
First Rig Purcahse questions?

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I am starting to look around for a First Rig and I am looking for opinions on an ideal first rig. I am 6`1 and about 180lbs (without gear). My canopy skills are as good as can be expected for my experience level. I am more concerned with a smooth opening canopy than I am with how fast it is.
My primary interest is RW. I have no interest in Freefly at the moment and do not expect that to change for sometime but I would like maximum versatility in a rig just in case I change my mind.

My first thought was to go all out on a Container and buy a new one (Strongly considering Infinity because of Price and Reasonable delivery time) made for me that would barely hold a 210 and find a used 210 with the knowledge that I would downsize later to a 190. (Suggestions on which make and Model Canopy I should be looking at? Tri? Sabre? Sabre 2? Other?)

What is the smallest reserve I should consider? (Tempo? Raven? Other?)

What Container/Reserve/Main would you recommend if cost was not an Issue?
What you recommended if cost was a BIG issue?

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With regard to new containers, you cant really go wrong with any of them. All freefly (or RW) friendly, safe, reliable. Some are priced VASTLY higher than others.

If you want a Skyhook RSL, you will have to go with a Vector 3 from Relative Workshop. They are the only onesthat have it. They are middle of the road as far as pricing goes.

As to canopies, used may be best for first gear as you will probably want to downsize after a reasonable interval and more experience.

The ubiquitous "Ask your instructor whats appropriate for you" is the rest of my advice :-)

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Container - get what you can afford, what you like and what you want. New rigs are awesome; used rigs work well too. With a used rig make sure the harness fits your body.

My big question on canopy sizing would be what have you been jumping? A 210 would be an excellent and conservative first main. Have your container sized for that and depending on the brand container you choose you can easily go down to a 190 or even a 170 later.

I'd highly recommend a Spectre if you have little or no interest in the more "swoopy" landing of a nine cell. Slow smooth openings, easy landings. If you prefer the landings under a nine cell the Sabre2 is a good choice but I'd also look at the Pilot from Aerodyne - from all the people I've talked to that have jumped one, it's an excellent entry level nine cell.

Any chance you can get to demo gear (or have it sent to you)?


What is the smallest reserve I should consider?

Whatever the smallest canopy you think you can safely land (not neccessarily standing up, but safe) in the worst possible conditions you can imagine. For a first rig I usually recommend no smaller in square footage than your body weight.


What Container/Reserve/Main would you recommend if cost was not an Issue? What you recommended if cost was a BIG issue?

Infinity with lotsa options/PD176R or 193R/Spectre 210

If cost is an issue I'd look for quality used stuff, even if it means building your rig piece by piece.

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When i was you 3 years ago, here's what i did:

New Container: Javalin (not an Odyssey)
Used Main Canopy: Spectre 150 (love it -- forgiving of screw-ups, soft opennings)
New Reserve: PD 143

Love my rigg and set-up. Proportional to my weight: 150 lbs.

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What you recommended if cost was a BIG issue?

Definitely look for something used that's a good fit for your needs. If you can't find a complete used rig, there are a ton of used components out there. I usually recommend that if someone is going to buy ONE piece if gear new, and the rest used, they buy a new container. That's the part that has the custom fit for your body, and there's something yummy about having a harness that's a perfect fit.

You can easily find used mains and reserves in your size range, and also a used Cypres -- probably really cheap.

Good luck!

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