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Everything posted by nwt

  1. nwt


    Mask efficacy is not determined by the whims of politicians.
  2. nwt


    Citation, please. Good luck passing peer-review, and don't quit your day job.
  3. Dang. Does it flood like that every year?
  4. nwt


    Welp, I picked up covid at Invasion boogie. Negative PCR yesterday, positive today. 3rd Pfizer short on 10/5. Very minimal symptoms.
  5. nwt


    It seems to be working. Whenever I see an article about a company firing vax refusers, it seems to only be around 1% of their workforce.
  6. nwt


    Oh, honey... https://www.aclu.org/issues/criminal-law-reform/reforming-police/asset-forfeiture-abuse
  7. nwt


    So if I want to avoid getting COVID, I should just get COVID? Well, that makes complete sense!
  8. nwt


    What’s this supposed to mean? If we were immune to this naturally, it never would have become a pandemic.
  9. nwt


    Just to be clear, this is one person's opinion and not a peer-reviewed journal article. I don't think anyone would dispute that. Seems like a strawman. This does not follow. Calling this a pandemic of the unvaccinated does not imply zero involvement of the vaccinated. Lol what? This comes completely out of nowhere, with no logical connection to any of the statements surrounding it, and no apparent meaning. It's almost like he meant to remove an entire argument in revision but one sentence slipped through.
  10. nwt


    The context is COVID-19 in case you forgot.
  11. nwt


    So we should throw statistical analysis out the window and instead make decisions based on SOME anecdotes?
  12. nwt


    I hate to be blunt, but yes it does. You have no clue what you're doing. So much of what you say is so wrong that I wouldn't know where to start. And since you've shown yourself to be unwilling to listen to anything that contradicts your preconceived notions, why should I try? Yes, I'm being pretty blunt with you, but not abusive.
  13. nwt


    You are in so far over your head.
  14. nwt


    If we zoom out from this cherrypicked crop, the real situation becomes a bit more clear.
  15. No, this doesn't make it more correct. The balloon or the drone doesn't consume the notice, the human in charge of it does.
  16. nwt


    Same as how we have people like winsor looking to an anarchist blog site for medical information.
  17. nwt


    I couldn't take that drivel more than a couple paragraphs. What's the punchline? That EBV suddenly rose up and killed 790k Americans over the past 2 years?
  18. If you have questions about landing technique, talk to your canopy coach about it.
  19. I believe I warned him that landing on his ass was dangerous, and nobody in the entire thread(s) ever advocated for an ass landing so... yes, why do we keep circling back to ass landings?
  20. I feel like I've emphasized those points so heavily that one would have to willfully misconstrue my statements to miss them.
  21. Of course. I don't know why you're saying "maybe" three times as if you're sure I'd disagree. I think I've made it abundantly clear that sliding isn't for everyone and that my recommendation is to learn the technique from a professional coach. If there are missing prerequisite skills, they will be put on the right path for them. I agree with this as well. When I slide, I've already been moving horizontally just above the ground with zero downward speed. There is no vertical speed to mis-judge. I've already explained at least once in this thread that the proper technique has the femur absorbing the impact and not the spine. If you're coming down with anywhere near enough vertical energy to break your femur, I would absolutely recommend a PLF. I honestly can't believe you guys. I'm not trying to convince anyone to slide. I'm saying it's an option people can talk to their coaches about if they want to. And you guys are saying what? Don't talk to your professional canopy coach about it, we know better? That's really a disservice to the community.
  22. I think you misunderstand. There's nothing wrong with PLF and you can do it all you want without any criticism from me. But please don't advocate against others learning newer techniques from professional coaches just because you've chosen not to learn them yourself.