
Century .3x 37mm MK II "Baby Death" lens

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The century .3x 37mm MKII baby death lens as recommended on www.gethypoxic.com website thats recommended for the HDR-CX100 seems to be around $400 everywhere I look....

except here


He says he's got 46 of 'em at that price, now i'm a novice to all this and was just after a second opinion, is this the same lens 'cause it seems a little 'too good to be true' to me!
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I did test them, but can't access the media.
The upshot is this:
For skydiving, only the snobby bastards like me will care about the difference. It has nasty aberration, the reds are mistimed, but frankly, it's a minimal impact on the actual picture. For the price, I can't recommend the Opteka over the Baby Death.
The Opteka is a bit heavier, but also has a metal shade vs the rubber of the Baby Death. I believe it's russian made. Glass is clearly inferior, but how inferior is "acceptable?"
For the price difference for what most of us need, the Opteka is a decent value. Hell, I'd _never_ use one of the crap Kenko/knock off lenses on my cams, and many skydivers are quite happy with them. I bought two Optekas and have about a dozen jumps on one of them.

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Optically, the Baby Death (I don't use the part number, it's just a Baby or spherical to me) is a superior lens. Whether 99% of those using it vs the Opteka will notice a difference or not, I don't know. Probably not, given the broad number of shite lenses I see on various HD cams. At my home DZ, exactly two out of 10 videographers are using HD grade glass. The others are just happy with their Kenko/Tamron knockoffs.

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1) The topic name is "Century .3x" and you're linking to an Opteka .3x lens. Confusing...

2) You should be aware that the baby death on cx100 is very wide. I find the 0.55x century lens to be wide enough for most uses. (With good quality and less than half the price of the century .3x.)

3) ... and maybe you should get a few more jumps before starting with video.. By the time you hit 200 there will be many more with experience on cx100 + various lenses. (=

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