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Everything posted by goobersnuftda

  1. Sorry, Picture didn't attach. Here ya go.
  2. I have done 4 Mr. Bill jumps and will probably never ever do another one again. Here is a picture for you. Pilot chute was deployed from the plane when the two people were not vertical, more horizontal. The result was that my main risers caught my reserve tray and damn near tore it off. So by looking at the picture, what do you think could have happened if the tray ripped just a little bit more and the reserve came out? Do you think it would have been a messed up reserve canopy not deploying properly? I got lucky. I did some Mr. Bills, I survived and now I will move on with other things in my life
  3. He may have been forcefull about the no dog rule but face it, he was right. Even though your dog may have been named Lassie and has saved Timmy from the mine shaft 5 times last week, if you open it to all people with dogs, the most stupid loserish dogs come out from every walk of life. I have had dogs park their ass on my canopy before packing and when I go to pick them up, they snip at me. My absolute favoraite is having a dog tied up outside on a leash and freaking bark their fucking head off because their owner was paying 100% attention to them. Most dog owners of YIP dogs have aquired the skill of ignoring the barking. To hell with everyone else out there though, it might just be a "all about you" DZ. I agree he could have used more tact in explaining his position but for those very few he might lose to the dog rule, I will be one for sure to jump there if I am ever in the neighbourhood BECAUSE of that dog rule.
  4. I feel your pain, I really do :) If I controlled the world, I would still be using IBM's OS/2 operating system. The first true 32 bit, multi-tasking OS that blew the doors off windoze 98, 98a,98b,98c,SE. Came completely internet ready unlike windows did at the time. Stable as all hell and when a program through bad coding self destructed, simply close down that specific window and it was gone. Never took down the O/S and didn't destroy the whole sand box it was playing in. Wonderful O/S and I did some fantastic multi tasking on a P1-586 system. I realise though that the majority rules in the world. The only true vote is $$$ and in time, the true winner will claim victory. Good luck to all.
  5. Back when I started, I was taking Engineering in University. Autocad was the rule of drafting and MAC had its own quirk just enough to limit you in what you wanted to do. PC's all though underpowered at the time, were everywhere and in all bussinesses and you needed to be compatible. Summer job board was split, 3 firms MAC based, 40 PC based. No brainer on which path to choose. Later when running my own bussiness, ACCPAC dominates and rules the North American accounting software market. MAC did it's thing but it was too late because the open market PCs were everywhere. Networks that were Apple based and Apple specific were a pain in the ass to work on and had even fewer people trained in their techincal staff and therefore cost more to call in for tech work. Exclusivity means pricey. Sony had their BETA format which was far superior to anything out there at the time but they controlled it too tightly and people left it in the dust for something with better universality even though it was a lesser quality. Now that there is true competition, Intel and AMD are kick ass companies competing against each other. Processors are smokin and comptition in the PC market means the consumer is the real winner in choise and selection of hardware/software. Hell, 5 years ago I had a VFX-1 virutal reality head gear for my home IBM computer. Made me sick landing on the air craft carrier in US NAVY FIGHERS and the paranoia in Duke Nukem 3D with the sounds in the headgear and shooting was too much. It was awesome :) Things like that for the apple who would sell to 1/10 of 1 perecent of your targeted market...forget it. Apple came to a fork in the road with only 2 choises. Control you product so tightly that you strangle the growth of it or open it up and let it go. IBM let the genie out of the bottle and now dominates the market. Downside is you have less control about how it is run. Ex. Microsoft O/S on the IBM machines. Buggy, virus, spyware because some of the software was open source for the hackers to see but the upside is that you dominate the market. Last time I checked, the IBM based software sales kick ass compared to APPLE's software sales. If Apple were a car, it would get 1,000 miles/gallon. Only problem is that there are only 3 gas stations for it and all the overpriced parts must be ordered through Apple. The PC vehicle gets a normal 30 miles/gallon but has 48,987 gas stations nation wide. All parts and accessories for it are cheap because there are thousands of competing suppliers making parts for it. Sure the PC vehicle crashes randomly while turning left on a Tuesday but a complete turn off on the ignitoin and restart and away you go again :) Apples only choise in computer survival is to unwrap their fist from the throat of the software and let people make more programs. The compromise then is that Apple would be in the same boat as IBM with virus/spyware issues. Apple in giving a free download to run PC software is like a communist Captain finally alowing the passangers of his captive ship access to the life boats. Please, no one take any offence in my choise over Apple. Hell, I can't really even defend the PC line but in my mind there is only one way to go. You must ask youself the question. If your 18 year old child was to embark into the world and they were only allowed to start on one computer system to help them through life, would you pick MAC or PC? That is a personal answer and only you have to justify your answer. The world is full of compromises, make your choise.
