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Everything posted by redtwiga

  1. it generally affects women in a positive way less and makes them nautious or go into a g-coma more easily. it makes men shmack there lips and make kissy noises with their eyes rolled back which can be pretty funny, actually. deadly when mixed with booze.
  2. I've had tons of skydiving dreams from the first time I jumped in 1998. The most recent series invloved a pilot chute in tow, really hard cutaway, and not enough wind tension to get the reserve to fully inflate. I simply wasn't falling fast enough. However the partially opened reserve was enough to slow my decent, so I cupped as hard as I could and tracked in to a sweet soft landing on my belly. If only!
  3. redtwiga


    High: Cleaning the crap out of my apartment for 3 hours, for the first time in months Low: Not being able to find anything this morning!
  4. Sent. My thoughts are with them today. Hugs, patience and speedy recovery.
  5. I thought a "plow" was what I did with my face every time I land. Huh. So anyway, didn't our country claim to do that whole 'separation of church and state' thing? Cause if so, I'm curious as to whose god we're invoking here.
  6. Actually, for all of you out there who haven't yet played the fun game torture-your-kitty, take a short piece of tape and stick it on your cat's head behind it's eyes, between its ears. This causes any cat to duck and back up instictively over and over again until it's removed. If, like mine, your cats know where you sleep, you might not want to let them suffer for too might wake up with a "gift" in your bed.
  7. Snrk. You're lucky the Canadian in me recognizes "irony"...
  8. Um, I might beg to differ. I'm in the awkward situation of having dual citizenship (US/Canada), family all over the board, grew up in both countries and have very divided loyalties. My experience from living in Canada was that (no not ALL Canadians felt this way) by and large, Americans were looked down upon as kind of stupid and sheep-like and often unnecessarily violent.
  9. Er, here's an example of the media being horrible. Funny, but horrible: This was in the Toronto Star , credited to comedian Rick Mercer. _______________________________________ Nostra maxima culpa "On behalf of Canadians everywhere I'd like to offer an apology to the United States of America. We haven't been getting along very well recently and for that, I am truly sorry. "I'm sorry we called George Bush a moron. He is a moron, but it wasn't nice of us to point it out. If it's any consolation, the fact that he's a moron shouldn't reflect poorly on the people of America. After all, it's not like you actually elected him. "I'm sorry about our softwood lumber. Just because we have more trees that you doesn't give us the right to sell you lumber that's cheaper and better than your own. "I'm sorry we beat you in Olympic hockey. In our defence, I guess our excuse would be that our team was much, much, much, much better than yours. "I'm sorry we burnt down your White House during the War of 1812. I notice you've rebuilt it! It's very nice. "I'm sorry about your beer. I know we had nothing to do with your beer, but we Feel Your Pain. "I'm sorry about our waffling on Iraq. I mean, when you're going up against a crazed dictator, you wanna have your friends by your side. I realize it took more than two years before you guys pitched in against Hitler, but that was different. Everyone knew he had weapons. "And finally on behalf of all Canadians, I'm sorry that we're constantly apologizing for things in a passive-aggressive way, which is really a thinly veiled criticism. I sincerely hope that you're not upset over this. "We've seen what you do to countries you get upset with."
  10. The comment was in response to the US making a specific demand of Canada; therefore addressing the US in the response was not inappropriate. The idea of boycotting Canada is ridiculous. We need their natural resources. Finally, what the referee did to those kids is wrong, if it actually happened, which I doubt. But wrongs happen everywhere, every day. That particular bigot, who held children accountable for the actions of a country with which he disagrees, should be dealt with. Holding a country accountable for his actions is equally wrong.
  11. What's wrong with giving war criminals to the Hague instead of the United States?
  12. I just watched Zoolander and at the very end Owen Wilson takes a bunch of kids base jumping. Not my favorite scene, though, that would be Fandango.
  13. wasn't frank zappa smart? sometimes, when you feel that way, the only thing to do is put on your proverbial crash helmet and roll with the punches. that way you're not expending all the energy it takes to try avoiding what is often unavoidable.
  14. redtwiga


    there's a thread addressing this in the "incidents" forum.;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread
  15. I just don't understand. No. I mean, WTF...
  16. Unless it's divided by gender, I don't really understand why men even bother showing up... I mean, does even the slowest male have a chance against even the least enlightened chick? Me think not. Oh wait it's an a-thon. Well, I guess every penny helps.
  17. I recently posted a question that you'd probably find equally distasteful. It seems, though, that this is a forum for discussions and questions. Because we beginners are asking questions here, it doen't necessarily imply that we don't ask questions of those jumpers we know and respect too. It means we are trying to gather AS MUCH information as possible from as many sources. I would think this would be encouraged, not discouraged. If you, as an experienced jumper, can provide helpful insight into different canopies, why wouldn't you? a.
  18. I completely appreciate what you're saying about canopy size being important independent of the weight of the jumper, the smaller it gets. no, i don't swoop, the reason it was at all an issue for me (and i didn't mention this earlier b/c i know it's no reason, but it is for me, right now) is that i was loaned the safire 139 indefinitely, meaning i would not have to spend the money on my own main. that said, safety is more important and i am going to invest in a 150. point taken. i would like to mention, though, that i weigh 130-135 and when i was a student many experienced jumpers said i should be jumping 135 by 100 jumps. perhaps people are looking too much at actual weight instead of exit weight. what was that woman's exit weight? a.
  19. No, No, No....It's "You die we split your gear" Not "break yourself and I'll get a good deal" Ron it's ok. i didn't get that good a deal. a.
  20. yeah, i bought his javelin. ok. thanks everyone. i'll go big. a.
  21. er, i was actually referring to the 139. however, i acknowledge (and acknowledged in my first post) that i've only jumped it 3 times, in high winds. i also read the thread that roger recommended and it said there that until you have at least 200 jumps you shouldn't load your canopy above 1.1-1.3. well, i load the 139 at 1.1. i guess the issue is that this is a real borderline case. i'm pretty sure, though, at this point, that i will get a 150 simply because of the enormous amount of shit i'll get if anything does go wrong under the 139, be it my fault or not. i'm a chick, by the way.
  22. Right. Subject beaten to death. Guess I'll look into old threads then. My confusion stems from having been told varying things by experienced jumpers all of whom know me and who I respect. What I've jumped in the past: 2 different Safire 169's Crossfire 149 Sabre2 150 Omega 160 Sabre 170 That's all I can think of right now. I'm just checking to see if there's a reigning consensus, safety-wise....
  23. I have 91 jumps and am on the hunt for a main. My container holds up to a 150 (a 160 is VERY tight) which I'm perfectly comfortable on. I have access right now to a safire 139 that i have jumped 3 times, all in high winds. The last time I jumped it, I was warned by many people who I respect that my jump numbers are too low to be jumping this canopy. (My exit weight is about 155.) I am aware of the sizing discrepancies with safires. A number of other people who I've subsequently talked to have said that this canopy is not too small, if I feel comfortable on it. I am a conservative canopy pilot (if you can call someone with my experience level that) and I'm VERY eager to have one canopy that I stay on for a while and really get to know well. I've been fine on it so far, but I had wind softening my landings. I'm a bit torn. I know that a smaller canopy leaves less leeway for error, but I feel also like I won't have room for error on ANY canopy I don't get to know well. I am comfortable on this main and really like it, but I'd rather not get hurt right before the summer. I've been through many rental and borrowed mains and need to come to a decision on this matter. Any words of wisdom?