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Everything posted by QueenBee

  1. The fax is on 24/7...979-778-5993 as for regular hours, Wed & Fri: Noon til dark-thirty Sat & Sun: 9 am til dark-thirty However, someone usually checks in everyday.. Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  2. Thanks! BTW, got your email, sending cd anyway (no charge)...sorry about all the *&%&#$!@ stuff, but I feel like I owe you BIG TIME! Hope to see you soon! Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  3. We just received our copy of the September Parachutist, and my first, second, and third published photographs appear on pages 50-51!!! Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  4. I have the picture from last year's boogie, but there's a catch. The photography shop misplaced the negatives, so I have to scan in the printed picture. Once I've managed that, I will be posting it on Shutterfly. Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  5. Yes, Catfish will be organizing some CReW jumps, and I'm sure doing some downplanes as well! Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  6. I'm really upset to hear that you have to work AOTMB weekend! We were looking to forward to seeing you! The short ones say "Hi" and they miss you. (Of course, we (I may not be speaking for Dave at the moment, possibly need to take Qtpi out, too) miss you, too!) Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  7. Cool! Too bad you'll be missing out on all the photo ops this year . Feel free to send us some dove... Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  8. FYI, we may have two free guided dove hunts in our raffle this year....... and I'll be there Casie, of course, I kinda have to be don't I... Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  9. Hey Guys & Gals, After many, many hours of uploading pics, I have FINALLY finished my SkyFest 2003 gallery! Thanks again to all the great people at Skydive Dallas, as well as the Schrimshers, for the great weekend we had! Enjoy the pics!!! SkyFest 2003 Blue Skies Forever, Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  10. Save the best for last... Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  11. Okay Guys & Gals, I promised I would post the link to my pics at Shutterfly as soon as I got enough uploaded to make it worth checking out, so here's the link... http://www.shutterfly.com/pro/KathySpillers/SummerJam2003 So far, I only have about 300 canopy shots set up, but I am working hard, and hopefully I will manage to finish uploading this week, so check back soon! If you see a pic you'd like me to fix (i.e. colors, not skills...) just email me the Album & Pic #. Thanks for the great memories!!! Blue Skies Forever! Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  12. Here you go... Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  13. Well, you just have to come back and do it again. Todd Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  14. tis a definite possibility...know anyone who wants to buy an RV, with a Ford diesel and fifth wheel to pull it??? Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  15. It's ALWAYS Hot at Skydive Aggieland...PM... If the RV is still here, you've got a bed there, if not, you can stay in the house! Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  16. QueenBee


    As Manifest Queen "B" at my DZ, I would definitely recommend that you bring a Release of Liability Agreement with you. Even thought they claim to have waivers, do you know if their waivers specifiy your name, or even "tandem instructor" as one of those included in the waiver. I think it would be better to be safe and use/revise the one that your dz uses. Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  17. Pics for comparison Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  18. If that qualifies, then I think you've been regluar for quite a while now, AD! Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  19. well, if farting regularly counts towards being "regular", I think we actually have several who qualify here at Aggieland Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  20. *** I'm only on page 543 right now so....how many more pages before I can borrow your copy???? Pleeeeaaaaasssee......... Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  21. Thanks, Levin, and I must say that I had a great time working with you pulling the Summer Jam together! BTW, Summer Jam 2003 t-shirts will be available for purchase through the Single Helix website very soon! And yes, I am still working on uploading pics to my ShutterFly.com site. (Takes a while to upload 1700 pics...) Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  22. Thanks, Deva! And best of luck to you ladies on your attempt in November! Here's a pic for you... Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  23. Relax, SunnyDee, we found it at the DZ, along with a pair of sunglasses, and it will be in the mail to you before Wed. I promise . Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  24. From Todd: Yeah, "BITCH"!!!! Get ready for that to be tandem bitch. Todd Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.
  25. Did i black out and miss something? Your friendly aggieland luggage handler, Perky Remember, she doesn't kiss and tell.... Queen "B" ----------------------------------------------- Skydive Aggieland, Inc.