  6. Tired of me yapping yet? Didnt think so :) Instead of playing gunia pig on your own computer, CNET did a little review and you can wath the video of how this apple dual boot thing works. Click to watch video Rebooting isn't a big deal to me. Back in the early days, I had a OS/2,widoze,DOS and another one all at the same time. Popped between all 4 of them until years later one dominated. Computers are the best :)
  7. Will all this new inovation going on, look beyond the current news of the ability to use windoze programs on a MAC and realize what the big picture truly is. For years and years, APPLE has forced you to use true blue apple software. They have fought tooth and nail to keep you from going over to the dark side. Along came some hackers last year and opened the flood gates. Apple isn't stupid. Instead of throwing a hissy fit and saying "we not playing", Apple offered software to help their income while this transition is taking place. A percentage of something is better than 100% of nothing. What this means is that inevatably people will move over to the flawed windoze dark side. The more comfortable people become with using windoze software, the more choise and availability they have, they will lean less and less on the Apple crutch and begin to stand on their own. There are thousands, and thousands of software developers not hampered by Apple restrictions and true competition in the free market place. The most popular software company on the planet for still & video software, ADOBE wasn't even thinking of porting its newest version over to the MAC until 2007. What do you think the odds of that are now? BTW, Premiere Pro v2.0 and After Effects v7.0 released two months ago so very rock. I'm not a hard core APPLE basher. I'm someone that started off with them and learned my lesson the hard way which left a sour fruit taste in my mouth. Windoze does suck and is flawed but it is so much more open and free with choises and competition. Sony was so hard core protectionist with their BETA format, it too went the way of the DODO bird. Things were going well and Apple was flat lining beautifuly until that damn I-Pod came along. That was like a charge from the cardio paddles to give one more breath of life chance into the company. With this latest blow, the Doctors are saying Apple is still alive but with the STROKE it has suffered, its previous computer line will not be the same
  8. Ahh, what is what makes life interesting :) I started out with Apple, learned my lesson and moved on. Life is all about compromises. Decide what you can live with and make a choise. Sure I have chosen a side and just like in sports, cheer for your team !!!!! I got a link for you Click and Download Here
  9. Realise what has gone on in 2005 and you will not be surprised that the mighty APPLE was forced into this position. They in no way have done this out of the goodness of their hearts. It has been 8 months now that the most beloved hackers in the world bypassed the Trusted Platform Module that the Apple O/S looks for. A chip installed in all crap Apple machines that makes sure ALL software and hardware is only true blue APPLE. That means big $$$ for Apple because they get a cut of everything. So what does this hacked version of the Apple O/S mean? How about running it on a no name IBM system that costs no more than $300 and blows the ass off any Apple G4 or G5 !!! Pop in a no name modem, sound card or anything else that Apple hasn't approved (and got a 60% cut of) and it works without a problem. CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY I'm sure IBM machines may have a problem here or there but that is what has made them great. Fast, cheap, affordable and with world wide compeition, no one is selling proprietary hardware at a 300% markup.
  10. I have had my Canon 20D for two months now and after several trips, I am at 2,900 pictures. I read on the internet that you should clean your camera soon because through the manufacturing process and shipping, those little hidden surprises work their way loose after inital use. The very first INSANE place to buy a cleaning brush was HERE. Scroll down and you will see that $130 for a brush is insane. The only advantage to this brush is that it is activated or "charged" by simply blowing air on it. I chose to go HERE. $12.95 is a more reasonable product. Only difference is that you "charge" the brush by rubbing in on a piece of supplied vellum paper. Friction makes this one get its charge instead of blowing air on it. For a difference in $117, I think I can handle the extra work load. *Note* If you are a Canadian type person, ask if you can get it via MAIL. Typical US shpping is always default to stupid UPS. A $30 brokerage charge for a $12 brush makes you feel oh, so very special. A fellow club member made a little video for me to help teach me the cleaning method and after reading the supplied instructions with the brush. I am brave enough to start some cleaning. I am impressed with the results. The brush method of cleaning the sensor is a less invasive procedure than the wet methanol cleaning pad. I will save that skill for when a really hard piece of gunk decides to glue its self on the sensor. For the first cleaning, I had to do 4 cleaning passes to get the final results. I have included the BEFORE and AFTER pictures. Now that I can really scout for the dirt, I can still see some very small specs in some places but when I took a test shot, you can see nothing. I will also offer my TEST shot as I did before. Does anyone see a better quality picture? May I speculate that there will be no complaints
  11. I agree with that statement. Hue-janus gave a wide sweeping remark about no profit at all with fun jumpers. US & North Americans are spoiled and better get used to the Europe way of doing things. I gave the other side of the pendelum swing and offered a reference to the mega-DZ. You know what? Somewhere in the middle there is a functional ballance. Our DZ has maybe 18 full time members but we cater to all. Every 2nd weekend is the jump weekends, IAD students start 8:oo AM and get off quickly. Some times the loads are staggered between students/experienced to have a better flow. Tandems done throught the day. We strive not to piss anyone off because everyone has $$$ and that is what keeps us going. Granted our only jump ship is not a DC-9, there are always compromises. Wide seeping remarks that try to generalize everyone into a single catagory is wrong and not thought through competely. There are many different restraunts to choose from in the world, all can survive. But don't show up to a Chinese restraunt and bitch that they don't have Big Macs.
