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Everything posted by hookitt

  1. It's back... Not again will that happen My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  2. Do you really want a "fucking" Story? Really? My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  3. You're in Kentucky I'm not.. Good luck! My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  4. I had zero self control when I was 16 (not what the rest of you are thinking!!! ) I would have surely been a statistic. Welcome to our world My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  5. Excellent... (sorry I missed that post) Happy to hear it's been sorted out. C-ya My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  6. You're long time rigger friend would probably be willing to reduce the size of the pocket. My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  7. hookitt


    Ok.. I'm in... I NEVER get in this debate cuz it goes round and round ..................and round.....etc. That's one of the stupidest thing I've ever fu(king heard. Of course it's a back up. So are ropes in Rock climbing....(insert another long list of back ups here) Have you ever done any thing that some reason you didn't die and was only due to luck Or a back up device of some sort? Take something else up because in your mind you're already dead. People screw up. But because the weren't killed by it they get to enjoy trying again. I notice you fly with a team. How is the back up helmut you are using holding up for you when you get kicked in the head? Nuff of that. I post this in fun and laugh as I heckle. I'm sure it's not read that way but alas, It's a forum. Peace. My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  8. hookitt


    It's pretty simple in my Opinon. The Technology is there. Use it. I know several people who are still around because of them (insert Darwins survival of the fittest arguement here). It was shocking to find out such a competant skydiver actually used it. PM me if you want details. 900 bucks or so for a cypres is a small price. C-ya My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  9. hookitt


    The use is that it's very fun and exciting. It becomes easier actually, but come out of it slowly if you stall the heck out of it. One thing I didn't mention. If you jump a small elliptical, the long time part can get you in to some serious trouble. Ask a CRW dog about flying it backwards. build up some speed then flare real hard untill you are just about to the top of the pendulum out in front. then let up on one toggle and keep the other down. Loads of fun if you haven't done one. It's very useful to explore the use of both front and rear riser in put. Be creative. when the stiletto first came out, I tried real hard (REAL HARD) to fold the nose under with front riser input. I couldn't do it. I did this because I saw the nose fold under on a straight in approach with basic double front riser input on a different type of parachute. The person flying the canopy was my friend was my friend. The basis of the post was to suggest truly exploring the flight range of your canopy. Find out what it takes to get your parachute to quit flying. (please don't make me use a disclaimer here, use your judgement on this) Think about what you will do if you are forced to sink it in a tight area with obstacles. You are not always left with a choice. If you truly explore the range, the confidence level will increase and It will make you a better and safer canopy pilot. Have fun. My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  10. So your the culprit!! Just kidding. Nice work. My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  11. Are you playingRussian Roullette? (sorry late in posting any thing) There are some very good canopy pilots in florida. If at all possible get some pointers at the source. Video your landings and Disect them with some 5000 jump competition swooper or the like. I have 4400ish jumps and by chance I didn't hurt myself in the beginning. I backed off after nearly Bouncing and decided that the methodical approach to swooping was in order. Barring Mother nature Dumb luck structural failure, I definately am not playing Roullette while landing. That still doesn't mean I won't fu(k up due to being Human. Basically if it feels like you are pushing it too far and taking a chance, then it's a good indication that you may be. If needed take a step back. C-ya My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  12. Try as hard as you can to make that happen. It doesn't happen. ====== Sorry to hear your canopy is grounded. The most difficult thing to do on deployment is Nothing. Try not to make any corrections, or harness shifts or turns with the risers. Just stay neutral untill it inflates. Many people will be surprised at how much Better their own canopy opens. Nice vid. C-ya My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  13. Contact Henry at Wings and let him know. That's the same trouble some Wings users had at our DZ. He was quick to send out a larger d-bag. Get on it! The Eloy trip is comin up! My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  14. It gets easier, but not as easy as the others. PM me if you'd like to trade some tips. ------ Javelins, then Vector and VooDoo are similar. All are quite reasonable to pack. The smaller the rig with a tight fitting reserve makes them all more of a challenge. Get something you like, something good, we'll deal with the reserve. Peace. My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  15. Hell... there are even femer bets going on with a lot of people behind the scenes on when certian people will femer in. ============== Many bets were placed against me at around 445 jumps. 4000 jumps later, I still have all the original parts. Stay safe out there. (radical as you want, but safe) In reply to the Original Message. Bets were made, People(mostly the DZO's) mocked us (us being my freefly partners) for freeflying, said we'd never go any where or break ourselves if we went to a different DZ. They also had no lives and made up rumors about any thing for the fun of it. So we left. Got good a freeflying and Swooping and what not. After a couple years we visited the Ole DZ and they welcomed us and asked us to coach them. Now they thought we were cool. Strange how *ignorance by choice* holds perfectly good people back. I'm glad you came out ok on this. Heal well. My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  16. OK I'm moving to AZ now. BASE jump then visit Holly? What could be better. Congrats Holly. PM me I'm pretty sure ya know this Norcal Boy My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  17. O jumps 5 or 6 inches of rain gusts to about 50 or 60 Many trees down. 2 glasses of wine (so far) My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  18. 200 exactly! Yes! My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  19. Vector, Javelin, You'll be fine with either. I agree with the urban legend post. Since Bill Boothe already posted, this seems pointless to do so. I prefer a different rig than the vector, but it's a very well built, and very well designed rig. There is nothing that would keep the rig closed after a ripcord pull or a cypress fire barring serious misrigging or lack of a reserve pilot chute. (the latter was written for affect) You say you witnessed a pilot chute not emerging from the flaps? This sure sounds like you're speaking of a fatality. What was the equipment (year, make, model, reserve pilot chute) and the findings from the investigating rigger and from the investigation itself. Something is amiss here. I would on any given day trust myself to a new vector. C-ya My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  20. _______________________ The Voo doo is simple to close. The POS reflex was easy to close too. but then again, so are Racers. Damn I really dislike those rigs. The Voo Doo is fine. If you can get a good deal on one by all means get it. My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  21. hookitt


