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    Skydive Toledo S&TA
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    Freefall Photography
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    Senior Rigger
  1. Laugh! Must have made that post in a hurry. I was hoping to get some information on what to pay an instructor for his additional work for a AFP instructional jump. We don't normal do them but we were short a AFF instructor today. Thought this might be a good place to ask. Thinking not so much now. Thanks anyway,
  2. Could anyone tell me what industry standard pay is for an AFP instructor jump is?
  3. I had a liver transplant six years ago due to a cancerous tumor. Took me three months to recover and jump again. Thinking now I should have waited longer after surgery because of the muscle loss associated with surgery of that level. Made it hard to flare my canopy but did not affect my new liver. Keep in mind that I was a experienced jumper at the time and wasn't making the normal mistakes that students make. Hard landings and bad pack jobs. Good luck with the surgery and trust your doctors, they can make miracles happen.
  4. Did a search for a drop-zone incident protocol and couldn't find anything. I was sure that a had read one here some time ago but can't find it. Guess I'm being lazy and don't want to make one up myself. Would like to have one for Safety Day. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. Thanks
  5. Yep they're still in business. Mickey Thomas in Washington owns it now. 360-245-3761
  6. I wish they would hurry up with the BSR. It's making my job a real pain in the ass. Students are showing up from other larger DZ's with gopro's and can't understand why we insist that they follow the uspa recommendations. I'm beginning to think that every student should get a camera so that we don't lose the work. It really pisses me off that everyone can't get on the same page on this. Sorry, just venting.
  7. Wow! wish I would thought of that. The Vigils I have are all used and I did write the s/n and DOM on the packing data card but didn't think to write down the DOM of the cutter. If it's possible that a cutter manufactured in October of 2007 can be installed in the field by any rigger then I would need to open them all to check the DOM of the cutter. Am I seeing it right or is there something I'm missing? I'm anticipating some very unhappy customers. Thanks Vigil.....
  8. Really didn't see a price on this software, Peregrine Video System.
  9. IMO it's all about how the video is sold at manifest and the quality of the examples that they show perspective customers.
  10. Thanks for all the input. Like Spanky advised, this canopy is now starting it's new life as a car cover.
  11. Thanks for your response RiggerLee. My problem is I'm not sure how many pack jobs it takes to wear the ink off the placard on a reserve. The packing data card only indicates that there's only eighteen reserve pack jobs on this canopy. That's whats in question here sense the last time this reserve was sealed was from a rigging packing school and the packing data card my not represent the amount on wear and tear on the fabric. I don't think that this canopy is manufactured anymore and leaves me with sending it to a master rigger to have porosity and tensile strength tested,ect. Mostly I was using this forum to help me make a educated decision and see if other rigger have seen this before on a 10 yer old reserve with only eighteen pack jobs. Really the only time I'm offended over a canopy is when it doesn't preform as expected. like exploding on deployment. Thanks again for your input and helping me make the right decision that I think I'll let someone else make.
  12. I have a parachute in my loft that the placard is worn out and is not legible. It appears like someone other then the manufacture has re-stamped it with the information. The information matches the packing data card. The last reserve pack was done by a riggers packing school and I am assuming that this canopy has been repeatedly packed over and over again for training. This canopy is a Tempo PISA. My question is, can I pack this if I determine that it's airworthy or should I send it to a master rigger to have a look at? PS. I've been a Senior Rigger for 10yrs and haven't seen this one.
  13. I had this same problem with XTI last summer and all I did was do a complete format on my cards and it went away, Not sure if this is what fixed it but worth a try.
  14. Wow! A great job. Should have docked harder, my have put it back in place. Anyway to notice that his bro was having problems and pulling him out is way curent. I want this guy on all my skydives.