
Freefly popularity

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Yeah, but other than "When is it safe to start freeflying", "What kind of container do you recommend for freeflying", or "Check out this cool pic/video", what are we gonna talk about? :PB|

Edited to add.....here's a short video to tide you over till someone posts something cool. :P Frankly, I'm fresh out of ideas.

http://www.skydivewrongway.net/HTMLobj-805/ThreeWayLowQuality.wmv Filmed by Corey at Tecumseh. :)

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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What the hell?! I KNOW freeflying is much more popular than what the number of posts in this forum is revealing! Will somebody PLEASE post something so we can get some jibber/jabber going on this subject?!?!?!?

Tanks much!!!

You will notice the same thing occurs in most of the "discipline" forums. A quick burst of messages and then silence for a awhile.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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heh well I am in arizona did 70 jumps in the last week and a half ;) and all I have to say is the reason we are not sitting around talking about this on the internet is because we are out doing it ;)



CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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well its cool cuz today I got whacked by a dust devil after a greatr jump with a guy learning to sit...

imaging a 90 degree carving turn planed out go to flare and whack your canopy colapses...

oh well at least the jump was sick...

CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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I started freeflying over 5 years ago and love it because of the visuals and because it's so challenging. I did flat flying for decades before that. It's hard to get four people together consistently to do flat sequential dives, in free flying you can learn a lot on solos, and benefit most by doing 2 ways, so at a small dz its easier to get together to do fun,productive, and exciting things. With that being said, I'm beginning to feel that people should master the basics of flat flying first. Why? Because it will give you a basic orientation about RELATIVE WORK with other flyers, and yes, because, for most, it's easier to develop primary skills quicker than freeflying, skills every jumper should have. You also learn a concept of orientation for relative work, such as maintaining a heading, levels, and most importantly proximity. It's better to perfect basic skills than to be able to do a lot of different moves in a very sloppy manner, and believe you are doing great. In my experience, so many beginning free flyers do not know how to fly upright with precision and are attempting head down attitudes with the same sloppiness. Flying no contact flat is flying fingertip to fingertip, or within at least inches, freeflying no contact upright is touching toes, or within inches, not 10 feet apart orbiting, or zooming each other, this is not acceptable in flat flying, and shouldn't be in freeflying. There are many good articles around about body position in upright flying, but so many people, some with thousands of jumps, fly with there knees together. In flat flying we went through the box man, now the mantis, there is a lot of emphasis on the most productive body position, the same emphasis would be productive for free flyers also. If you watch the pros, they do the basics extremely well, we all should strive for that same degree of proximity, levels, and relativity in freeflying, and we will have more fun and be safer. Mostly what I miss the most about flat flying is the camaraderie of big ways. For most of us weekend free fly jumpers we can only do big ways tracking, which is really a blast. Remember, if you can fly upright, straight down, with a constant speed, you can free fly with just about anybody, my advice, is to learn to do that before attempting to do the SAME thing on your head. I'm still trying to perfect the basics, and it's a long hard road, but great fun.

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