    There is one thing missing in most of the downsizing progression nowadays. What is it you may ask? Learning to fly a parachute. A good example would be the person who jumps a falcon 195 as their first canopy or something like a 150 sabre, both at about a 1:1 wingload. What is the most common progression here? Landing this canopy on the big dropzone, Thinking "Hey I'm getting good at this I'll get something smaller". If the person can afford something new, they get it. Then they freak the shit out of themselves the first time the are forced to land between some phone lines on a road or in to a back yard between the porch and the swing set. Recently a very talented newbie at our dropzone bought a 150 sabre at a great price. Fully loaded her wingloading is about 1:1. She flaired to high a few times, then to low. THEN after some ribbing, She asked some questions about flying a parachute. After that, she was out pulling high, stalling her parachute(for a long time mind you) back spinning it, Doing hammerheads, all kinds of stuff. Then at a reasonable altitude, she would stop her acrobatics. Her landings improved immediately. She was then comfortable to land in tighter areas, and proved it on a ridiculous spot. Explore the boundary's of a larger parachute. You'll be amazed at what you learn and how much fun it can be. When you understand what a parachute can actually do, borrowing someones small parachute will be so much less of a danger, and a whole lot more fun. That's my rant for now. C-ya My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  22. Ya Never know, I made you laugh any way :) My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  23. I haven't Met Moodyskydiver yet ;) My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  24. What and awsome picture! Sweet 100th Jump Skymama My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto
  25. hookitt

    Rigger Training?

    Ive been a rigger for Years. That was the only advantage I had going into BASE jumping. Becoming familiar with gear is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself. I've learned TONS since Ive been BASE jumping. If you can take the time to become a rigger, Do it. Keep in mind that rigging courses give you a license to learn. It's a big responsibility that should not be taken lightly. My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto