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Everything posted by Bignugget

  1. That would be your choice, but I think most people with families and real lives to lose if they are sent to prison will have to think long and hard before they become willing felons. a general question since I dont get guns and a shotgun not considered a firearm?? let me be clear, in my plan, shotguns are considered firearms. so are bazookas, handguns, rifles....ill hire someone really smart to word it properly according to the physics of projectiles getting fired out of barrels or something so there is no confusion.
  2. That's not what I meant about warrant less searches and seizures. I meant if you're removing the right to keep and bear arms, why not remove some more rights while we're at it? I mean after all, it would make Leo's jobs much easier on the war against drugs. Another problem we seem to face. Which is also one of the biggest reasons for violent crimes. Oh, well still, no. It's not needed to reduce the level of guns in my plan, so I wouldn't need to do that. ETA: Im not removing the right to keep and bear arms, Im restricting it heavily.
  3. Yes..... I want LEO, "criminals" (someone who has an unlicensed firearm), and licensed individuals who pass a secret service style vetting process, to have guns. That is what I "admitted". That is what I want. Of course I want to try to collect and put in prison the criminals....but yea, those are the ones who should have guns.
  4. No, the guns will be collected as they come into public light. There is no reason to go banging in grandmas door searching for guns. I don't think most people who consider themselves "law abiding" would willingly risk life in prison if they were caught with an unlicensed gun. For the same reason most people don't possess heroin now. The penalty and risk is too high. Lets do the same for guns. Lets make it so MOST people don't have guns.
  5. Yes. This is what I want except LEO will have guns as well. (and licensed people who pass the secret service/supreme justice style vetting) They don't (i hope) have lots of ecstasy and crack....
  6. I think you missed the point. That gun can also be used, quite effectively, to kill people....including small children. Add that to your list. Any gun can be used quite effectively to kill a grown adult, the AR-15 is no more lethal than Remington 750 rifle chambered in .223. What is the difference in the two? One is made of synthetic materials and looks cool. The problem isn't the gun, it's the person behind the gun. I have absolutely no problem with making it more difficult for ALL guns to get into the hands of the wrong person. Maybe it cant stop the full grown deer....but it has no problem destroying a 7 year old kid. That's what im talkin about! Step 1 Reduce levels from highest in world, to second highest in world. Achieve this by stopping all manufacturing of firearms in the USA. Then offer a buyback of public firearms at some determined market value. Stiffen penalties for unlicensed firearms, and strip away all existing licenses. Those who wish to be legal can reapply and hope to get their guns licensed, those who want to become felons can roll the dice. As guns come into the LEO system, they are removed. We are on our way after that Im pretty sure. Id bet money we get down to 2nd highest in the world.
  7. What do I need to know besides they can kill people quickly and efficiently? Once I know these other things, then is it ok for me to not want 270 million guns on the streets? ETA: Im not in favor of banning some small portion of guns. Im in favor of EXTREMELY limited ability to acquire any sort of firearm. Id like to see it go the way of like....vetting out a supreme court justice, or a secret service agent, in order to get a license for a gun. I would also like to see penalties stiffened and manufacture of firearms in the US to stop. I agree with you 100% banning one small section of the pie won't help much if at all.
  8. I think you missed the point. That gun can also be used, quite effectively, to kill people....including small children. Add that to your list. Maybe it cant stop the full grown deer....but it has no problem destroying a 7 year old kid.
  9. An assault rifle, is a rifle that is used to assault things. did I get it right? I don't see why people are worried if a certain gun would be able to kill a deer or not.... I didn't know we had a Syrian level of deer murders going on, why the hell isn't the news talking about this? Also while we are on the topic of deer, how well would you guys say a deer of quality huntable status compares to lets say; a 7 year old human, a 20 year old human, and a 80 year old human, when it comes to overall ability to survive a shot from a gun (of any kind) to the chest?
  10. Its not nice to call little children varmits. Lets keep it classy.
  11. Ill take a stab at this one. It never happened. That's how. There is no evidence what you claim happened, ever happened.
