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Everything posted by base587

  1. base587

    Minimum height

    >Take your time. >Walk down from jumps! >Do not jump because anyone else did/does. Really sound advice. Just ask yourself...if I don't feel 100% about this and I don't jump it really going to matter a week from now, a year from now.......of course not. In fact I have found a distinct pleasure in walking away from certain jumps because I KNOW I am using MY intuition....that little voice in the back of my head saying that it is not worth it. And BASE intuition is something that is developed over time. Don't ever find yourself saying "#### it, I'm just gonna go!" Like Mick says, start slow. That can be difficult when you are surrounded by experienced jumpers that are going hard, off of all kinds of objects. Cuz you know what...really...the whole point is to make it to the end of the day ALIVE ....and in one (unbroken) piece....and be able to throw back a couple of pints with good friends. That cliff will still be there tomorrow...
  2. base587

    Minimum height

    Some other points with the TARD ....lines are in one hand in largish loops (Careful not to cinch your hand!) and canopy in the other ....and don't forget to remove pilot chute and bridle! ....and set the headings can be a big issue with these jumps! ....the launch is very don't want to snag lines across your face or helmet. ....for lower objects, vented/valved canopies are better! Really, if you haven't seen a TARD done...WAIT and see it in person. Also, I've seen video of some REALLY BAD McConkey's. The jumper is initiating the front loop on the launch rather than letting the inflating canopy pull him around. This can create huge line slack risking lineover, etc. I find that using reefing (tailgate) on VERY LOW McConkeys (165 feet) to be a bad idea....It impedes opening and can lend to off-headings. Even light reefing doesn't allow you to spread the canopy wide and maximize early inflation on the rotation. Again vented/valved canopies can help with inflation times. I guess I'm trying to point out is that there is a lot more to these jumps than first meets the eye.....go with somebody that has done them before venturing off on your own. All of this is still really experimental so like any good test pilot PLEASE wear body armor and a ####ing helmet! One death is enough for this year!
  3. base587

    Jump numbers.

    I think that BASE covers such a wide range of objects, altitudes and disciplines that numbers alone (#objects or total #jumps) do not reflect general expertise. My numbers on Tom's scale would put me somewhere between experienced and advanced. However, I am a COMPLETE newbie virgin when it comes to long delay, slider up jumps. Quite frankly, big cliffs SCARE me. Which may seem a bit odd since most skydivers consider a big cliff to be the SAFEST kind of BASE jump. Anyway, hopefully that will all change this year. I hear that there's some kind of simulator/contraption that JJ and company have set up in Norway. I'll be first in line
  4. base587

    why marry?

    Green card! (Heh heh, sorry honey!) Seriously, though, once you've met the perfect woman....
  5. Hi Tom: I think it is possible to teach girlfriends to jump IF: 1) They had the motivation to jump BEFORE you met them. 2) You are an experienced BASE jumper and have instructed before. 3) You can remain objective about their skills (and yours). 4) You confer with fellow experienced jumpers as to her progress. 5) You involve others you trust with her instruction. (Sometimes YOU stay at home) 6) You are brutally honest with each other. 7) You never find yourself trying to convince her to jump. 8) In fact, you find yourself telling her more why it is a BAD idea to jump. 9) You make it clear she can walk away from BASE jumping at any time...and that it is not a deciding factor in you staying together. 10) You buy her one of those new ABA 'Slim X-ray' t-shirts Spence (Just an aside, I am really impressed with this forum Tom! It definitely bridges the gap between the skydiving and BASE worlds)
  6. base587

    BASE numbers

    Speaking of old timers... How are you doing Hutch? Spence