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Everything posted by olemisscub

  1. Hmmm, yeah maybe you could spray paint a rubber duckie. Cut the head off and plug it up so it doesn't look so much like a duckie to prevent someone from grabbing it prematurely.
  2. Steve Hart on the FB group would be the guy to get those to since he lives there in BG.
  3. Ahoy! Self-burial on a beach!
  4. road flares are too long. These were described as six to eight inches. If road flares were only six to eight inches long you'd run the risk of burning yourself from them. Road flares are typically fifteen inches long.
  5. I've come across several articles lately when I did newspapers searches for "money found beach" that are essentially what you are discussing. Stories where people were finding cash along the beach. It was like a feeding frenzy with kids and everyone out there picking up money. Though the descriptions of the cash in the articles make these seem like these were loose bills and not packeted or bundled.
  6. Yes, I've literally never heard of such a thing. I've never had an issue with food falling off my fork. Is this a Canadian thing or something?
  7. I'm not sure I can envision a scenario with that long of a delay, but I could see 2-3 minutes. 8:14 is about as far as I'm willing to go. We know from the copycats (at least from McCoy, Mac, and Heady) that they were down there for a few minutes either mustering up their courage (Mac) or scanning the area to make sure they knew where they were (McCoy, Heady).
  8. You know me, I don't really care where he jumped. I'm quite pliable on the issue. I defer to much smarter people such as yourself and Flyjack to figure this stuff out. However, as I've stated on the group, I struggle with applying too much precision to that statement because their entire flight from Seattle to Reno was 570 miles. Traveling 200mph, at 10,000 feet, and on a 570 mile flight, "within or in proximity of Portland" could mean a larger area than we think. Proximity of Portland may mean something different as part of a 570 mile flight than it does to you or I driving through Clark County on I-5. I think their statement certainly puts Vancouver in play, but it doesn't exclude places as far north as Battle Ground IMO.
  9. Never in my life have I seen L and R forks. WTF. I'm a lefty so I figured that I'd be aware of such a thing.
  10. A rock hunter found an NWO fork that dates to that time period out in the boonies about 20 miles east of Roseburg, Oregon. Checked the map and this area is virtually right under the flight path. Obviously it could be unrelated, but that would be quite Vortexy if someone dropped an NWO fork out in the wilderness under the flight path. It's not like it helps advance the case or anything, but it's still a cool novelty item if it came from 305.
  11. So you simultaneously support the Reca and Rackstraw grifts. You should add a pinch of Barb Dayton to that recipe. Thrown in a dash of Uncle LD too.
  12. Latest Vault is mostly junk but does have some of the first pre-302 notes that we've seen so far. Pretty cool to see those. Also, my boy Orville Andrew Lyons made his first appearance. They had redacted his name in the previous Vault releases. He was the last person to have his hair compared to Cooper's and his investigation was the last time the hair slide shows up in the files. I've got about 4 paragraphs on him in my book. He's pretty intriguing. The FBI seemed to have a real hard-on for him. I was actually surprised I was able to figure out who he was considering he was redacted. I was able to figure out the length of his first, middle, and last names. It said he was from Delaware and was wounded in the Korean War with the Marines. So I just went on newspapers dot com and started typing in "korea wounded marine" in Delaware papers and found a guy whose names matched. Looked him up on Ancestry and it showed that he had lived in Mississippi in the early 80's, so I knew I had the right guy. I contacted Zaid who supplies the FBI with a running list of names of deceased persons who may appear in the file, so I told him to include Lyons since the redactors apparently thought he was alive in the earlier vaults (since his name was redacted). So, it's good to see they got the memo that the guy is dead. Frustratingly though, in all of his files in the old vault releases they never let his subject file number slip, so I wasn't able to FOIA his subject file. If you just FOIA someone's file by their name they won't do it, but if you ask for a subject file number, they'll process it. There doesn't appear to be a subject file number with his info in the latest vault either. Ugh.
  13. Would they deteriorate if they were still wrapped inside the bag for several months? As for Vault 88, no idea. Maybe we'll be treated to another 100 pages of blank documents from someone's address book. I have to admit, I'm a little excited to see our first Subject File, which should be in an upcoming vault release. We've not seen those yet. For those who don't know, we've only seen incoming and outgoing documents, very few, if any, internal investigative documents within the Seattle Office. It's my understanding from talking with Larry that a good bit of the stuff in the Subject Files are internal memos that weren't ever sent out.
  14. That's one theory of mine, but I have another one that explains how the money ended up in Marine Park whilst Cooper did not.
  15. Hmmm, I doubt I've shared it with you. Can you provide a keyword that might indicate a clue about it?
  16. I'll give mine if you give yours...
  17. I really struggle with the concept of Cooper, or any parajacker, deciding to jump over such a huge light footprint. I understand that Vancouver was not the major city it is today, but from my conversations with Jim McClellan (pilot of the "mystery light aircraft"), you could see the glow of Vancouver/Portland in the distance through the clouds once you got to the Battle Ground area. So the light footprint was pretty significant. We can't talk to Cooper, but we can talk to McNally. I believe that Cooper, like Mac, was winging his drop zone. When you ask Mac about why he jumped where he did he'll say that he didn't want to jump somewhere too populated, for obvious reasons, but did want to jump somewhere that he knew there was at least some civilization beneath him. It's not exactly apples to apples since Mac jumped on a clear night. Nevertheless, I've adapted Mac's thinking to try and make sense of Cooper's DZ. North of Lewis River would have just been sheer darkness beneath him. He'd surely know that was legit wilderness beneath him. But once he got to Woodland/La Center/BG, he'd start to see the glow of some lights beneath him but not too much. Unless he was truly nuts he certainly wouldn't want to jump directly over the combined lights of Vancouver/Portland. Additionally, he had to know that it was Portland coming up given the time they'd been in the air and direction they were going, which means that he also knew that the Columbia River was down there somewhere. So there's another reason why you don't jump over Vancouver/Portland. All of that is why I don't think that he landed as a no-pull or under a deployed canopy that far south. However, I do think there is a possibility that the money bag ended up in Marine Park. I've got a theory for that, but that's perhaps for another day.
  18. You want to see what the difference in what public records looks like of a serial liar phony secret agent vs. that of an actual secret agent?
  19. Thanks for the info about the lingo. And none of his personal rigs were taken. This is known for absolute certainty at this point. Cossey made up stuff in a 2003 article in Parachutist magazine that stuck around in the cultural zeitgeist about the Cooper case for quite some time. Both of his backpacks were emergency bailout rigs provided by a local stunt pilot. Cossey's only connection to those were that he packed them several months prior back in May 1971.
  20. My bad, I guess I figured whatever you were talking about actually had something to do with Cooper’s parachutes…
  21. The ONLY reserves involved are the reserve that Cooper opened then cannibalized and the dummy chute. Why are you referring to backpacks as reserves? The museum chute is not a reserve. It's a WWII Pioneer that is some variant of the P2-B-24. Could also be a P3-B-24 unless Flyjack knows specifically which one.