  12. This is a brand new camera out of the box, single sealed Cannon lense. Never took the lense off at all because it is the only one I have. I used it on vacation to warm places last month. I have read on the internet (which can NEVER be wrong) that it is quite common for new cameras to be dirty and in need of cleaning before even being used. Just mfg'd, shipped to camera shop then to customer. I'm sure Canon cleans them once they are all assembled but from brand new, I'm guessing there are places in the camera that release their special cargo the first 2 weeks you use them and all parts get a good workout firing off their first 1,000 pictures. Anyways, I have the before and after pictures for cleaning. I see nothing wrong with the camera at all after it was cleaned.
  13. Im a new 20D owner and in the same boat. I have chosen not to go the send away to clean route. I plan on using the camera lots and lots and this is a skill I will have to perform myself because I can not afford to lose the use of my camera in prime skydiving season. This company has an INSANE charge for a sensor cleaning brush (like $130 USD for a single stupid brush). Their web site is awesome for training videos of them actualy cleaning the sensor: sponge all their videos here A more resonable priced brush ($12.95) is here: Copper Hill Images For now, I'm OK with the brush method. I will leave the wet swab thing for later when I absolutely need to do it. Want to see a picture of how stupid the camera is after being brand new and on 2 winter trips?
  14. I have read your responce HUE-JANUS but there is one flaw in your are wrong Without debating the issue, calculating lift weight ratios to cost analysis benifits just do this simple and FREE comparision because it has already been proven out there in the world by someone else. CLICK HERE It is the largest most successfull commercial drop zone in the world. Life is not simple, neither is running a DZ. Simple math on a cost/jump ticket price is flawed reasoning. Larry Hill makes a bit of money from the jump ticket yes ($20.50 US/jump ticet) but like Disneyland or Cruise ships, it is that extra income that is the icing on the cake. Located 40 minutes ouside a major hub city (Direct flights between Phoenix and London). Arizona Airspeed training camps. Restraunt and bar. Fantastic Square-2 store on the DZ (next day shipping if you want something really bad). Bunkhouse, RV & Camping hookups. Don't forget this little beauty: Clicky and being able to do this Click-O-Rama People all come to spend their $$$ there. The resonible price attracts them and the DZ profits in every little thing they do while there in order to jump (even in the coin laundry). CLICK HERE Notice something funny about the picture above? They list 9 jump aircraft but there are 11 planes in the picture. Funny hey? Those other 2 are Larry's personal jets. That does not count the Lear nor the P-51 Mustang he bought in cash. Yup, running a world class DZ in our North American spoiled land sure is a money losing venture. You are correct that making a living on jump ticket price alone is a money losing venture so too would be Cruise ships if they didn't get $$$ from selling shore tours, casino profits, duty free shoping in the ship and all that alcohol but I don't know of a DZ that doesn't do that exact same thing. IAD, Tandem, PFF, Video DVD, Printed still pictures or even a POP machine to buy Coke from with your spare change all brings in $$$. All that and I know that this particular DZ does not turn away licensed jumpers, jumpers with over 80 jumps nor do they tell you to get off the plane because of Tandems. First one up to the ticket counter with the $$$ gets the slot. Sure the profit margin is high on the single tandem jumper but in most likelyhood it is...see you later and never again. Keep that licensed skydiver happy and over their lifetime, you will make many,many more times in profit than that one time tandem. A DZ business isn't a single entity like a stone with no moving parts. It is like the engine of your car with many components that all work together to make it work.
  15. I just got a responce and price quote from the photographer. I am most impressed. They agreed to sell me the JPG but for personal use only. Since it is not some world record attempt or special jump, only the 16 involved would be interested in the picture. It would be so easy to track down who leaked it out. The price is a bit more than them actually doing the print and mailing it out but I'm OK with that because the price is reasonable for all the crap I want to do with it at home/office. If the photographer is reading this posting, I wouldn't mind mentioning you because you did a great bangup job.
