
How am I suppose to get a GTI?

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"have you ever even touched or seen a real V1?"

A high-end wingsuit is an amazingly expensive purchase. I would hate to know that you guys are all spending money on something that you have never even seen, much less demo'd and flown.

I have done this exact thing with a couple of other wingsuit manufacturers including bird-man. And I've never met a wingsuit I didn't like. I'm pretty sure Robert has invented another quality product, I'm all about keeping these guys in business so that the evolution/ revolution of wing manned flight can continue!

When it comes to wingsuits you can have more than one. Preferably several to share with your friends. The one that dies with the most wingsuits wins, as long as you don't die on a flock!

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Most flocks I've been on have been in the low 70's (mph) range. I still think ManBird's claim of 69mph avg on the track suit is amazing. If the PF suit sank out on your flock fast, it must have been a pretty slow fallrate for the flock (relative to flocks I've been on) or the guy wasn't able to fly his suit as slow as MB claimed to. I do find it hard to believe a suit can do that, which is why the 69mph claim is so amazing to me. That fallrate would work for almost all the flocks I've been on... though I'm not sure about the forward drive.

I can average 80mph in a tight nylon Tony "Pit" RW suit, on a tracking dive. I know some who can go even slower in a regular RW suit. 69 dosn't seem all that unexpected in a custom tracking suit.

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This might be slow in the downward domain but this isn't slow in the down ward and shooting out forward flying for three miles plus that wingsuits get you.

Everbody is so number fixated its retarded. Until you fly across the valley with tons of altitude to spare or fly relative with the aircraft you just left these numbers mean nothing.

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