  12. I don't know if you are mistaken or not. I was talking about supply, not use. With drugs being illegal, no corporations are farming fields of pot in Colorado to be sold at the local gas station. With guns being legal, plenty are made every day here and sold over the counter at walmart. This was the supply parallel I was drawing. Of course both goods have black markets available from supplies outside our direct control. And people will do whatever people will do, of this there is no debate. I simply suggest with a lower supply you have a less available good, and with a less available good more effort must be undertaken to acquire that good.
  13. The sad thing is, I think most of the people who responded to this thought I was serious. It's not exactly inconsistent with what others have said. Hence the sadness.
  14. I know. Every country does. Correct. Those are also countries without an equivalent of the Second Amendment. The laws differ (pretty lax in Austria but strict in Germany). Individual rights really aren’t seen as a big deal in most of these places. They also have a history of trusting the governments to have their best interests in mind. Recent histories of having kings, dictators, etc. Even Germany has a history of disarming its population. It could be accomplished here without the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and 14th Amendments. It’s a problem that these rules have been around for over 200 years and are part of the culture. Recognizing America is different, with a different cutural ethos and different history, may go a long way. To use your example....I am sure Austria and Germany would certainly claim they are different.....yet somehow they both manage to accomplish the same thing. Of course the US is different, and of course we would have to adapt successful methods to work for us... To dismiss any conversation regarding how our peers accomplish the goal, and how those methods could be adopted to assist in our own goals, simply because "we are different" seems intentionally counter-productive.
  15. No but, it will surely stone them. AFAIK, stoning is against the law in this country. They'll stone you when you're trying to be so good They'll stone you just like they said they would They'll stone you when you're trying to go home They'll stone you when you're there all alone But I would not feel so all alone Everybody must get stoned lol, touche'
  16. The sad thing is, I think most of the people who responded to this thought I was serious.
  17. Meh. Whatever. Oh, well, at least I got to start a gun thread. Gang-bangers go to college? I didn't see mention they were gang members. What makes you think that? Even more reason to keep the non gang members armed at all times! Lets just say in certain parts of H-town, wearing a red shirt & a Falcons hat has nothing to do with being a fan of Atlanta's team. Kinda like all the young men around here with the Astro's 'Star' logo tattooed prominently....they ain't hardcore baseball fans...and you most definitely won't see THEM with a Falcons hat! Nice, I had no idea.
  18. Pretty sure you don't know what the fuck you're talking about in this case. I think you missed his sarcasm. Nope. Pretty sure he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Who is a tougher Texan than Walker Texas Ranger??
  19. Meh. Whatever. Oh, well, at least I got to start a gun thread. Gang-bangers go to college? I didn't see mention they were gang members. What makes you think that? Even more reason to keep the non gang members armed at all times!
  20. Another prime example of why college classrooms should be mandatory carry areas. Someone woulda Chuck Norrissed those dudes way before 3 people got shot for sure if it was mandatory they had their guns with them.
  21. Right. But that’s where the black market comes in. We have yet to find a solution to the problem of the black market. As indicated in the stats “"From 1991 to 1997 the percent of State inmates with guns who acquired them at a retail outlet fell from 21% to 14%." As you commented, it means that fewer are acquiring them at retail outlets. But they are still acquiring them. 39% are acquired illegally off the street, meaning a black market already exists and will be made more profitable. "We" aren't the only country to contend with a "black market" for contraband goods. SOMEHOW, all these other countries with gun control seem to be able to reduce the overall number of guns within their borders (and the rate they blast each others faces off), even with this unstoppable market force at work. Im not the leaders of any of those nations but here is an idea I had. ASK THEM how they are managing to not have so many guns on the street any asshole can get one to slaughter kids with, and go from there.
  22. Do you believe there would be less overall drugs on the streets if drugs were as legal as guns are? If so then I would agree with your statement. But it doesn't make sense to me that legalizing them will mean fewer total. ETA: I most 100% agree that incarcerating people for "drugs" that they use that don't hurt others, is dumb.....but I also believe if drugs were legalized we would have more of them...which is great IMO. Drugs for everyone!, a joint cant slaughter a room of school kids AFAIK.