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Everything posted by windchill

  1. MAn dont tell me you actually COuntEd them!!!????? man you are one crazy mother crusher if you CoUnted how many twists you had !!AARRGGHH!!! cheRRyPiEs!
  2. I used to be ignorant to this argument before i jumped. I was far to willing to say 'hey, God doesnt exist because you cant prove he does.' But since i started living my life this way (skydiving) i have realised how little we all are and how much about the universe we fail to understand. First of all i have concluded "religion" is 100% man-made. If there is a god it played no part in teaching us how to build churches/synagogues/mosques etc. and i am quite sure didnt miracouslly give birth to 'our savior' a couple thousand years back. To say you 'believe in god' suggests you know what god is. Well let me know coz i aint figured it out yet. Is god formed with human like features?. is god invisible? is god and all consuming spirit which surrounds us all? hey, who knows. Does god sit in heaven drinking tea and watch the football while he leaves us to our existance, and if so, why do you care about him? On the other hand if he does take an interest in this species he alledgedlly created why the fuck would god allow thousands of children in third world countries to die each year at the age of 6 days, after 144 hour life lying in there own faeces and the raw sewage of an entire village worth of shit. Is that free will? We have COMPUTERS!!! Try and explain to a man in any of the various deprived areas of the world what a computer is.?. Can you imagine what kind of life hundreds of thousands of people are FORCED to live, where there is no 'so called' free will, where thier most valued possesion is a spade, that they use to dig for scraps of coal for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week in a climate far hotter than your own, in the hope they can sell it for the equivalent of 50p (a quarter) a WEEK!!!!! if thier lucky. Tell such a courageous person God loves him and guess what that person will tell you? Please i am not saying god does or doesnt exist but if god had the power to make a fucking PLANET!!!!!!!!! give me one good reason he cant put right all the atroushous things that go on. sorry for the rant, and this post is aimed at nobody hear but at the hundreds of ignorant spanners i have to see every day who walk around in suits and mobile phones thinking a bad day is when their companies share price drops a few % , If i were god i would..............
  3. Yove all heard about tits how men think about sex every arse 6 seconds, well im thinking skydivers are close to nipple thinking about skydiving on the same time delay. Man sometimes i cant sleep norks at night coz skydiving is just constantly on my sausage mind.
  4. ive usually found skydiving on job applications sometimes helps. If you put you "regulaly pack other peoples parachutes" they think thats a real big deal and you must be easily trusted!!! I suppose it depends on the job,for example if your going for a job as a skydiving coach i suggest you may want to include it, (just kiddin) some employers are right miserable bastards and would show you the door straight away! Bit like my boss. The word Ignoranus comes to mind.
  5. $10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, what i would give for my dropzone owner to even contemplate using the words $10 (£6?)and jump ticket in the same sentence!!!!!! man, id lick a tramps testicles for jt's that cheap!!!!! you guys rule, im coming over there!!!!!!
  6. Im in no position to comment on AFF but i can tell you a little about my standard progression. I started in Feb 2000 and am currently on 10 sec delay. The dz i am training at is in the UK so the weather has had a huge effect on the jumping oppurtunities ive had. Also ive only been able to jump at weekends ( financial reasons ) I felt that the time in between each jump was having a negative effect on my progression as i would jump a couple of times one weekend, and then weather permitting, waited up to 3 months for my next jump. So basically, if your sure you can jump frequentlly i cant see no problems with a progression course. I started on a static line a stayed that way until jump 14 when i finally got my first hop n pop ( 3 second delay ) which was last year. Looking back ive had the best times of my life, ive gained valuble expierience in a wide range of subjects from just lurking around the dz at the weekends and my canopy control is considerablly better with the extra jumps ive had ( compared to AFF ) If your in a rush to be CAt 8 or whatever your equivalent is over there, i cant recommend static progression, but if youve got the cash and weather, you might be missing out on some good fun jumps. Get some advice from an AFF graduate before deciding. Welcome back. Cherry Pies.
  7. U guys still waiting to get started (omri, helllian) HANG IN THere!!! I waited 1 1/2 years from my first tandem untill starting my course and it was agony. All i could think about 24hours a day was that course, wishing away the days until it started and WOW it was worth every miserable day. Money was the main factor for me as I was still in school at the time of my tandem, so i know how u must feel. Cherry-pies Edited by windchill on 3/12/01 08:12 AM.
  8. oh bugger i need to jump soon or i will go even crazier, and you aint seen crazy yet, although you may be somewhat crazy yourself for reading forum posts this far back you cabbage licker. hmmmm. cabbages. maybe soon i wil fly again like the birds and satisfy my desire to be in the serenity of the clouds and to feel the void of space between me and the "others" who live "down there". to unhook my brakes and shout out meaningless words to try and describe the feeling only we can understand. To feel at one with nature and to loathe the people who disrespect her or take her for granted.
  9. do u ocaasionally hear voices? what voices. what do u mean. shut up. no u shut up. dont tell me what to do. piss off. no u piss off. make me. no why dont you make me?. im warning you. oh be quiet. no but i love mango chutney jesus loves you if u are reading this you are extremelly board or waiting for a codec ckydiving movie to be down loaded like me u love skydiving so much your soul aches and u feel nothing else matters and your ife would be meaningless without it and you dream every night about flying free and it drives u insane to the point of anguish when u cant jump? join the club!
  10. [email protected]] [email protected] gibble hesty worchester minxs altogether now please Edited by windchill on 3/10/01 02:13 PM.
  11. how many giraffes can u fit in a pickup? no thanks, ive already got 4 have u got a spare banjo i could use? hhmmm may i ask an expert in the subject?
  12. From what I hear its not mad cow disease but a virus which is emenslly contageous to pigs cows sheep and all other mammals which have two-toed feet (feet with two toes) The poor gits get blisters and swelling of the feet and tongue, hense the name foot and mouth, and the virus can stick to the tyres or motor vechiles and be caried around, so alot of movement in and around farms has been restricted to prevent it spreading. Nuff said. blueskies, cherrypies.
  13. It doesnt cost that much, I can send you a subscription form if u like?
  14. May I please ask how the hell you found that????? That has put me off eating warm chocolate brownies for many years to come! what was the first words to come to mind after seeing that? ming sweetcorn nuts damn, i need a shit
  15. Will any of us Brits be effected or even restricted this weekend by the foot & mouth outbreak???? Apparentlly the country rounds in a few parts of Britain are gonna be closed, and the majority of our dropzones are near farms of some kind? Just a thought.