was thumbing through the AFF Study Guide that I got at Perris, and I noiced that after the description of Level 8, there is a little "Where do I go from here" section... It talks about your next several jumps being with Skydive University for your RW training... However, I've noticed that SDU doesn't have a campus, or even satellite campus in the area. Does anyone know where RW training for this area is done? Are there instructors on Perris or Elsinore's dropzone's who are affiliated with SDU? Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  5. I had a similiar question that I thought I would throw out in here. My buddy and I were wondering about voice activated two way radios so we could communicate with eachother while under canopy. Our method now is SHOUTING back and forth, which can probably be heard all aroudn the DZ... I'm sure something like this exsists... Anyone know? Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  6. Wanna split the profits? Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  7. Did I just hear an idea for a new invention?? Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  8. I was thinking High Speed Dirt from Megadeth wuold be a good song to listen to, since it's about skydiving.. problem is, it's not a good song... So, I'm writing my own.... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  9. I'm a newbie... I started May 5th, and only have 4 jumps... but, we had to start somewhere... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  10. Hooked can't even begin to desribe it for me... I just realized in the last couple of days how bad I have it..... I've been a musician more than half of my life. Since I was 15, I've written, and recorded music. Now, I made my first jump on May 5th, and today I've realized that I've not only recorded anything since then, I haven't even touched my instruments since..... I never thought something would ever take my mind off of music.... I don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing, but I'm enjoying it, so why question it? Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  11. Funny you should refer to it as a "drug"... a few people around the DZ have referred to my best friend and I as "Crack Whores".... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  12. When were there there, it rained for 3 of the 7 days, and was windy the rest of the time. The ONLY day that it was really nice was the day we left... ha ha... but we were out on that beach at 7am.... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  13. That was actually one consideration I'd had.. Another was just to guy a pair of regular cargo pants at the store, and add elsatic or somethign to make them tight at the ankles, and just use them... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  14. I just visited Cancun this past November, so I can just imagine how gorgeous that must have been... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  15. Well put Wendy, too mad I missed the auction.. lol Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  16. Yeah it was the spandex and nylon that I was wondering about.. Well I figure that if I see a suit on there for $30, it's no great loss if it doesn't work.. There was a Tony Suit on ebay for $27 that looked alot like Perris's student suits, and looked like the person wearing had taken a few too many dirt dives, and grass skids..... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  17. My wife was a little uneasy when I first started, which I can understand since we have our first child on teh way. She thought I was just going to do it the one time when it was paid for as a birthday present. She never expected me to go back (especially since I was so afraid to do it in the first place that I almost backed out). She's realised now that it's something I'm going to do... Now, my grandmother on the other hand FULLY scolded me for it, which was really really odd being that I'm 32 years old, and being scolded by my grandmother.... I had my wife go to a couple of websites that document skydiving accidents. When she saw that 97% of skydiving accidents and fatalities are from human error, and not equiptment malfunction, she was a little realieved. There's a t-shirt that most of you have probably seen around your DZ that says "You'll be fine as long as you don't do anything stupid".... that rings some truth.... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  18. I have an oddball question regarding jumpsuits. I can't really spend $200+ on a brand-new jumpsuit right now. I've seen some in-expensive suits on Ebay, but they were somewhat ugly. Now, what I'm wondering is....can jumpsuits be dyed? I'm not familiar with the material used in the suits, so I don't know how they would react to being dyed. Any suggestions? Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  19. Squirrel, Who are you man?? I just looked at your profile and noticed that you're in Hesperia... That's where I grew up... I lived there from '79 - '95. Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  20. Squirl, You hit the nail on the head with me. One thing that needs to be realised about me is that I like to be humerous (or at least try to). I love canopy time. When I watch the experienced guys, and see how it takes them about 90 seconds from pull time to landing, I say "Not me"... And when I see them doing swoopers 200 feet off the ground and cruising across the landing strip, I have to say "Looks like fun, but not me".... I have read incident reports. I've found a few websites.... and when all but two or three were caused by swoopers, you guess it, "Not me"... I certainly will check out Elsinore. Like I said, it does look really nice, but the thing that keeps me going back to Perris is the people.... in the 6 weeks that I've been going there, I've met some of the greatest people I've ever come across. I've no doubt made friends there that will last a lifetime. I hope Elsinore will be no different... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  21. Sorry, just realized my email addy is not in my profile.. [email protected] Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  22. Vanilla, Drop me an email when you get the chance. I'd like to hear the comparisons between Perris/Elsinore. I do plan on checking it out soon, since it's literally up the road from Perris. I've only seen Elsinore's website, and the landing area alone on there looks really nice. My email address is in my Profile, I think... lol Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  23. You know Badger? The whole parachute thing is a little overrated, it just slows me down from a beautiful freefall.... LOL Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  24. Hey Vanilla, Where in LA are you, and how often do you jump? I'm in Torrance, and we run out to Perris every other Saturday... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?
  25. Speaking of "off balance exits", my exit this past Saturday was just that. I jumped from the Skyvan for the first time. For some reason, being so used to the Otters, I was really nervous about standign RIGHT at the edge of the Skyvan, with nothing behind me but sky, and then being told to "arch, count, and step back". Well, for some reason, with what feels like a 50lb rig on my back, I was sure that if I arched, I was going to fall from the plane.... so as my JM grabbed onto me, I must have grabbed onto him too, because when we stepped from the plane, we rolled and rolled.... I would see ground, then sky, then ground, then sky... Finally the good old arch cleared that right up... Not the best exit, but it was FUN... Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?