
What is your favorite freefly dive?

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So, we are FINALLY jumping here in the midwest and I would love to hear some fresh ideas as to what to do in the air.
Sooooo....do you have a favorite exit, favorite jump you like to do?

On your feet, on your back, on your head?

Have you tried something new lately and want to share with the group?
Post a pic to illustrate maybe?
I love jumps where of course the number 1 goal is to have fun, but like to work on my skills too and have a goal for the jump. B|

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My favorites are the ones with friends I haven't jumped with in awhile or am jumping with for the first time. Being in the air with them is the best thing in the world! It doesn't matter if it's a 2 way or a 10 way, it's sharing the sky I love!:)

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I love both planned dives and no plan dives (mainly 2-ways). For no plan one of my favorite exits is: Hold hands in the front of the Otter and run out. The one in the back has to be very small and very careful not to kick the door!!! It starts the jump laughing and it always ends up being an awesome dive. We'll try that in Michigan ;)!!!
Otherwise any jump as long as i can jump...

Take risks not to escape life but to prevent life from escaping

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I love both planned dives and no plan dives (mainly 2-ways). For no plan one of my favorite exits is: Hold hands in the front of the Otter and run out. The one in the back has to be very small and very careful not to kick the door!!!

ohhh, that does sound fun. I had a great jump at Rantoul out of the Skyvan with my friend Lauren. We started from the front of the aircraft, held hands and skipped out the door!
Good point about not hitting the door. I have whacked my head a few times being the last diver out of the otter on a RW jump.


We'll try that in Michigan ;)!!!

YES, most definately :D

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Try it out of an Otter, it's totally different! Pull those legs in though!

My other favorite is kind of hard to explain. Did you see the last few exits with TJ (spinning out of the door)? I will have to show you on video I don't think i can write it down :)

Take risks not to escape life but to prevent life from escaping

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:D Yeah we did some really cool exits but unfortunately most of them aren't visible as we had no outside video. When i stood on his shoulders all you can see on both videos is sky :D
I'll take my videos with me, I want to edit the good bits anyway. I have 13 hours of footage :D
I can't wait...

Take risks not to escape life but to prevent life from escaping

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Inside the plane, stand next to your friend facing out, grab the inside bar. Swing out side-by-side. Slides into perfect headdown presentation.

[talking Otter door width]

Rat for Life - Fly till I die
When them stupid ass bitches ask why

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My favorite is a dive that Stuey Newman showed the group @ Richmond (yeah that Richmond). You can do this with two, or more skilled skydivers.

Exit head down flower, move grips out to round, break and back out from the round, transition to sit, drive in to campfire, transition to belly, drive in and take hand grips forming a belly round (or whatever that thing's called), key the transition and everyone goes into a stand(ing round). If you can get through all of these points, you can break out of the standing round get back on the belly hook up and get into the stand again. This jump is a blast (especially once you pull it off), and since (as far as I know) Stuey thought this cluster fuck up, I've always called it the "Stuey Newman Dive"

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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I like the ones where I coach people and they learn to fly better and there faces just light up...but other than that I love two and three ways...

as far as exits go...I like getting silly with it, like flipping over a sit fliers head and grabbing their container and flying the head down as the slide down the hill...

so just think of silly things to do on the hill and have fun and be safe...



CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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