
Using a pool to practise tracking

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Went swimming yesterday and found out the coolest thing.
- you can practise breakoff-tracking in a pool! ( I was in a small, shallow pool)
Just push off the side of the pool real hard with your legs, and get into a nice stiff track position while exhaling all the way (so you don't bob up to the surface)
I found I could glide farther across the pool underwater if my body track position was good. - Hopefully I'll see an improvement in my track this weekend!.
Also, you can practise doing headdown pirouhettes just by pushing of the side and gettin those hands in front and behind you all propeller-like. The effect doesnt last very long, (neither does a jump) but with a little imagination, you can "feel the wind" for free.
I guess you could say the swimming pool is the "Canadian Windtunnel" since we have none up here. But you can't really practise tracking in a windtunnel- Ouch -
"Spread your legs and fly"

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Hah and i thought i am the only weirdooo practicing tracking in a pool. Yeah you can feel the difference, but i think the main part is how much do you push with your legs off the side. And i think it is impossible to push everytime with same amount of strength.
Pool is even better for practicingHeadDown. The good part is that when you get out of the pool, everybody is staring at you, wondering what the hell were you doing upside down in a pool ;)
"George just lucky i guess!"

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everybody is staring at you, wondering what the hell were you doing upside down in a pool ;)

-Mr. Lifeguard theres a weirdo in the pool and I think he cant swin...

-Not again...prolly one from the nuthouse nextdoor. I bet this one will say hes practicing a jump from an airplane, like the one yesterday.


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There's actualy a few S/L students at my DZ with screwy exits who got the advice to go to a swimming pool and practice their exit from the starting-block at the edge of the pool...that way you can realy aim for the perfect arch and not worry about landing (unlike jumping from the mockup)

he always adds "If you realy want to practice, try doing it from the high-div-board...if you here SPLAT, and you lay on the watersurface for 2 seconds, and then slowly sink, you had a good boxman position uppon impact" :)
I'm an Athlete?

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ya, I was just at the end of my underwater track-glide and didn't know that the pool cleaning guy had come in just as i stopped. I surfaced and saw him staring at me. He said" Oh sorry sir, I just thought you were dead!"
Frickin Puffos. (pool-whuffos as in "whuffo you track in that pool?" )
"Spread your legs and fly"

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