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Everything posted by SkyOCiel

  1. Hey , count me in too!!! so looking forward to it! Live the sky S-
  2. i definetly want to go, Anybody from Norcal want to commute
  3. the clicky doesn't work, but i saw the web site, looks very very cool about the clicky i can't get mine to work either... Live the sky S-
  4. When is it? that sounds like fun, i had a great time at the davis Boogie so i say Boogie Rule And Tim, come on tell us where you put the pictures... pleaaaaaase Live the sky S-
  5. i thought we had a few pix from Hookitt too.... but i could have imagined all of it Live the sky s-
  6. Girlfalldown, Was a pleasure meeting you last night
  7. My first Sit jump , was a coached jump to get the basics, amd make sure i was safe. i did about 6 jumps so far, and i can almost maintain the position the entire jump, but i have very little control over it. Live the sky S-
  8. i only have 70 jumps, and i just started to sit, or should i say to try to sit i am curious on how long does it generally take to get stable in a sit , and then to control it? Live the sky. S-
  9. i'll Definetly be there i'll even bring you're protrack Live the sky. S-
  10. Cool , that'll be great! i'm 5.8 short orange carrot hair slowly returning to their original black color my RW suit is grey and blue i have only done belly so far, but just started to learn to sit fly looking forward to seeing you there. Live the sky S- Natacha
  11. oh yeah, don't remind me about my packing, it really sucks Live the sky S-
  12. Thanks Adam, but what does span mean? Live the sky S-
  13. me too! 'cause i'd love to know.... Live the sky S-
  14. sorry lummy i did overlook one didn't i, i'll be in late friday , until sunday so we might miss each other.... Live the sky S-
  15. Pink is cool !!! Nice rig man, have a great time with it!!! Live the sky S-
  16. Come on , Somebody anybody!!! there must be some of you out there going to Davis this week end!!! Live the sky S-
  17. Happy, Happy Birthday Meg!!! Drink one drink two, drink ten
  18. Nope don't have these but maybe you can tell me where i can find one, the S sounds cool... Live the sky S-
  19. Ok, i am freshly equiped with my A licence Yeahhhhhh
  20. Seb, Congrats on the bike. you got asuper super deal....
  21. Lizzie, That's so cool your father is actually considering jumping
  22. SkyOCiel


    Hey Vinny Congratulationsssssss, definetly hurry up to learn so you can take us all to altitude Beer tomorow Live the sky. S-
  23. Sky's the limit it is then Hopefully the weather will be gentle... Live the sky. S-