  16. Thanks for the response. I didn't think this was going to be a big deal considering the fact that this is a picture of a 16 way team put together at a fun jump boogie. People whom I will probably never see again (Russia). The only people interested in the picture would be the actual people on the jump. This 3 MB file seems to be so closely guarded, you would think it is the last clue in the DA VINCI CODE or the cover shot on TIME magazine for picture of the year. True that the market will dictate the selling price for what people are willing to pay. Charge too much and people will say forget it, charge too little and too many people would end up buying your pictures (Walmart Theory) A price of $50 would be fine for a 24x16 print but I just have a feeling that when the price quote comes back, without a second though I will play this: CLICKY
  17. My question pertains to purchasing video stills from real professional photographers at organized boogies. The load organizers use the video for the jump debreif but most camera men usually wear a still for extra income. My question is: Do you always have to buy the print from the photographer or do they allow you to buy the .JPG and get your own printing done? The one shot I want, there is no way they will email me the .JPG I must purchase the size print I want, then have it mail it from Europe to North America in a rolled up tube. I would much rather have the actual file so I can go and get what I want done myself at a print/photo business like getting a dry mounted picture on a hard back. Not too keen on a flexi poster mounted to something else. I realize that this is a source of income for them but what if you want to go hog wild and get the T-Shirt, mouse pad, coffee mug and the 2foot x 4foot poster. Seems like a lot of hassle and a huge expense to have someone else do all the work for you and charge you for it. I'm just wondering how other DZ and professional photographers handle selling their photos. Our DZ will sell you a completed print or burn them at 100% resolution on a CD for you.
  18. Thank you for posting the videos. I did like the 1st one and it has some great ideas I can steal and make them my own :) The 4 point and 8 point garbage can filter can have some great effects like you used. Two tone coloring on the same video was a great idea. I began to feel like there was a bit too much but all in all, it was a great 1st video by the time I was done watching it. I know there was an aweful lot of work done in the editing part, even the name fade in at the end. I like that effect. The 2nd video is a good learning tool for you. Video effects are like sweet candy. They are great to have in moderation but just because you have the power to do something, you should not do it all the time. Just my opinion but waaaaay too much eye candy for me going on all the time. Good thing I am not diabetic :) Serisouly, good videos. I love watching videos done by other people around the world and espically from other countries from my own. Please post more.
  19. Yes that is the way to do it for sure. I just did a Conceptus switch for my 20D but don't do the bottle cap thing to cover the switch, that just adds more bulk. Just pop the silver cover off the top of the round button, remove the round button, then replace the silver cover that snaps right back into place. No need for the bottle cap to cover the button if the button is removed.
  20. Just as I was finishing off the year end DVD, Adobe came out with their completly new versions of their software. I wish I had them 6 months earlier because it would have made my work much, much easier. Click and watch a short FLASH presentation of the highlights: Encore v2.0 5min 06sec Premiere Pro v2.0 5min 45sec After Effects v7.0 8min 53sec Yes I know all you APPLE people "fighting the evil communist establishment" are not interested in this. I am also aware that my car randomly and without reason crashes into the curb. I would still choose this type of car mainly because it has 48,000 gas stations to fill up at other than the mighty APPLE's 3 gas stations.
  21. This was a skit that came to mind while doing the year end video. We never charge for the 2nd camera man but there has been a lot of loads to fill the slot the other camera man was the "buzy bee" around the two of them then just ended up fire wiring to the other camera for better video. We are not a big DZ but we are full of computer geeks. Out of the 20 or so full time members we have 7 cameras. Always strive to have the damn best YEV at our AGM. 66 min video, 2nd audio track (directors cut), bonus footage section, motion DVD menus, photo quality DVD cover and photo printed disk. It was awesome and just for the 21 people at the AGM.
  22. And many more positives. Burn a CD with 100+ pictures on it. Todays digital cameras and in previous threads, 100-150 digital pictures can be taken on one tandem jump from exit to landing on that one in a lifetime opprotunity to get a photo. In the old days, more film was lost trying to reload a 24 roll film in free fall just to try to get 48 pictures. Maybe APS made that process easier
  23. Yes leaving that small D-ring is an option to hook it up in the future and there isn't enough left behind to make any problem with. The LANC port I was worried about pulling the cover off but what was behind keeping the little plastic holder in place would break inside and rattle around.
  24. For those that have the Sony PC1000, what has been the best solution for your covers and straps for mounting the camera on a side mount helmet? The usual problem of the hand strap and the plastic cover for the LANC port on the right side of the camera.
  25. Our AGM is now over and here is one of the video clips I put on the DVD that explains our tandem pricing we offer the students. Tandem Offer.wmv 1 min 29 sec 12 Meg