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Everything posted by dmcoco84

  1. The Article has spawned over 80 replies. This is Speakers Corner where people come discuss politics and related issues. Now you are personally attacking me for posting the thread. You have contributed nothing to this discussion or any other for that matter in an adult and, you like the word so much, "coherent" way. You are aggressive and dismissive without any form of argument. Why don't you either contribute like an adult or shut the fuck up? You have serious reading comprehension issues, and Quade still clearly has Alzheimer's. Psst... are those diseases, disorders, allergies, or "personal problems"? That's who you are. Crap... how about you grow some balls, Pumpkin. Applies for this thread also: I have started using "incoherent", as a means, instead, of calling you a fucking moron; like the author of your posted article, who is a moron. Her article is all over the place, sounds of a medical whuffo, and clearly shows she has no fucking clue what the hell she is talking about in general. She should stick to broadcasting and business.
  2. Still not quite sure what that means... If at first you don't get a straight answer, ask ask again... ...even more so when its a question of principles, not politics. And Especially, on a forum with an increasing quantity of cowards. Federal Fracking? Yeah, I'm not going to reply to 10+ people in one post, especially when there is much to say... and, because of "TLDR." I have never dismissed any argument; I continually intellectually destroy any argument when it is nonsensical... ...and, if you feel that you and "my little pony" have been using common sense, you need to reevaluate your understanding of common sense. Shrug... on this forum, I always say what I mean and mean what I say. I DO have an anger problem, caused, by this forum. As I've said several times in the past... Part of the reason I started heavily posting in SC, is because of the massive arrogance I saw from Quade and Billvon. Couldn't take it anymore... where I can show you countless times they have both gone silent after losing an argument; instead of actions that would show humility. Bill has gotten a shit load better... and some things he's said over the last year, I've been literally stunned by, since we agree. But, not Quade... and buddy, you STILL need to take down the rattlesnake. Why...? "After I shoot you", I can keep you alive till the box (ambulance) picks ya up. I could administer AND treat your GSW. And if its below the belt, its not attempted murder. - "Dave Chappelle" That's condescending and pathetic. Maybe, if you only look at my last few months of posting.
  3. Stupid statement. Moderate drinking is not healthier, than abstinence. An abstinent liver is a healthier liver, period. However, moderate consumption of wine (not alcohol in general), has antioxidants that are beneficial to the cardiac muscle. But just because something simply has antioxidants, is not a reason to use it; even in moderation. If I never drink alcohol, but you consume 1-2 glasses of wine per day, every day, my liver will look much better in autopsy, period. Alcohol is shit... and if those beneficial properties are desired, other nutrients can provide the same benefits.
  4. I continue to not understand why people continually feel the need to use nonsensical and moronic examples like this to try to make points; especially when the points they are trying to make, are wrong.
  5. Stupid and Incoherent article... followed by an even stupider thread. Keep up the good work, IBX!
  6. Idiotic statements and nonsensical to the topics at hand. This is massive and utter Bull Shit; you don't have a damn clue what the hell you are talking about.
  7. This thread is fucking pathetic... should have been [on topic] There ya to again, wanting to revise the past to suit you personally. That might be funny, if it made some sorta sense... which it doesn't.
  8. Could you please respond more directly to what lawrocket posted? What you wrote above is nonsense. Additionally, ADD, is a disorder... comparing it in any degree to being heart broken or home sick is nonsensical; as well as cardiovascular disease. Your post is incoherent.
  9. This thread is fucking pathetic... should have been [on topic]
  10. Ha, Yeah... affect... got me like a yawn. No, No, No... We Both Know That's Bull Shit. You and I are neighbors, and I just bought all that shite. How does it affect you, DIRECTLY? Tell me how it picks your pocket or breaks your leg...?
  11. Darius... are you ready to watch Israel kick everyone's asses?
  12. If right now, at this very moment, I walk out the door, drive to the store... and purchase 2 AR-15's, two parts kits, 20K rounds of 223, and a complete set of full body military body armor... does that effect you? ? ---------------------------------------------------------- I'd want to know where you got a deal on 20k rounds of .223 ammo. Cause I want some too.
  13. If right now, at this very moment, I walk out the door, drive to the store... and purchase 2 AR-15's, two parts kits, 20K rounds of 223, and a complete set of full body military body armor... does that effect you? ?
  14. We ARE... we are a post-constitutional nation. We need to return to the original experiment... the Constitution.
  15. Two problems for your argument here. 1- you're citing the Declaration of Independence. Although certainly a key document from the time, it is the Constitution that matters. Wrong... we've been over this. And no one on this board has been able to cite what came right before the Declaration of Independence. You are wrong, JUST, LIKE, QUADE.
  16. Meant to add one last thing: If right now, at this very moment, I walk out the door, drive to the store... and purchase 2 AR-15's, two parts kits, 20K rounds of 223, and a complete set of full body military body armor... does that effect you?
  17. Coherent. Thank You. To abide by the Constitution, your statement would need to be: Amend the Constitution: Repeal the 2nd Amendment, Pass and Ratify 28th Amendment; then through proper legal means collect all fire arms and then abide by 28th Amendment and evaluate. Amendments are never removed, they are repealed, to remind us of the scars of the past; our mistakes. And likely, the best wording to achieve your opinion of what needs to be done to fix what you see as a problem, would be WHAT I PERSONALLY PUT INTO QUADE'S MOUTH SINCE HE DIDN'T HAVE THE BALLS TO RESPOND, : A well regulated Militia, is not necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall be determined by a Federal panel of experts. This, would be legal... however, it's never gonna happen. So... aside from these points, this thread, is done. There is nothing else to say. Period. At least... I'm done.
  18. Wrong... I have already addressed this; above and my past thread. First amendment is also not necessary for Freedom of Speech. You seem unable to be grasping the concept of Limited Government. What about my opinion makes you think I don't grasp the concept of "Limited Government" I simply don't agree the government serves no role in personal life. I firmly believe the government has a RESPONSIBILITY to provide laws and protections for everyone, such that I don't have to worry about being murdered at a rate 4x higher than the UK. In my opinion one of the fastest ways to bring our homicide rate in line with that of Europe, is to bring the number of guns in line with that of Europe. I see this as a perfect example of where the government should be working for the people. I simply do NOT agree that the governments role is to sit back and let any random asshole do whatever he pleases. What you just wrote here, proves flat out, you do not understand Limited Government. If you are not simply trolling, what you just wrote is absurd... and you are also confusing the things that actually are your opinions, with Constitutional Truths. Read this: DEFINED: Small and Limited Government Then read what I wrote, read what you wrote before it... and then re-read what you last wrote: Then I'll continue to respond, if you make coherent statements, or state that you don't want the US Constitution, you want a national government whose scope of influence has no bounds; the exact opposite of the Republic those old guys gave us.
  19. You sure feel the need to attack the person opining much more than the opinion itself. Is that because you were raised improperly? It could matter... if he told me he was in his 40s and lived in Vermont, I would not be the least bit surprised.
  20. Wrong... I have already addressed this; above and my past thread. First amendment is also not necessary for Freedom of Speech. You seem unable to be grasping the concept of Limited Government.